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  1. Thanks everybody for the replies. I know I have to vaccinate just wanted some ideas on how to lessen the side affects. I will try to contact a holistic vet to see what they say .Cheers
  2. Nixon (my staffy) did have a bad reaction he got quite bad Diarrhea and wasn't himself for a few days. He actually caught kennel cough in April this year even though he was vaccinated against it. I just don't get the point of forcing vaccinations when he will probably get it anyway. I am referring to kennel cough not parvo or other diseases) I would rather not vaccinate but can't see a way around with him needing to stay at the kennel over xmas break. Any suggestions?
  3. Hi my 16 month of staffy is due for his vaccinations. I am quite anti most vaccinations due to their side affects but since we travel we need to get them done for him to stay at the kennels. I had the titre test done but unfortunately came back as follows: Canine Parvovirus Tite 1:5 Canine Distemper 1:20 The vet has said he will need booster vaccination which I understand is needed to keep the kennels happy. Anyway I want to do EVERYTHING possible to reduce the effects of the vaccination before and after. I have heard of the vaccination detox here http://www.holisticanimalmedicines.com/store/vaccine_detox_relief_from_past_toxins.html but wondering if anybody has any other recommendations. I also saw on another thread thuja is good for side affects, does anybody know where I can purchase this? Anyway thanks in advance for any info / advice provided.
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