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Everything posted by huganewf

  1. OOOOH Can I put an order in now for a pink one with stripes :p ;) What a sad man... gosh, we really need this laugh I would have thought one of the rainbow big little pony's would be much sought after fifi Who by? Mr Burke perhaps.... the next big thing??? ;)
  2. OOOOH Can I put an order in now for a pink one with stripes What a sad man...
  3. I have taken a one year old newf on virgin to Melbourne from Launceston and the biggest crate from dogtainers is what they called a greyhound sized crate. The dog had to go as freight and be at the airport by 4.30am and was told there was also a weight limit on the dog as well. Can't remember what it was but the weight was dog and crate combined and he scraped in by 2 kilos. Also only 3 dogs allowed per plane.
  4. Me thinks this "quiet little voice" had better go hide under a rock from now on - didn't think it would cause such a stir!!
  5. Hi ellz, was great to meet a few dolers and put faces to names Widdle Woger is sooo squishable. Well done on your baby in groups with him on both days. My boy spent the whole time in the group line up doing the front foot and the back foot shuffle - too many bitches in season me thinks.
  6. Congratulations, you've got some lovely looking dogs there. I love flat coats.
  7. Tulendeena is about an hours drive north east of Launceston, northern part of Tas not far out of Scottsdale. Nubeena is down south past Hobart.
  8. Hi Capanash, There is a do it yourself hydrobath off Goderich Street, Invermay (suburb of Launceston, half hour drive from Westbury) that you can use for $1 per minute. It is just off a side street on the left hand side of the road just before Maccas which is on the other side. Look for the car wash, it is at the side. I use it for most shows for my newfie. Just don't use the flea rinse tho, smells really nice but tends to give my boy the itchies!!! Sharyn
  9. I had a real numbnut a few years ago at an agi show ask if he could pat my guide dog [landseer newfie]. Had visions of Dana dragging him into the nearest river. Same show - new idiot - another bogan wanted to know if - for the hundredth time that day - if my dog was a saint bernard, so I told him it was a huckleberry hound. Dumbo walked off telling his kid "wondered what one of those looked like."
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