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Bull Arab

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Everything posted by Bull Arab

  1. Proud is an understatement First I am proud of our team. OK we didn't win or even come second but we ran up to our seed time over and over, our passes were spot on, our dog were all healthy at the end of Sunday and to put it in a nut shell we ran as fast as we could possibly run, and we didnt really argue over the finer points.... So well done AP2 I was proud to run with you guys!!! Secondly my little rescue dog Billie.... She ran as start dog for 2 days as well as singles on friday. She was consistent the whole time (and this was only her second serious comp) we got a 0.02 and a 0.06 start (close but no hat badge)but was regularly under .1 and impressed me with 4.7 runs right up until Sunday afternoon. Well done to the organizers it ran soo smoothly for an open ring format and considering the way the show society and security guards treated the flyballers the organizers did an amazing job of pulling it off!!! Well done and thanks oh and i guess i should mention AP1 that came second in div 2 well done guys... I was not allowed to run Cooper this year or they may have done better!!!!!
  2. Thanks guys just learning this sort of stuff not trying to enter a debate just curious!! 'they work on a pressure point system that effectively regresses a dog back to puppyhood when used properly. So many dogs actually love them' Why would I want to regress my dog to puppyhood? Given puppies learn the basics faster, but my dogs have learned life skills since then (including bite inhibition and other social behaviours) would it not be better to work and train with them in adult dog mindspace when I am going to expect them to act like adult dogs and not a puppy? Cheers
  3. I am trying to work out what on earth you are trying to train your dog to do that requires a tool like that????
  4. Never ever gunna let me live that down are you!!!!! Oh and my grand plan was to go to the pub!!!
  5. And hope we dont have to stand in a thunderstorm trying to stop the gazebo from flying away!!!!!
  6. Just because we cant let the Agility folks have the only nationals thread!!!!! Who's going? Looking forward to the trip the camping and the racing!!!
  7. Well for what it's worth. I had a ball, learned a lot from all 3 days that i can directly apply to my work and to our buisness. I didnt mind him bagging people out (you mean other trainers or the audience??) I believe I copped it a few times from him. The Q&A sessions at the end were helpful as well. I think the Jamie stories are fairly typical of him aren't they?
  8. Found it a very educational and inspiring 3 days (even if the wallet is a lot lighter and the book shelf a lot heavier) and have a few new tricks to torment the puppies with. That sit test sounds like a challenge!!!
  9. Every pound (I hate that word) I have ever worked in generally go the extra mile to rehome dogs. At least one I know of scans dogs and cats at least 3 times in 24 hours if a chip is not found on the first. Some even have a category for dogs that is 'chipped but owner not known'. They will check all databases and call Dogs NSW if to see if the dog is on the DLG if it is not anywhere else. I would say the bigger problem is owners who have not updated their details or new owners who have not even put the dog in their name!! Just because one pound doesn't do it please don't tar the hard working, animal loving guys and gals in others with the same brush!!
  10. Ok was playing with Mr 6month old on the couch (lets call him Mr Tackle). I noticed he had a full (well almost) mouth of adult teeth. I remember helping him woith one loose tooth but I wonder where the rest of them went!!! He has a lot of Kong's and is very active~~~. I know we would have seen them in the yard clean up if they were that obvious (if ya know what I mean) Somewhere there are a lot of puppy teeth!!!
  11. Dunno about me dreaming about them but TP the puppy has some awesome puppy dreams!!! Lots of growling and barking and running. They are far more entertaining than the TV!!!!
  12. Ok that's a best case scenario!!! My last dog took 12 months to learn how to learn before she started training (what was I thinking with a rescue dog) and then took 12 months to get it right, but as I have said before the time was well spent her box turns belong on a spring loaded DVD and her very first run was 4.6 seconds!!! Our super smart Aussie is so blond he took 2 years...... On the other hand we have a new JRT at beginner class that picked it up in less than 2 months (just to annoy us all)....But my much better half has been doing this a LONG time and she tells me it should take 6 - 12 months (did I mention the Aussie above is her dog).
  13. Don't be disheartened if it doesn't happen right away. Can take 6- 12 months to get a dog running reliably (some times a lot longer hey wherezaball???) there is a lot for them to figure out, but they do enjoy it!! Good luck
  14. Simple really Go along to both. Meet the folks, say G'day see how they train, see if what they do is what you like, and then join the club that seems to be the best for you your dogs and what you hope to get out of it. Flyballers are generally great fun people who are normally only too willing for you to come along and see and give you a few pointers. Just be careful the sport is very addictive!!!! See you at the nationals in feb (which are being held in Canberra)!!!
  15. Non monsieur c'est ce qui arrive quand quelqu'un avec la graisse doigts presses le mauvais touches Et n'oubliez pas personne n'aime un smart ass
  16. Thats what i would have said!!!! Although I have heard of at least one of our dogs described as a 'flyball machiene' and I dont know if you can ever get another one like him!!! p.s. they are called 'flyball box's'. If you are just starting out try your local club they may have beginner classes to help intor you and even know someone who has a good second hand one for sale, they come up from time to time. Go to www.flyball.org.au (note the good looking Aussies on the home page) to find a club or drop me a line and I can help you out with contacts.
  17. A quick thing to consider if you are going to use a buried e-fence (the ones that require a collar). Your dog may be effectively trapped inside the enclosure while others are free to come and go. This means (unless you have a secondary enclosure) you dog can still get attacked / pregnant / led astray on your property by visitors. Above ground zappy fences are effective (we have cattle fencing and the dogs wont go near it after getting zapped once) however normally the first zap occurs as they go through causing them to run tail down madly away form the fence. If they are more than 1/2 way through when the jolt occurs (they normally pulse at 1/2-3 second intervals) thy may run forward onto the road so scared they don't see the oncoming kenworth!!!! Finally, I have found the noise (read squealing) made by a dog that has been zapped (remember ours are designed to keep cattle out of the horse yards so are somewhat stronger than the dog ones) has in the past caused others to go a bit nuts and attack the squealing running dog!! Just a few considerations
  18. I would assume we could expect different behaviour from two sterilized dogs though? (obviously, you'd hope not this behaviour, but what I mean is I wouldn't compare the two eg entire vs sterilized?) Both of these dogs are desexed and have been since early in life. One of the Aussies is entire (6 month old) he is the only entire dog in the house.
  19. Ok now hook the dog hair dryer hose up to it, a bit of sicaflex, fill it wiht water and you have a doggy spa bath!!!!!!
  20. Got to bite, yes someone had to. Are you just breeding for color or for the breed? Are you planning on show homes or pet homes for the pups (is a good temperament crucial to the pet surviving in the world?)? Are you a member of a breed society? Is mum registered? If you are going to breed surely quality of sire and dam are 100 time more important than preserving coat or point color!!!! If mum has genetic issues, temperament issues, health issues (not saying she does just playing suppose) then why breed anyway. On the other hand are you going to pass up a sire with perfect health, perfect genetics but the 'wrong color'???? I see far to many dogs that were bread for 'rare color' end up in bad places (i.e. the pound or the vet surgery or in their 15th home)as the breeder didn't care about temperament or health just color. Remember to start puppy training early, and socialize!!! I learned a long time ago that a good horse is never a bad color. I think this applies to dogs as well!! Just a short rant
  21. I know our vet sells them and I have seen them at a few dog shows and sporting events so they are definitely around. I know a few people having some amazing results with them, especially on dogs that are fearful of storms and fireworks. Do you know if they post to Australia? I am willing to give it a go if I can get one - thanks! There is an Australian supplier. They are in WA I think.
  22. I don't know. The problem we have here is between a dog and a bitch. The bitch is very playful (Dane Cross) and the dog is a very dominant BC. The Dane started with bouncing on him and he told her where to get off. Then when the big resource (either of the humans in thew house) are present they would both disagree over our attention. Initially we physically separated them but they could see each other and fence fight. We now have a situation where if they are together there is much stiffness, pacing, eyeing etc. Either dog will start it and they are serious about the outcome. Both dogs have Good bite inhibition otherwise (which says they are serious with each other). We have increased the separation distance... The male is good with the other 2 bitches we have here (they crate and dog trailer together) and with the 2 male Aussies. I agree it is not ideal but we have found a way around it.
  23. I note he is AI'ing as well... Does that mean he doesnt know how it happens naturally when a daddy dog really loves a mummy dog?? I don't know how this owner survives. His two brain cells must be flat out!! The AI took place today. And will again on Saturday. I should have snuck a few mls of Alizin into the bitch today. ;) ;) PS. That was another joke, for those who need it pointed out to them. ;) But I am sure the saddest thing of all is that he probably has 4 or 5 kids of his own!!!
  24. It is called being a responsible and caring dog owner, too few people are willing to do it and those that do are so rarely congratulated. I see the outcomes of irresponsibility almost daily so take a pat on the back for trying your hardest and caring about your fur kids "Good on you"
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