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Everything posted by kelpiekaye

  1. I once had a Beagle. I spent most of my life looking for him. We lived on a rural property in NZ and he was in all my nearest neighbours family photographs. They encouraged him to come over until the day he stole their roast dinner off the table He was very intelligent but not easy to train. I will never forget my dog training instructor telling me he wasnt sitting straight, I told her she was lucky he was sitting at all. He was great with people and other dogs and all the variety of animals we had. He was happiest hunting rabbits and I was lucky we could accomodate him with regular hunting outings. I take my hat off to people with well trained beagles. Not a dog for a first time owner, but very hard puppy to resist.
  2. I joined about 18 months ago when I found DOL while looking desparatly for information on paralysis ticks. Since then I have been a bit addicted. I have learnt lots more about dogs. I have been made aware of puppy farms and animal wellfare issues that I havnt been exposed to. I find all the advice ,topics and differing opinions very interesting. Food for thought. There are a few members whose advise is very sound IMO and I often look out for their posts and words of wisdom. (poodlefan is one of them)
  3. I paid $149.00 Retail, well worth it though. $100 seems pretty good.
  4. Hell youve been through a lot. Hang in there, hope all goes ok
  5. My partner and I were out buying a engagment ring. While we were waiting for ring to be sized we went into a bookshop. Ron was telling me about the book, it wasnt on display so we asked and they had it out the back. He got it for me. Dont tell him but I was more excited about the book Its a great book. I read most of it on our recent holiday.
  6. I still think it is personal choice depending on your lifestyle. I am in the fortuate position that we live and work on a farm so my dog gets to be with me almost all day and does a lot of useful work as well, but there is no way that I will be washing her every night so she can come inside. First off i just want to say how cute is that picture of your dog in the pool My dog is an inside/outside dog and she sleeps on my bed ;) but when we go out she goes outside, she isnt isnt too fussed though either way. Today though she is refusing to go out because it is raining outside she doesnt like getting her feet wet Thanks, We were at the Cattlemans cup and the kids camping beside us were playing with Ruby, when she got hot hot she got in their paddling pool Ruby also gets to sleep on my bed every now and then, usualy after we have a day off and shes clean. She loves whatever she gets, inside,outside, work, car rides, walks in town. How lucky am I?
  7. I still think it is personal choice depending on your lifestyle. I am in the fortuate position that we live and work on a farm so my dog gets to be with me almost all day and does a lot of useful work as well, but there is no way that I will be washing her every night so she can come inside.
  8. It's a personel choice. My girl comes inside when invited, she dosnt complain if left outside which makes it a lot easier if visiting friends that dont have dogs inside. Ruby is often too dirty from running around farm to be in side anyhow.
  9. It is actually. Same as India, South America, Asia. Westerners come in and go Ohhh Noessss these poor dogs. Much easier if they're just shot and the people are educated about feral dogs spitting out lots of puppies. Islanders used to eat their dogs, ( some may still) Probably didnt have as much of a problem then. According to that wonderful show Meet the Natives, "only the naughty ones"! I'll tell Ruby that.
  10. It is actually. Same as India, South America, Asia. Westerners come in and go Ohhh Noessss these poor dogs. Much easier if they're just shot and the people are educated about feral dogs spitting out lots of puppies. Islanders used to eat their dogs, ( some may still) Probably didnt have as much of a problem then.
  11. I just came back from 10 days holiday in Raro and visited the Esther Honey Centre. I take my hat off to those peope, they are doing a great job. They have spayed, nuetered 70% of the dogs on island with their free desexing. Good on your friend for doing something about Fiji's problem. I will look at her blog......
  12. Theres a pinned topic on ticks in the Health forum. Gives heaps of info. Frontline must be applied every two weeks for paralysis ticks but dont rely on it as I lost Bo, my last kelpie dispite being on fronline. I used proban on my next dog when I living in a bad tick area.
  13. Theres a lot of info on them on the internet, but I believe some ticks hang out in scrub and trees waiting for victims to walk by. Theres a few different types. Paralysis ticks "quest" for vibrations and leap onto passerbys. Hope your ones are not those horrible little things.
  14. Depends on how your keep and maintain your property. You can also snake proof your kennels. I live and work on a leased dairy farm with my Kelpie, Ruby. The property is not maintained by anyone, except me mowing the lawn when I have time, the house is on the edge of a river, there is no fencing to speak of. When Ruby is out working with me there is always the chance of her or me running into a snake in long grass, bush etc. Its all down to chance and it sometimes worries me sick if I let it. I often have her inside with me even though she is covered in cow dung and whatever other choice smells she picks up but at least I know she fairly safe inside. The house is a 100 years old and a lot of wild life can get in eg a bat the other night. I would imagine that a lot of people live in situations that they cant snake proof.
  15. If the OP is going to give the dog some regular outlet for its intelligence and energy, I'd not disagree. However working breed dogs left to their own devices in the country and not effectively fenced often die of lead poisoning. If I were looking for a breed unlikely to chase animals if left to its own devices, I'd not be putting working dogs high up the list. OP has just rehomed one. No dog should be left to its own devices, but I do agree with you if the op cant give it the outlet it needs a working breed is not the one for her.
  16. How do you stop your dog been bitten by a snake on a rural property? Unless you carry it everywhere and keep him, her inside, even then snakes can come inside. I think loosing your dog to a snake is mostly bad luck, not anyones fault. The other things are all to do with training and almost any breed if started as a pup can be trained to be good with all other animals. Get a Kelpie
  17. Thanks for replies. Still waiting for vet to ring back. I will take her to vets tommorrow if things still the same. No shes never done this before, sometimes lame due to all the box thornes around here.
  18. I took Ruby to vet last night. At about 10.30am yesterday she suddenly appeared to be lame in one of her hind legs. I rested her for the rest of the day in her run. When I came in from milking she came out of her kennel with both legs tucked up under her and was very tense in the adomen so I rang the vet and took her in. The vet checked her all over and couldnt find anything. By this time Ruby was not as bad. The vet didnt think it was a snake bite, although Rubys eyes stayed dilated when a light was shined in them. I left there none the wiser. Ruby spent the night on my bed. This morning she is ok once she has moved around a bit (not a 100% though) but when she first gets up her back legs are tucked up under her and she sits down alot. She dosnt appear to be in any pain. I am thinking that maybe she has just pulled a muscle or something. Hoping its not a bone. Poos are normal. Really at a loss. Any ideas anyone? I am waiting for the vet to ring me.
  19. I think owners of dingos have to have a permit.
  20. The breeder of my Ruby fed Ruby every two hours and kept her alive and Im so pleased she did. She was half the size of her litter mates, now over a year down the track she is the same size as her brothers and sisters and is the greatest dog. Good on you
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