My little girl was exposed to chicken jerky treats from china for about 3-6 months last year and got very sick. .....
I only started her on the herbs on saturday. I'm not saying this will help your girl as i'm not a vet but if surgery can be avoided i'm all for it! Keep me updated and i would seriously ask about alternative treatment if you have time on your side.
Cheers Kris with Miss Lizzy
Thanks for that Kris, I know the vet you are talking about. They are actually only a couple of suburbs away from me.
I was pretty keen to go for the surgery because the illness came on so suddenly - left for work and she was a bit flat, came home and she was nearly dead. I felt I couldn't risk another occasion of illness that sudden.
anyway, so Maddy had the surgery Tuesday last. She recovered incredibly quickly, helped I suspect, by her very stiff back which meant she can not get to the stitches. Stitches out on Friday - healed up nicely
We are still on a fat-reduced diet and have in a week some more blood work scheduled to see how her liver is coping. Hopefully then we can go to a more normal diet. In the mean time she is enjoying have 4 meals a day, instead of 2.
How is Miss Lizzy responding to her herbs?