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Everything posted by Critta

  1. These are a couple of my all time favorites from my 2 months of DSLR ownership. I love the eyes in this one. She looks very innocent in this one I like this one because she having a ball in it And these two just because I love the photo of the spider just chilling!!
  2. Hey guys, Got my first DSLR today. Photos just come out soooo crisp!! Its a Canon EOS 550D, taken with a standard 18-55mm lens.......
  3. Critta


    Thanks, all. The house is definitely quieter, but everyone is getting on with it. The two other dogs had a good sniff of kellys blanket that we took her to the vet in. I think they know shes gone, but they handled it a lot better then us. (as they do with most things) Cheers Again, it has been helpful to see all of the comments.
  4. 24 hours.... 24 hours and everything can be totally different. I went to work at 7:30 last night and our three pooches were happy and healthy sleeping away. When I returned home at 10, Kelly a 8 year old cocker was convulsing on the floor. After waking my mother we raced her to the vet. And at 4:30 today we set her free. She had a suspected brain tumor she couldn't stand or walk, she was cringing when she moved and kept turning right. I wanted to do so much for her but I couldn't. But I know we made the right desicision. Now she's buried in the yard warm in a blanket outside my mums room where she slept. Sorry for my ramblings but I had to. This plus uni stress is really getting to me. 6'2 ,90kgs and I'm a wreck.
  5. Critta

    Bald Spots

    Thanks guys, I'll def keep an eye on them, they arnt irritated at the moment. She does get in the other dogs faces abit so i think they might just be some 'love' bites. Thanks for the help
  6. Critta

    Bald Spots

    Hey everyone, My 14 week old GSP, Darcy, has started to get these little bald spots on her face. (see pic) There pretty small probly about 2mm or so in diameter. And im wondering what they are, are they a irritation, bug, or are they little scars because she does get in the faces of the two older dogs and they sometimes give her what for. I'Ve circled the little spots in Red in the pic, but she does have acouple more, one ontop of her head near the joint of her right ear, and another on top of her right ear. I had to take the pic while she was snooze'n shes abit of a nut job and can get abit bitey somtimes. Any help or hits would be greatly apprieciated. Cheers, James
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