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Everything posted by Pollywaffle

  1. It's a throw-away society and I think that's what got me so much with this conversation, the fact that the welfare of ALL dogs involved, was so unimportant. Rather like that Hayden Insurance add when he says..."and you'd even insure your dog"...as if to imply, what a waste of money, something so unimportant. I tell you, when the conversation was over I sat there and thought..well...as I said before, metaphorically shook my head.
  2. Speaking to a very senior, highly professional person last week about dogs...she said "my sister's bitch had to be put down because she had mated with a much larger dog and the impact on her body would have been too traumatic if she were to have her pups....that's why I had a boy dog; at least when he has done the business, he can run away'! Totally serious... Thought to myself..what hope is there....?
  3. my two aren't particularly fond of the great outdoors..much prefer a comfy lap, or in the absence of that, a comfy sofa/bed/chair/basket..well, anything comfy really - all inside of course.
  4. my little girl's name is Polly...and I call her Wally Paffle
  5. My sympathies - so glad your little'un was able to give you some comfort. Dogs, treated right, are almost empathetic and certainly receptive to their owner's moods...when I'm having a pity party it's interestingly, my little boy dog who comes and sits besides me...whereas my heart dog girl, couldn't give a fig. That's one of the reasons why we love them.....
  6. not the most sensible thing to watch when you're sitting in an office with several other colleagues nearby..good thing I've got my glasses on..though a bit misty! Lovely story..isn't it wonderful seeing 'wo/man' and dog work as one...lovely.
  7. You are indeed a good person..not only for rescuing a dog, but for caring enough to ensure it's a healthy dog...if the world had more of you! Onya!
  8. well, what a wonderful way to start my Friday..brilliant news.!!
  9. I will add my hopes and prayers for Alvin's safe return...
  10. She is an absolute little cracker..no doubt, she'll be snapped up...
  11. I'm going to work on the basis that there are so many of these 'staffies' because they ARE so popular..I would hate to think of such a lovely breed being treated so poorly..but then I guess that is the plight for all dog breeds - to varying degrees. Thanks for clarifying ....
  12. I had to ask this question..yesterday I went on the UK equivalent RSPCA site to see what sort of dogs were being surrendered and in what sort of numbers and I was surprised to see that over a third of all the dogs listed (some 350) were 'staffordshire bull terriers'. I don't know much about the breed but they were gorgeous looking dogs..wondered if anyone knew why and whether Australia was witnessing a similar trend? Another observation..most of the dogs listed were big dogs and often from several prior homes.
  13. OH and I have actually decided not to move overseas because of how this could impact on our two..that's how much we are prepared to give up for ours..so will never understand those who can surrender so lightly.
  14. what immediately hits me is the sheer happiness displayed by these animals..it's heartening to see and a credit to the wonderful owners...now if I could just get mine to look so 'alive'!!
  15. Nothing gets my bloody boiling more than stories like this. I keep asking why the b...dy hell get a dog and then be surprised if it acts like one and you've got to interact with it...what is this mentality that prompts people to act like this over and over again... Rant semi over, but know I will fume now with the injustice for the poor little dog in question...
  16. I know it's pathetic, but I love the welcome I receive when I get home from work...I use some of my two's sheer enthusiasm and delight at seeing me to offset some of the less than enthusiastic interactions I have during the day...lifts my spirits no end and I wouldn't change it.
  17. As someone who lived in Rocky for several years and was part of CAA, I can honestly say that this is a momentous change in local thinking...very commendable!
  18. I have never seen anything more wonderful than my two playing on the beach, running up to the waves and then darting away at the last minute, wind literally in their hair..delightful to see them being dogs, with all the magic that entails! Priceless!
  19. my maltese gives a begrudging 'kiss' occasionally, but only when prompted. My girl pom x seems to adore licking me..I have to move my face so she doesn't get to lick it..but I have to be quick!
  20. what a heartening story..so good to see that pounds are starting to take the initiative and not just kill....hopefully other pounds will follow suit? I think I heard of a similar initiative here in Qld..at Ipswich so it's all progress.
  21. we've promised our boy endless belly rubs and our girl, lots of tuggies..that's on top of the endless treats they receive... They seemed happy with that as an option.
  22. I'm afraid I can't offer any valuable advice, but I do know that a DOLer's curse seems to be caring almost too much about our dogs...I guess when so many others don't we almost over-compensate. Hopefully, yours is just new owner anxiety...but others on here are very experienced in knowing how dogs 'operate'...and will advise you well, I'm sure.
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