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So nearly 2 months after this all started my beautiful girl is walking again. She has a long way to go but she can stand up from lying down and walk very wobbly few meters. Considering a week ago she couldnt move or hold her weight standing I am very happy. I noticed a week ago she was starving. She hadnt eaten much at all for the previous 6 weeks so we offered her more regular food. She also started sitting up a lot more. From there she has been able to move more every day. Its amazing how quickly she became sick and paralysed and how after such a long period of inactivity she is starting to move again. I guess the nerve lining is slowly reparing
She is eating better. Still not moving better but is definitely more "herself". Barking, wagging her tail, sitting up more. The vet still wasnt too concerned and suggested a battery of tests we can do or we can give her a bit more time. So I have decided to give her another week or 2 then we will start with some tests. She has been on no pain meds for 3 weeks now and they didnt actually make a difference when she was on them. The ARH is the main Vet hospital in Canberra and she is being seen by an orthopaedic specialist so I am confident in the vet but will look into a Bowen person too Apparently Coonhound paralysis is quite common in Aus. Its not actually from racoons and there is a specialist in Sydney who believes it is an auto-immune response to camplyobacter from raw chicken (which fits with her symptoms as she had a bad vomiting bug after some chicken a week or 2 before the paralysis started) https://www.dogslife.com.au/dog-news/dog-health/coonhound-paralysis
I havent posted in a long time but I am at a total loss. 5 weeks ago my nearly 9 year old mini Poodle suddenly couldnt walk. Initially my vet suspected a back injury so she was crated for a week and given pain meds. She got worse so they referred us to the Animal Referral Hospital in Canberra. The Dr there said straight away she looked like she had a back injury (she was very stiff when she walked and had a obvious curve in her back) but after a very thorough full body examination we realised she had no pain and physically there was "nothing" wrong with her. Raw chicken was mentioned and there was an incident 2 weeks prior to the paralysis were she had a terrible vomiting for 8 hours and the symptoms seemed to fit with coonhound paralysis or actute iditopathic polyradiculoneruitis. So whilst she can now scratch herself with her back legs, bark and wag her tail again her front legs have become totally lame. She cant stand or put weight on front legs she now commando crawls around and only she is desperate to move. Last weekend she could stagger around on all 4 legs but would tip toe on her right front leg. So over the week there has been a decline. She isnt really eating much - its a real effort to convince her to eat. This is a worry for me as she is generally a little piggy. She is drinking water. I am wondering if the paralysis is making it difficult to eat We are back at the ARH on Tuesday. She isnt in pain and is happy to see me and has a bark at the pesky magpies that land in the garden. I was really just wondering if someone had experienced something similar. 9 years isnt old and she has been a really healthy dog until the last 5 weeks ago - 7 weeks ago she was still coming along on my 5km twice weekly runs. Thanks for reading if you got this far
Puppy Super Scared Of Groomer / Being Brushed.. :(
shells replied to Everlilly's topic in Puppy Chat
I think everyone else has covered everything is but when it does come time for needing a haircut ask for recommendations. I ignored my dogs breeder recommendations as the groomer was a bit out of the way. With a small baby at home I got a mobile "groomer" out and this is where I learnt that not all groomers are equal. Some are fantastic and some are cowboys with clippers After the terrible first experience my poor dogs had with the first groomer I booked I made an appointment with the recommend one and my dogs went to being scared to being calm and relaxed. A good groomer makes a world of difference -
I can recommend Shampooch which is in Fisher especially if you are after something breed specific. If your looking north side I have heard the lady at Petbarn Belconnen is quite good.
Basic Grooming Info For 'oodles'
shells replied to Chequeredblackdog's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Thank you. I will check them out. They are good about being brushed but I can tell it isn't that comfortable -
Basic Grooming Info For 'oodles'
shells replied to Chequeredblackdog's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
What slicker would you recommend? My guys seem to find the 2 I have tried uncomfortable and whilst it does a decent job. It would be nice to make it more pleasant for them. -
I am a germaphobe so there is no sharing of plates or utensils here but from the OP all I got out of it was a lady sharing a drink with an onleash seemingly well behaved dog - how is this giving dog haters ammo?
Slightly Torn Cruciate Plus Food For Weight Loss Question
shells replied to shells's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I feed half a cup of proplan with 2 tablespoons of wet food and some pernease powder plus a chicken wing. I do have 3 kids and there can be quite a bit of "floor food" but in the last week have been very vigilant in quickly removing any thing that is spilt/dropped - whilst living vaccum cleaners were helpful it obviously was contributing to the weight We dont give treats all the time. Occassionally (maybe twice a week) they get a smacko after I give them a good brush -
My female dog has had a slightly torn cruciate for the last few months. She has had regular checks and it isnt severe. My vet said it is best to wait until the ligament ruptures for repair. She had a good examination today. Is still weight baring well and movement in the joint is minimal. I probably didnt do the right thing and rest her as much as I should have when it first happend so I have got strict on myself and will not give into those puppy eyes (well she is 3) and will crate her as much as possible, give her gentle leash walks and she will have a 3 week course of anti-inflamatories. Has anyone had a similar story? It hasnt really got worse nor has it got better (which obviously it wasnt going to do without me being tough and restricting her exercise) Which brings me to my next question. She could do with losing 2 kgs. She is a oversized mini poodle but putting her on the scales today I was shocked to see she is 10kgs. Her brother is much leaner at 7kgs so it is a big difference. The vet and I both feel getting her to lose a bit of weight would be great for her. My vet doesnt push/stock foods and suggested I compare some of the "lite" brands at Petstock. Does anyone have any recomendations? I usually feed a chicken wing daily (I forgot to ask the vet about this one) are they fatty? Is there something else I should offer? I have both my dogs on Pernease powder. I find the only way to get them to take it is to mix it in with their dry and add some sardines (or a spoonful of wet food). Is there a good joint supplement in a chew? Is there a wet food that isnt extremely fatty? Any advice would be great.
Advice From People Who've Had New Babies And Dogs - Tension At Hom
shells replied to booge's topic in General Dog Discussion
I have 3 kids and 2 dogs. Baby 3 came when our dogs were 2 years old. Your wife may be feeling overwhelmed that they also need her love and attention when she is already giving all she can raising a newborn. She may also be feeling guilty that she can't give them the love and attention they once had. She may have pnd. How old is your baby? Give it a few months but if it doesn't improve you are going to speak to her as she can't be yelling at the dogs all day for doing nothing wrong. Every night I have a cuddle with my dogs. They ask for so little and love so much. After a long day of little people's demands they are always happy to wait for their little bit of love but that doesn't mean that during the heat of the day when I am up to my elbows in nappies, vegemite sandwiches and bottles of milk that I don't get a bit irritated at the dogs staring at me wagging their tails waiting for their daily walk - some days it's a reminder of another chore I have to do and other days it is a welcome excuse to get outdoors, and relax and enjoy the sunshine -
Have him sedated and have his ears fully cleaned out and swabbed. My boy had ear infection problems for months. He had a grass seed deep in there and once removed his ears were hard to heal. I changed vets and he gave me topigen ear drops- they are fantastic
Grinding teeth and restless sleep (as the worms come out at night to lay their eggs which causes discomfort) are signs for my kids
Full run of the house here - With dog door if needed. Like previous posters I will *touchwood* and say they have never been chewers. They sit on the top of our couches looking out the window like a couple of cats
Whippet In Qbyn Pound
shells replied to keetamouse's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
I have one that fits a mini poodle. You are welcome to it if you need it -
How Much Does Your Vet Charge For Linctol
shells replied to Bow Wow's topic in General Dog Discussion
Its sad when you realise this happens. I once paid $40 at our local vet for an ear cleaner I then found for $20 plus free postage online (I stupidly checked after I got home not before) I read a thread on here about people paying $30 for Illium Neocort cream. My NEW vet only charges $8 for it. -
At least she is at Obedience and TBH if he is well cared for and loved that would be my main concern. She got a dog she liked the look of - no difference really to people who get a Poodle because they dont shed and people who would never get a poodle because they "dont like the look of them" but will go pick out a DD Poodle x - everyone has their reasons and those reasons may not make sense to others but thats the way it is. She atleast sounds like she has a good sense of humor :D
On advice I tried proplan chicken. It honestly helped. He was so smelly that sometimes I would have to leave the room after he came in from outside. He was on Blackhawk - I think after some deliberation we thought it may have been the emu oil in it but who knows but I do know changing food helped. Whilst Pro-plan isnt spectacular I looked at Royal Canin Poodle but the first ingredient was Maize and some form of meat (not even specified) is 4th on the ingredient list. I look for meat to be the first ingredient and not just "meat" but Chicken or Lamb ect. The Royal Canin food I suspect could have made my boys ears flare up but every dog does well on different foods sometimes its just hard to find the one that suits your dog
My male poodle can be smelly. His coat isn't as nice and full and thick as his sister. After some advice from the poodle forum a change of dry food helped. I found he smelt worse after lying in the sun but since changing the food he is much better Definitely buy some clippers. It honestly isn't that hard. I am not even in the same league as the awesome groomer we occasionally use but am able to keep them clean and tidy (they don't look in the mirror) and it saves me a fair bit of money.
A little bit off topic but what is it about rat bait/poison that is attractive to dogs? I couldnt imagine it would taste?
Low Cost Desexing And Working Ferrets In Canberra
shells replied to Are You Serious Jo's topic in General Dog Discussion
Jan desexed my friends male dog 2 weeks ago so I dont know when her license was suspended. I dont know if Peter is there much now. I was there yesterday and had a very lovely lady vet. I have also seen Peter and Ernie and would recommend them. I know my kids prefer Peter - he always has a drawer of lollies and fredos for them :D As stated if you are expecting a fancy surgery - well it aint but you will get good care and no bullpoo. Its accross the road from Olims Hotel -
You have just described our situation - even down to the now depressed, ball deprived dog at my feet. My vet today just diagnosed a small cruciate ligament tear. She sent me home, told me to rest her up and NO BALL and gave her a 2 week course of anti-inflamatories.. She can still weight bear in both legs which is great now I am hoping rest will help though my vet today seemed to think that in the next few years she will need surgery I am just in the process of looking at which supplements to buy - didnt think to ask the vet today
Thanks. I will have a look around for some of these webpages and email lists. The vet wasnt overly concerned and my husband didnt even think there was an issue but I spend a lot of time with her so knew she was limping plus I can hear it when she trots down the hallway looking for me. Walking and running is fine. We were a bit lax with resting her when we first noticed it so are now trying very hard to keep her quiet and maybe get a kilo or 2 off her. She isnt overweight but she has gone from running everyday to an onleash walk and unlike her very skinny brother she puts weight on quite easily
I would love to get some Glyde but it is just out of my price range at the moment. To tie me over I am looking for something around the $50 mark but is still a decent supplement. My about to turn 3 year old mini poodle has had a slight limp but only when she "trots". Took her to the vet who at first thought she was ok, ok weight bearing on both legs ect but after a bit of manipulation she was a bit sore and there was a tiny bit of movement there according to the vet and decided she probably has a slight cruciate ligament tear. The Vet advised me to keep her quiet for 2 weeks and have a course of anti-inflamatories. She did say surgery wont be an if but when so we are prepared for that too but would like to give a supplement to help now.
Lost German Shepherd Canberra Now Found Hoorah
shells replied to Pat Smith's topic in General Dog Discussion
Great news. Will update my Facebook too.