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Everything posted by Poodlecrazy

  1. Sure All Creatures Vets UK thank you - do you ask them to write anything specific on the parcel contents description? I haven't they seem to know what to do when sending to au I have some shipped on the 11th January should arrive around 25th I can let you know before you order if you like I've ordered this afternoon, but thanks anyway. Mine arrived today they cross gift I ordered up while it's still getting through ok
  2. Sure All Creatures Vets UK thank you - do you ask them to write anything specific on the parcel contents description? I haven't they seem to know what to do when sending to au I have some shipped on the 11th January should arrive around 25th I can let you know before you order if you like
  3. I told my vet about proden she now has the Troy cat and dog one on her shelves I had a order with Troy for over a month they then refunded my money I then ordered from the e-bay UK site here in two weeks I have used Plaque off in the water for years I now realize it did nothing for my dogs 2 months of using Proden my old dogs have clean teeth My Vet my dogs and myself are all very happy I Thank you Oakway for making Us aware of Proden xxxxx
  4. Very cool I could go I love poos want fit poodle
  5. Thanks Erny Yesterday I was not confident she was going to be ok at all I rang the vet he said her meds are to strong for her cut her down to half a tablet About 10.30 last night she woke up took her out for toilet and she was walking heaps better Still not perfect but that doesn't bother me Slept on my bed spend most of the night licking me which is a good sign for her that's her way This morning she has eaten again lol I can now see my old girl coming back She must know where I' am at all times then she is settled can't find me panics Good excuse for me to sit with her and watch the tennis all day I really thought I was going to loose her this time Vet said she has a strong heart beating really well
  6. Well this morning she can hobble a little wanky but at least she can stand Carried her out for wee which she did She ate two small bowls of Natures gift puppy this morning She is such a doll still wagging her tail I need to keep her bowll movement soft as she had a rectanal prolapse about 18 months ago Even though she was on VAN she had puppy food mixed with it Funny I bought barf patties in the shopping I was hoping this morning she would be all good but thinking about it Her attack was big and is going to take time to heal I need to remember that I put all the a/c on at 7 to make sure she would be comfortable Sorry about bad spelling
  7. Thank you so much for all the information I will start working on them now My vet said we may need to do bloods Interesting that you mentioned grains as she has been on Vets all Natural for the last month So that was a very important tip for me will be stopping that right now I certainly will keep you up dated and good luck with your girl I did stay calm holding her and talking to her till I got to the vets then bang hit me 10 years we had an old Boy that had seizures but Tammy's through me she was all sorted twisted when she snapped out it And couldn't stand at all so I thought oh no heart attack or a doggy stroke
  8. My 13 year old girl just had a major seizure first one ever Scared the s--t of me she wasn't coming out of it grab the keys grab her straight to the vet 10-15 mins away still not out it he gave her a shot of valium She is still really wobbly but he assured me that was the Valium She has meds for a week then report to vet the meds to hopeful stop another one I didn't ask how long till the Valium would take to ware off it's fair to say I was just a tad stressed If they continue he will do bloods to see if there is a underlining problem we can't see
  9. Best price I have found for petslife in au is $29.95 @ Angeleyes.com
  10. That does look interesting I use the Proden at the moment But this one may be better for back teeth and back of front teeth Thanks I think I will try some Petcity au 118g $38.95
  11. I have two different types of scalers don't know what they are called One has the wire hook on the end I don't use this I find the end is very sharp Very hard not to prick the dogs gum I also have one with flat end and a little metal hook at the other end This is the one I use all the time and it's fantastic
  12. Fingers crossed for good news today Come on Alvin where are you When we moved here I lost a Poodle for three weeks I had just about given up I put an add in the farmers paper and she was out bush at a farm hiding She was heading home over 400ks is to Leigh Creek lol Ps she was raised on raw diet and survived on the farmers chicken eggs thank goodness she knew what they were
  13. I know this sounds strange buts it work I have used on many baby bottoms and clipper rashes Corn flour just keep putting in on all day I find this works well as you do not have to touch the burn Often touching the burn can be very painful
  14. Just got a phone call from the post office My packages are here as well same place eBay All creatures vets I order 2 bottles both got through no worries Posted 14 th November
  15. I moved to a closed mining town 8 years ago Didn't have alot of choice conditions that I could take my dogs were they must be quiet De-bark or place only one answer for me de-bark Its one of my better choices my dogs still have a little bark but not annoying scream that a Toy Poodle can produce My dogs came home hungry and happy to see me
  16. That s all very interesting I haven't heard anything either about my order Though being out in the country I wasn't expecting to at least around 28th
  17. Welcome Yes we all love dogs on here actually most would just love all animals That's one cute looking Staffy you have there
  18. Once in the morning then again in the afternoon everyday without fail Cold wet hot
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