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Everything posted by voloclydes

  1. still limping.... hop 2... 3... hop 2...3... but now its only when you look at her. if she didn't dig holes in every thing she might not have sore claws... i need a iron clad couch cover.
  2. yupper i know the whole leg up.. it was funny to see mr clydes face when i said "we are injured...limp sophie" he was all "oh poor widdle hunny but its not serrious you can get outside till after dinner" i think her face was pricless.... i think she though the whole leg up entitled her to "watch" us eat dinner.... no happening.
  3. And yet some times the more you type and delete, the more likely you are getting further away from what meant and further into troubled territory, where you will post be misunderstood and spend the rest of your days having mouth surgery for foot in mouth disease.
  4. yeah kadbury you been talking to her? she is now wanting a lift onto the couch. :rolleyes: um no sophie you can jump better than a mexican jumping bean or that couch slug we call leo and he does not get lifted (well any more).
  5. yeah points for acting... and at the end of the day claw is still intact. she isn't even losing a claw.
  6. she just walked in doing the whole hop... 2..3 hop 2...3... good jake the peg imitation but no sympathy here, its a claw blow out not life and death... really its not.
  7. so sophie do you really need to be so precious and such a girly girl? when we went away a christmas sophie one morning was limping badly when we let the dogs out the crate, the night before they had been hooning in the dark.... so i thought the worst as she refused to put the whole leg down that it had to be serrious... turned out to be a claw blow out... she was holding it up and out.... fast forward to this morning she come in same pose... refusing to even place it on the floor... ;) ;) i did however give her the stern talking to that if she were a bc then she would still have to chase sheep all day and personally wouldn't give a bugger.... but opting for bed rest is really pushing it. :rofl:
  8. i haven't seen the add but waggie tails do just make me go all fuzzy. sophie now doen't just wag side to side, she now does a circle must save energy... i laugh even her tail does laps of happiness.
  9. wow gold nuggets... at least in our dogs minds.. but then i have one dog who will eat her own poop.
  10. i can cope with my bits being injured but try fronting the horsepital saying our large dalmatian bit the child... 13yo. well it looked really bad and did need to be glued but the story goes like this.... child and myself at home (mr clydes at a lions meeting) had dinner and child and dog are wrestling round the floor rough housing and dumbmatian spins round mouth open (well he never closes it..) and crashed into the childs face... under his eye went the canine tooth. it opened up the face quite a good wound blood every where, but the noise was the worst, child screeming hysterically..... i nearly needing sticking plaster, over his mouth and my ears. drive to the local horsepital, keeping in mind i have had many trips from falls off horses i have many "suspected fall from horse"... i get the "oh the dog bit him... well really much less sinister than that... teeth and face met in the middle" i think my file has yet another notation "suspected dog bite" :rofl: it then required a trip to maccas for ice cream. ;)
  11. we have that sort of humping in our house too except... the girl dally humps the boy dally..... oh and the small ones hump the boy dally..... really i think the spotty boy seems to be toooo pretty... i do say we are an equal oportunity house hold... hence the reverse humping! :D
  12. well we get snow... i panic easily and there is no way i will not get home... if it looks like its dicey i am gorn.... gorn gorn gorn... :rofl: chains should get you out of trouble not into it. so i go home before i need to.
  13. my lot are out durring the day, as other wise they would reno the house more than likely and not in style i would like.... can't say i would like the old one with continence issues on my bed either while i am not home.... ;) what do they do outside? well normally sleep in the sun and poop on the concrete... pretty much covers it.
  14. nice of you to only quote the bit you had a problem with.... but still what if this dog was one of the 8,201 that do get pts...there just is no answer with numbers like that combined with how many thousand other dogs that get dumped at pounds and breed rescue. the fact that most would just drop the dog off at the vet/pound and have the vet dump the body at the tip. i think she showed some guts to stay with him/her. most that dump the dog at the pound think it is magically rehomed so its not like "they" killed the dog. our local tip its not uncommon from a town of only a few thousand, to see up 8 dead dogs on any given day at the tip...does one assume that all were pts due to old age? in an ideal world it shouldn't happen, but it does... and it seems with very few solutions. it doesn't mean its right, but in 10 pages there is lots of judgement but not one solution that would work. micro chipping was said to be the end of this sort of thing... i don't think much has changed.
  15. lets see the figure quoted was 8,600?ish greys in vic alone... with only 400ish being rehomed.. even if every one on dol took one dog... there would still be more dogs than homes...and the next year another 8,000ish? its a huge industry.... and i am not sure there is another answer.. i give the woman full credit for doing what needed to be done tho. the dog may not have been suitable for rehoming and there are worse things than a dignified end. much worse.
  16. hell i haven't named a dog in 15years. most come as retreads and are already named.... knowing their name is a different story. i thought it suited them anyway as i get used to it as they do. i only need to say "sophie" and she is right there.... like a rash. unless it was really revolting i would leave a retreads name.
  17. well i wish i knew that when leo ate the mango seed..... but he did puke up 2 about 11 days later...i only thought he ate one.
  18. before some of you judge about the new owners loosing the dog... you have a new dog in a new home in an area that atm is having major thunder storms every day..., hence this would add to the dog feeling on edge and wanting to be in more normal surroundings.
  19. couldn't agree more teach your kid to respect the dog a lot more, she is a living creature not a pillow. Some one needs to point that out to my dall leo......he absolutely encourages the 14 yo and the other dogs to form a huge untidy pile on the couch!
  20. snap :rofl: same sort of money i have.... although our dearest vet bill was 4k for the snake bite... in 20 years of owning dogs... the first major one... works out at cents per year... had we not had some money (it was just luck at the right time of year i did), i would not have hesitated to put on a cc.
  21. Well a great dog is never a bad breed, but a bad one always gives his breed a bad rap.....
  22. We had a group of small children visit today...... It went as predicted. The smallest dog the foxie cross followed and intimidated the smallest child. Had her in tears a dogie child as well. Dumbmatians were fine, once intro was made. Oh a well should have had the local dog catcher here seeing he's so anti vicious dog!
  23. sorry to blow your image guys but.. some facts about abbies. the workers get paid an hourly rate... quite low... then they get paid tally which is a per head rate. more animals put thru in day the more pay at the end of the week. simple really. out there in la la land you most of you think they get well paid... to work in an abbies these days you start on training wage.. 12mo on about $12-14 per hour you i don't think get any tally. its less than the cleaners going rate, without the blood. at the end of 12mo they asses you well the boss says if your getting more money... often its no not atm as if he pays you more he earns less. after a few years you then work up to slaughterman. which is your tally bonus. the workers simply need to get thru numbers to make the job pay... they don't have time to fetch back the one that run all over the car park. they don't have time to deal with niceities. things get missed as per the spoiler not that they don't care its that they don't have time to care, if they cared about every minor detail they would loss vaulable $.
  24. i don't know any farmers that kill large numbers of wombats... i do know some how ever who will kill them just to keep the numbers down when they see one while out doing roos.... the holes in large nubers are bloody dangerous. sorry but abbitoirs are not really nice places.... in the opnion of all those nicey nice dol peoples. i like meat and i know that most animals are treated correctly and the odd one is not. there are worse things than beating that some inflict on animals there... but hell its not often nor condoned. i am sure in your work place there are people who do the wrong thing every day of the week.
  25. I know my jrt will latch on more so than my friends dog who is supposed to be a pit. I know he will bite..... Most people don't believe me and are scared of the over size daly I have.......mmmmm daly can't even kill something that he had caught because his mouth was open! He can only catch mice if they are dead or run near his open mouth, he is just like goofy, never closes his gob, if he did he might look smarter.
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