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Everything posted by Pollywaffle

  1. Inspirational...so lovely to see.
  2. Just thank your lucky stars...I once caught my maltese sitting at his water bowl, NEXT to a very live mouse...at least yours make an effort!
  3. My girl seemed to love library books..have had to pay for several replacement books..now I've bought a kindle!
  4. what delicious abandon...oh to go down the stairs that way..on my back..mind you, with my aging back, I probably wouldn't get up again!
  5. Hi PW. I'm motivated purely by my love of dogs. I work with problem dogs all day and I work in a shelter. I believe that someone has a right to purchase a dog that has been well bred, raised and cared for. I want to be able to breed an example of my breed which I perceive as 'right' but also has been raised properly. With behavioural and socialisation intent in mind. I think there are not enough GOOD breeders out there, and rather than complaining about the 'bad' breeders, I want to show them what a 'good' breeder does and why that is better, because once they've spoken with me/ seen my dogs, they'll understand :) Sounds a plan...slowly we'll get there on providing quality...thanks Leopuppy04 PW
  6. Hello Leopuppy04 - I am not being facetious with this question, I mean it as a genuine question...why do you do it/what motivates you...? Just purely interested...
  7. We just came back from a week's hols and despite all our dire predictions, our dogs did not go to pieces...in fact I think they rather enjoyed having 'nanny' staying...nice to feel wanted!
  8. glad I posted this..some wonderful stories of bizarre dog owners acting bizarrely..so it would appear that I am perfectly 'normal' as long as I benchmark myself against other DOLers!
  9. Just imagine the shock if they replied to our ramblings..! Mind you, I sort of think they do as I often know what they're saying to me....I can just tell....
  10. This morning my little boy (maltese) was being a pest, following me around whilst I was in the kitchen..obviously wanted a treat. At the end of my patience I turned to him and said "you're greedy, just like your father' (aka my husband)...please tell me I'm not the only one who says stupid things like that to the dogs....
  11. Yes, I can see where the confusion between your dog and a pit ball came from..they both do have eyes and a tail and well, legs and things...yep, can see how it happened...
  12. I couldn't have children...and thought I could never be a mum..since having my two little furries, I know I am a mum and I'm loved by them as such and I love them in return as such..it doesn't matter where the love comes from, in what context..as long as it's there.
  13. seems that whilst the consensus is that I might have overreacted, there was a lot in that ad that didn't tally..mention of money when no money sought etc. I think my gut feeling is WHY? Why get rid of the dogs when they went to such lengths to get them..I guess if I had the reasons for why they're doing it I would have understood better.. Thanks for your comments anyway.
  14. Hello Dolers...I'm just wondering..am I the only person who gets upset when I see these sorts of at work classified ads? I know some of you will argue that at least they are trying..but it all just seems so callous... Tell me I'm overreacting...please! Ta Hi Classifieders We are looking to find a home for our two dogs if anyone is looking for little companions. Eddie is 7 in March and a white female fox terrier cross Jack Russell. She has a lovely personality, loves belly rubs and walks. She is slightly overweight due to previous owners over-feeding her. She doesnt like storms so gets nervous and wants to be inside if storms are around. She has had to live outside as I have developed an allergy to her hair. Desexed, microchipped, registered, wormed and flea treated. web link Max is 9 and a black male Lhaso Apso. He is very cute, he needs to be clippered once a month as his hair grows and trim around his eyes more often as they tend to get dirty with the hair permanently in it. I think he is starting to lose his sight, but this is a common issue with this dog breed. They have only lived together since Christmas, so they can be rehomed separately if required. We got him from a friend to keep Eddie company when our old dog died end of last year. Desexed, microchipped, registered, wormed and flea treated. weblink Can be viewed at .... - we are not looking for any money for them as I would rather they went to a good home that can play with them than send them somewhere only a few can afford. Eddie was $500 from the RSPCA 2 years ago, and Max was $700 from a pet shop. We have kids too.... Would suit an older couple who wants to dote on some loveable dogs! Email enquiries please.
  15. I agree - it can be a little disconcerting when you're having a 'quiet moment' only to look down and see a little ball of fluff wanting her bottom scratched!
  16. why do they love 'us' so much, when so often we treat them like s..t..? Poor thing.
  17. The 'no go' zones in our house are for OH and I...if the dogs want to go there, we can't! FYI, my boy has taken to lay at the foot of the bed where my feet are supposed to go..I actually sleep around him...yep..stupid!
  18. I just couldn't conceive of leaving my two behind - after seven years of emotional input. But I guess we all have different priorities.
  19. We had a typical 'backyard' dog three doors up from us. Beautiful poodle type..never went anywhere - heard it often in the backyard "crying". One day it got out and came to our house, to be near our dogs I thin - because his owner wasn't there we couldn't return him for a couple of hour, so we had the dog in the back yard (our two inside the house). I thought to myself I'll give this dog a treat and play with him..and so I tried everything to engage with him..threw every ball known to man, tried tuggies, chasing, etc..and he just wasn't interested - sat there. I think it was something he'd never experienced and wouldn't do. I felt really sorry that he didn't have the experience that my two have...
  20. We're about to head off for two weeks to mark a milestone birthday for me...and every time I get excited I think about leaving little ones at home with Nanny coming to babysit. Mind you, they are pampered silly and in perfectly safe hands. Husband and I have even discussed how wonderful it will be having a whole bed to ourselves, not have to get up early on weekends to take dogs for walk and the biggest excitement...being able to eat a meal without two pairs of eyes pleading for some small nibble...Now I feel like a disloyal...
  21. :laugh: love Fawlty Towers. My two are Stan and Maddie.I always wanted two boys and Reg would have been my second boy,Stan and Reg but I fell in love with Miss Madeleine.My friend has dachshund's and have all had human names.She has had Raymond,Ralph and Doug and now has Leroy,Chanel and Lola (the showgirl).Another friend's two dogs are called Graham and Neil. well spotted..Being I Pom I can even sound like them!
  22. Mine are Polly and Basil...guess what my favourite show was in the 70s/80s...
  23. I'm a bit of an idiot but if I inadvertently hurt one of my two I say 'I am sorry'...they seem to accept that I'm contrite - and well-mannered!
  24. True..but I really expected better from this person..
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