all the fun stuff
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all the fun stuff replied to brigie bear's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
It sounds like you are doubting yourself, because you know what you are thinking is not in the same line with your Vet, who you said you respect. Feel ok about YOUR decision, that will be made out of LOVE and RESPECT for your little dog. It is a painful time, that is for sure. When I read your post, I feel your dilemma. But, to answer your question, 'What would I do'... well I would say my good byes and live with all the wonderful memories over the last 14 years. I had to make this decision at the start of the year as well. And to be perfectly honestly, although I miss my Daisy dearly, once I actually made the decision, to say good bye, I felt 100% lighter. At the time, I thought this was a bit weird, but it weirdly felt like a lovely ending to her wonderful life. Over my Daisy's last 2 days, I spoilt her rotten and just reminisced and it felt good to send her to a better place than where she was at that point in her life. I felt at piece, despite thinking that I was going to feel ROTTEN/GUILTY/SAD... I was sad, don't get me wrong, but it felt good 'freeing' her from the life she was living... All the best, I sense you are a strong woman, who gave your boy a wonderfully live... a lot to celebrate I think! -
Thank you all... ) I have not always been throwing the treats down to the ground, I've been holding them for her to grab (snap) out of my hands... so I guess I can created the problem. I am also using the word 'gentle' with food. Sandra777 - I think I also need to do what you do, wait till she is away and motionless. And like your dogs, I'm sure she will catch on real quick... settrlvr - thank you, I also use gentle... although have only really applied it to when feeding from my hand (or the kids)... But I can see how helpful it will be to apply it all the time..to reinforce 'gentle is for eating anything! Becks - I have the clicker in my left hand and the treat in the right... so I am using my right hand, with the treat, to get her to follow my hand.... Thanks again everyone... all very new to me and I would like to get it right so I don't confuse the poor gal'
Oscar is adorable!! When you tried him on the yoghurt - did you just put a TBS into his dinner and mix it through. Do you feed any eggs?? (they make puppies stinky.... along with kids and Husbands!!)
Good Morning DOL'ers!! Just a quick question... I have an 12 week old ACD, who is thriving on the clicker, but as we are training, if my hands are any where near her (or within snapping distance) she wants to eat my hands!.. I think that part of the prob may be that I have been shaping the desired behaviors with treats, and using treats as lures.... so, am I correct in thinking that she just thinks there is a treat in my had all the time. How should I get her to stop this. I have been letting out a loud 'Arrrrrr', but I am fearful that she may interpreted my 'Arrrr's' as a negative to what ever we are practicing at that moment. Aren't puppies FUN!! She is very smart, and in the last 4 weeks has learnt to -sit, drop, speak, shake, high 5, roll over, touch, come, (sometimes) stay (sometimes) and leave it (sometimes)... Still haven't mastered : DON'T dig holes in my yard or DON'T pinch my shoes!!! Thanks heaps for any info you can provide
Could you please explain that further... Thanks, I am enjoying this thread and will continue to watch (and get ideas for my dog also) Big smiles
I also have an 11 week old puppy. The Puppy preschool I chose only had very few puppies as well, which was a little disappointing. However I am going to try to just focus on the positives that we are getting out of the class and not the few little things that aren't so positive. Personally I would never take my pup to a dog park - for all the reasons also stated. I have really had to 'think about' how I was going to do what is best for my pup, at this stage of her life, only having her 1st vaccination. Some of the information very conflicting.. Personally, I have chosen not to take our gal anywhere where we don't know that the dogs are fully vaccinated and wormed etc.. I have invited friends to come around and bring their dogs here (where I have allot more control of the environment) and then once I have established the doggies behave well together, we have gone to their homes also. I have also taken our pup to the beach and carried her from the car to the sand as I didnt want her walking along the path that is used daily by dozens of dogs.. Also, although I was disappointed that there was also 2 or 3 puppies in our class, I probably would have FREAKED out / left if there was 10, lol Good luck with your puppy, and I hope that you find the info you are looking for.
Thank you both for your replies. I'm taking Bindii to puppy preschool, on the first night, she was the perfect student, and to my amazement, sat, dropped and did the 'touch thing' immediately when asked... THE 1ST TIME.... I couldn't believe it!! lol. I was sooo proud!, and given I'd only had her a week, people were amazed she had learnt so much. (possibly not really believing me)... About the 3 D's, that sounds - sounds like awesome advice.. - cause the 2nd week she was a different dog - She just had the 'silly's all night! ... I really wanted her to 'speak', lol, but she wouldn't.. I couldn't believe it, she had been doing it each and every time at home. Given that she is only (almost ) 11 weeks old, the only place I have taken her is the puppy preschool. Once she has had her 2nd vaccinations she will certainly be out and about with us, giving me the opportunity to train in different places with different distractions. Its all very exciting !!! One thing though- to lie down, should I say 'down' or 'drop' - I have been saying 'down' but I saw a well trained dog on YouTube being told to 'drop'..... Because I guess you also tell them to get down and tell them to 'drop' the toys/shoes/pot plants and all the other mischievous things they pick up.. I want to get it right the first time. Thanks again for the replies, DOL seems like a great web site. ;))
Hello to you all... I have a 10 week old ACD who I have begun clicker training with. I have used it since the 2nd day I have had her and I think she is doing amazingly well!!... What I have learnt about clicker training has purely come from the internet and a few library books. So far my puppy can: Sit, drop, speak (she loves this), We are also learning - Wait - (for food hidden in my hand) and then use the word 'gentle as the cue to eat - she has caught on with this well also We started on 'stay' yesterday' and she is also doing fantastic. I was begining to teach 'shake' (left paw) and with her right she 'high 5'ed me' lol... so she is learning both of these tricks also.... lol Also she LOVES the 'touch' game... she will touch my right or left hand, up high down low or where ever I have it... and loves it.. So my question is... what is good from here? I really want to master, 'wait' and 'come' - but would like to know what I should progress too now... Should I just keep going over these ones, or do you continue to introduce new behaviors.. Many thanks.