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Everything posted by shells

  1. I have posted before but am still looking for more advice. I took my male poodle to the vet on 14th Feb - he was diagnosed with a yeast ear infection. I was given Dermotic and told to bring him back in 10 days. Vet at this exam mentioned that inside his ear was quite hairy - not the canal as I am able to do that myself she was talking about where I cant really see. Take him back 10 days later. Different vet (same clinic) mentions ear is hairy. Swab test shows yeast still present sent on my way with more Dermotic and told to come back in 10 days. Now it is 18 days later and he still has the yeast infection (there hasnt been much change in the ear - though it isnt red and he isnt in pain). Do I ring the vet and just asked to have his ears fully plucked under sedation? Doing some reasearch on here has bascially stated that treating it with antibiotics whilst hairy is pointless. I have been recomended a better vet and am happy to try them as I feel like I have been taken for a ride. The vet I was seeing actually charges a full appointment for a "review" and obviously since it hasnt cleared and we are nearing our 3rd visit (at $120 a pop - this includes a consult, swab and dermotic) its costing me a bloody fortune with no result. ATM I am treating with Dermotic - 5 drops twice a day. I have ordered some Malacetic ear wash, Biogroom ear powder and some hemostats to keep on top of the problem in future but at the moment I need to clear the initial infection. I am also going to change their food from Advance to Artemis to cut out all grains - this too is on its way. Can anyone help me any more??? I feel helpless and our budget is tight.
  2. Angel and Tricky - my 2 miniature poodles need a new bed - 1 each. What do people recommend? They arent mad chewers and their last beds are holding up ok its just that they were cheap and arent soft and comfy anymore (cheapy kmart beds) I saw the reversible Fuzzyard ones and they looked ok. I am happy to order online but it anyone can recomend somewhere in Canberra that would be great too
  3. Try Angel Paws http://www.angelpaws.com.au/site/ I have found her very good when I used a groomer. She is mobile but books out a couple of weeks ahead so you will need to call soon. I will PM you one I found awful.
  4. Thanks everyone. Both my guys are good at letting me look and examine their ears so I might have a better look in a couple of days once everything has settled down.
  5. He mentioned it twice and the vet I saw at the initial appointment mentioned it. Both said the ear drum was looking good and it was only the presence of yeast in the ear when swabbed that means I still have to use the dermotic. TBH the way this vet clinic is I am suprised they just didnt take him away, sedate him and pluck but maybe they are hoping it doesnt go away so I can continually bring him in for "check ups" (they charge for review appointments and swabbed his ear both times and charged me $35 for it without even asking - that was ontop of the review charge) I am going to continue the drops for 10 more days (like the vet suggested) We had already given 10 days dermotic before the review. Then give them a clean out with Malacetic and watch him for head shaking, gunky ear ect. I am worried about 20 days of antibiotics and the effect it will have on the good bacteria in his ear.
  6. How far am I meant to pluck my 2 poodles ears? ATM I am just plucking what I can see but the vet made a comment on Saturday (when my male dog was having his ear rechecked after a yeast infection) that when he looked deep inside it was quite hairy - am I meant to be removing this? How do I do it - obviously my fingers wont fit. Thanks
  7. My male poodle has a yeast infection in his left ear (right ear is fine). We went to the vet, his ear was swabbed and we were perscribed Dermotic 7 days ago. The thing is that whilst it hasnt gotten worse it definately hasnt gotten better. We have an review appointment on Saturday but I would have thought that it would have cleared up by now. To make things worse my female poodle has started scratching at her ear and shaking her head - not a lot but atleast 2 times today so I figure she is suffering from it too. Anyone have any advice/experience in helping me clear this up?
  8. I picked up a leaflet from the vets today - Pfizer are now making a non-drowsy carsickness tablet. I dont know whats in it or how much it costs. It was one of those "this product is awesome - ask your vet today" type leaflets but sounds good if you have a dog that gets really carsick.
  9. Try here - http://www.zazzle.com.au/greyhound+gifts http://www.zazzle.com.au/staffordshire+bull+terriers+gifts http://www.zazzle.com.au/cocker+spaniel+gifts I found this site yesterday and it is pretty good. I would just type the breed your looking for in the search box and see what comes up
  10. In my case (I actually have littermates) I take one and then take the other one next term.
  11. I feed Advance. I tried Optimum and Supercoat. My 2 prefer Advance. I found on Optimum and Supercoat they pooed so much more and it was horrible and runny.
  12. Thanks. He is fine now I will keep an eye on his paw as my female got stung in December and it ended up infected and needed a trip to the vet. I better get DH out there to mow the lawn as it is overgrown with clover and attracting all the bees
  13. My male dog was stung by a bee on his paw. He has some swelling and pain otherwise he is fine. Is there anything I can do to help? Thanks
  14. I hope your boy is ok. Whilst my dogs arent impecibly trained I always ensure they arent a burden to others. Dont let that put you off - it would be a shame if your dogs lost their offleash time. Hopefully next time you return there will be more responsible dog owners there. I have a question - Do aggressive dogs find dogs on a leash an easier target? My 2 were onleash and bailed up by an offleash mini foxie which was getting pretty aggresive. If mine were offleash would it have been the same?
  15. I was going to reply Minature Poodle (middle sized Poodle) - still a good hearty size for kids, running and sporty activities and happy with a good walk once a day (and you can easily fit 2 on your bed )
  16. Can they be ANKC registered if they come from ANKC registered parents - say for example there is one parti in a litter of blacks which are being registered? They are beautiful. There were 2 at Puppy preschool when I took Angel and Tricky came from a breeder on the NSW coast.
  17. We are the next suburb over from Braddon and if the Cav is good with kids and other dogs we should be able to help
  18. You could put this slant on it - most responsible PET owners desex their dogs, most irresponsible PET owners dont. It could be said that these desexed dogs are the same ones used for BYBing or out roaming mating with other dogs. There is a whole heap of people out there who cant be bothered/afford to desex their dog or be bothered to keep their dog safely contained - I grew up in an area like this. TBH I dont understand why (unless you are a breeder) you would want to keep your dog entire.
  19. I have only been clipping my dogs since last September and find it a bit easier to use than a full blade. I am also steering clear of anything shorter than a #10 blade as I just dont have the talent/touch to use it correctly. In the end I am happy, the dogs are comfy and it saves me $140 every 8 weeks If anyone knows someone in Canberra who is happy to give me a demo and pointers I would be happy to pay
  20. I wouldnt vaccinate today. If my human kids woke up on vaccination day with the same symptoms I would cancel and therefore would do the same for my dogs.
  21. A toe blade helps and lots of practice - My dogs arent too keen on having their feet done (I suspect quite a few dogs dont like it) and I find the more I "stuff around" the harder it becomes so I do what I can, leave them and come back at the end (or the next day) I got mine from clipperworld. They also stock grooming dvd's.
  22. Hi Morgansacre On the other forum we belong to there was a lady in Perth who bought a British Bulldog from the breeder you are talking about. There was a huge thread on it maybe you could go and search for it - Ker should remember it too. I also noticed they export heaps of puppies OS.
  23. The dgg sounds unwell. To go from happy and walking 2 x 45 mins a day to sulking is what my female dog did recently when she had an infected paw.
  24. I dont give out treats to other dogs but on the occassions another dog has sniffed out my treats I have found the owners to be quick to recall them. I guess I am lucky as at the off leash area I use most of the other dog owners try and do the right thing. I am pretty easy going though as long as people are well mannered and have some control over their dog I dont get too stressed out about these things
  25. check out your local classifieds, gumtree ect. I picked mine up secondhand for $120 and there is one for sale on allclassified (in Canberra) which is used by a Golden Retriever for $200 so it is worth looking around. There was also some for sale on Ebay which had cheap courier costs.
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