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Everything posted by Pollywaffle

  1. we've got a little boy maltese and he was desexed around the same age..he's never looked back and he's still very much a man (in all senses of the word)!
  2. I think what the OP did was perfectly appropriate under the circumstances and I applaud OP for caring enough to do so...so many things go unpunished/unresolved because people don't want to get involved.. Onya!
  3. annually - for both of mine. Just know that everything's ship shape.
  4. I have learnt from first-hand experience, that what constitutes 'mistreatment' to us (as dog lovers) isn't defined that way where the RSPCA/law is concerned. If they're being fed and watered and can stand up - that's basically all that's required. All the rest is 'value-adding'....much of which people don't generally do. We're unfortunately all the exceptions to the rule...that's why we're on this forum...'nough said.
  5. Ditto....I so love the innocence of a dog...no ulterior motive...all they want to do is be loved, and yet so few people give them that.
  6. this isn't the right place to write this, but I just had to share and didn't want to make a new thread..I actually told my little girl this morning to not bark with her mouth full!
  7. So true. Our littleuns are as we've chosen, not a substitute for children..but a preference.
  8. watching my two 'fight'...I mean they don't get within a yard of each other, but pretend as though they're ripping each other to pieces....hilarious and adorable.
  9. I can never understand that reasoning Puppies are cute and enjoyable, but are also a pain in the bum. We embrace puppyhood and easily forget how much work they are, but when they become adults is when dog ownership becomes truly satisfying IMHO Agreed. Same. Puppies have their own appeal, but I love , no i ADORE older dogs ! Not a rescue situation, but i found out that one of my clients re homed their dog because they renovated their house and now the dog would have to walk across a carpeted area to get to its bed!!!!! One of our Chihuahua that we took from someone on the spur of the moment a year or so ago, because it bit their kid on the face and was 'Vicious' ......we found out later that the FOUR year old had climbed into the dogs kennel and cornered him there. We haven't had anything but kisses on the face from him. Just a reminder that ITS NEVER THE DOGS FAULT. It's humans that screw it up for the dog . Here, here..always the bl--dy humans...
  10. I've lost two 'friends' because they've surrendered their dogs - for very lame excuses. I could never relate to someone who would do that.
  11. Isn't it most wonderful thing, seeing a dog running freely and enjoying the moment...well done!
  12. sorry, but not just with puppies. My three year old little girl loves the warmth and softness of carpet (hmm!)....to the point where we've had to take our urine soaked carpet (1 year old) out of our bedroom and put tiles in there instead. Would you want to pee on cold flooring in this weather! Best of luck
  13. I've had many a long and frank discussion with my two..they don't say much but they listen beautifully.
  14. This is always a bit of a sore subject with me. Whilst I adore kiddies, I get a bit aggrieved sometimes when people bring their children in to work - and everyone is accepting, but if I fronted up with my lovely, well behaved little twosome..well, it wouldn't happen. Bit of a double standard I think.
  15. that is certainly the reality of life, there are cultural differences...well said!
  16. As I live in Brisbane, I'm not much use to you..but I did want to say welcome and to comment on your obvious love for your rescue dogs if you're prepared to bring them to this part of the world...it's excellent that you care so much!
  17. well that certainly started the waterworks...what a lovely account of a relationship between man (wo) and dog...that's what it's all about..thank you for sharing.
  18. with the great things you do you deserve heaps of birthday wishes...here's one!
  19. pandering to requests for belly rubs..I've set a precedent now and can't back out..sometimes I don't want to spend half an hour giving dog a belly rub.
  20. Ah bless..so lovely seeing what you rescuers do with these poor little ones...I commend you all.
  21. And I was just finishing a rather nice lunch!
  22. would do but I've got two little fluffy things and we live southside..hope you find a playmate for your nipper.
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