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  1. Thanks to everyone for your replies! Kit is very gentle with Choco generally but I understand that I need to keep an eye on them - especially as the dogs spend most of their time on the porch and outside (and there's steep steps - with a ramp for puppy) so I don't want him to get hurt. Giving Kit some time out is definitely a good idea - generall when pup passes out we both give Kit lot sof hugs and kisses and she quite often heads outside without pup to play by her self. I like the advice to separate them occasionally so that Choco will still be ok being alone. I reckon he's gonna be a good dog (watch this space ) and he's already getting out and about in the car and is getting used to visitors and other dogs (both my partner and I have big families with LOTS of dogs!) I noticed last night that Choco was trying to show a bit of dominance when playing with Kit and humping her but only when he was really excited (as boys get! ) As we eventually want Choco and Kit to have puppies (Chokitos!) should I discourage this behaviour now or just ignore it? Cheers for all your advice!
  2. Hi all We recently bought out new male lab puppy (Choco) home - he's 8 weeks and I just can't get enough of him! (pics to come soon) We already have a 2 year old female lab (Kit) who is finally out of her puppy stage and really starting to settle down. Kit is excellently trained and I'm hoping that little Choco will learn a lot from her (he follows her around incessently!). My question is this - After a few days Kit has decided that giving us withering looks when she has a puppy hanging on to the end of her tail is not going to get rid of him and she's slowing accepting the new addition to our family. In doing this, she has really started reacting to him and they now play together for hours (after which Choco will pass out for a good long sleep which is great). But I'm wondering if subjecting him to rough play (mouthing necks, nipping ears and jumping at Kits face) will hinder, more than help his training. If Choco bites too hard, Kit will react - he bit her ear with his needle teeth last night and she snapped at him, turned and did the same to him - the look on his face was pretty priceless! I'd love some advice on how far to let them go when they're playing. Is it too much for an 8 wk pup to be chasing her around the backyard or should I just let him be - and let Kit teach him the rules of dog play. Any other advice on bringing a pup into an environment with another dog would be great! Thanks!
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