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Everything posted by melbell45
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hi everyone, im sorry if this question has been asked a lot, i did a search but had a hard time finding anything. we are going away shortly and need to board our golden retriever and hopefully also 2 cats at the same place, we live on the central coast, obviously close to home is best but we are willing to travel within say an hour north or south. i know there is someone on here with a place at kangy angy but only take small to medium dogs and unfortunately our boy doesn't fit into that category :-( thanks for your help
see this is whats confusing, one of you says tie him to something or put him in a crate and another says no have him attached to me, i obviously have no idea what im doing with him and i still don't know what to do with all the comflicting advice. the trainer is coming thurs or friday so will hopefully be able to give me a good plan to follow
hi Serket i haven't been to the golden retriever thread in ages but will see what i can do about pics ! thanks for the advice, i tried tying him to something sturdy today (have tried before), he was right near us but the whole time he was there he just barked and barked, i am organising for the trainer to come later this week hi bub also, i understand he is so hyper when let inside because he is so excited but it is so hard to deal with especially with small children around that he constantly knocks over in his enthusiasm ! at the moment he doesn't seem to be able to relax inside with us, its only when he gets put in the laundry he is able to calm himself and lay down and go to sleep so i need to work on that, thanks for your thoughts
showdog thanks for your reply persephone: thanks for those links, i will have a good read of them
his routine is to go outside in the mornings do a wee and have a play while we have breakfast and then he comes inside with us, he hangs out with us for the day, he goes for a walk in the evening. i understand that he wants to be in with us, he is a lovely boy but huge and bosterious and i don't understand how im meant to have him in with us always when at the moment he is uncontrollable, jumping all over the kids and eating their food if i leave him inside while they eat. he has been to obedience training since he was 9 weeks old and he knows the basic commands but he just gets so excited. i guess this is where the crate comes in and working on making him more independant (thanks corvus for your suggestions) ! thanks for the replies
poodlefan: thanks, i don't know much about crate traingin so will have a read up about it sandra777: thanks also, you are exactly right, there is only so much barking we (and the neighbours) can stand to hear so i do let him back in so i know that is rewarding him for barking as he sees it gets him what he wants. he is not a shy timid dog at all so i will try the cold water trick !
hi, we have a (nearly) 6 month old golden retriever and we are having problems with him barking, he doesn't bark at people or things but there are times he needs to be put out the back (while we eat for example) but he just barks constantly as soon as he is put out there, we have tried putting him out there with a stuffed kong or pigs ear but he either isn't interested in them or eats it and comes straight back to the door and barks again to be let in. he also gets put into the laundry (where he sleeps at night) at these times but again just barks and barks, we have 2 small children and there are just some times we can't have him inside with us. thanks for any advice