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Everything posted by kelpiekaye

  1. Oh gosh that's definetely not Ella and I kelpiekaye . Ella would be like "ok you get started and I will watch and learn" She is as lazy as me actually!! Oh dear never mind. Teach me not to read things properly. Gives us something to set our sights on. :D
  2. Very very cool. I think you should get your knees up higher though! Ella is a credit to you.
  3. Ruby wants to kill the thunder, she runs around looking at the sky barking in between running to me. If I put her inside she gets under the table or if I chain her up she goes in her kennel. As long as she not going to injure herself I dont concider it a problem but I wouldnt like it to get any worse. I wonder if thundershirts work?
  4. My Uncle had a Lab called Juniper but she got called Poo, Poo dog. I dont know why but I can imagine. My cousins used to come home from school, let her off the chain and she would go to the supermarket through the self opening doors, get a pack of meat from the butcher dept and walk out without paying. Uncle Tom would get a phone call and a bill
  5. Just thought Id let you know that I got a Marlin Life Jacket from a BCF store for $27. Well made and worked well. Tested it on Ruby yesterday and she swam in it straight away. When I took it off she kept on swimming confidently.
  6. And in a repeat of the Brisbane debacle, the Evacuation centres are not taking pets. So much for animals belonging to those who failed to flee ;). If you ever needed a reason to own a crate and have a place to go this is it. Animals left outside until the last minute and that panic and hide are probably not going to make it. All the more reason to leave early taking your pets with you and you are right a crate and a crate trained dog, cat whatever is a must......
  7. Yep they know alright. When I was living in Marlo on a beef farm Bo my kelpie I had at the time stuck to me like glue all day which was unusual. Late that afternoon we were hit with a mini cyclone that came in off the sea and tore a path off destruction. It suddenly started to get windy and heavy rain. I rushed around shutting doors and windows. The door blew out off my hand and smashed. I couldnt open it to get back inside, I couldnt see a foot in front of myself. I managed to get round to another door and inside only to have the wall one side of the house blow inwards. It was scary stuff and Bo had been telling me something all day I reckon. It was very lucky no one was injured or killed. My OH was up the road in his ute and had to reverse up the road as trees suddenly started falling over the road in front of him.
  8. He has, technically, but that doesn't diminish his relationship with the dog in the slightest in my view. Humanising is an integral part of the human-dog bond IMO. Yes, it can go too far, but let's not confuse "humanising" that has a detrimental effect on dogs and "humanising" that doesn't have a detrimental effect. As others have said, it's when dogs are attributed with reasoning powers beyond that which they are capable that humanising becomes a serious issue and something that we should work hard to avoid. My dog is not being "disobedient". He is not giving me the finger, he does not necessarily know the command, he probably doesn't know what he did wrong, he does not need a cupcake every day, he isn't trying to spite me, he is not angry with me because I left him alone all day, he is most likely not acting in third-order intentionality, he is unlikely to make a connection between two events that occurred more than 10 seconds apart, he doesn't lie and he's not trying to trick me or even train me. He just does what tends to work for him. Agree
  9. :D Oh PERS how COULD you *passes smelling salts to poodlemum*
  10. Take care all you guys up there. Lets hope it goes away. Good luck.
  11. What a dogs name is has nothing to do with how it is treated. I don't quite agree - if you think a dog doesn't even deserve it's own unique name, then I believe that that shows that the dogs is of no value to you. The dog "Dog" dosnt know the dog before him or her was called "Dog". The man that is taking his dog to dog training is putting value in his dog called "Dog". It shows me that the man, shall we call him "Man" either dosnt have much imagination or has a dry sense of humour. It might worry you but it sure as hell dosnt worry the dog and if you think it does well thats probably Anthropomorphism.
  12. What a dogs name is has nothing to do with how it is treated.
  13. There are no Rules. If you are Happy and your dogs are happy all is well. We would make our self sick trying to please everyone else because you never can.
  14. A cat that ate snails and then wanted to smooch, slime.........
  15. Excellent! I met a man and his dog was called 'Please'
  16. Looks very ineresting. Wish I could. Enjoy
  17. I don't agree or disagree. I think there are good farmers and bad farmers just as there are good and bad urban pet owners. There are a lot of people out there that have a lot to learn from the other side if there is "the other side" I have lived and owned dogs in cities and presently manage a dairy farm so which side would I be on? Its a interesting subject though. What ever works for the owner and if the end result in their animal is good, Im happy.
  18. Has anybody read Rachael Treasure's views on Anthropomophism in her book "Wise Woman and Hot dogs"?(pg 21) Her views are mostly from a farmers point of view. Some examples of what she says- "In my view, anthropomorphism stuffs up a lot of things................Its really created a society where farmers and their animal husbandry practices are completlely misunderstood by the masses. The dogs I see who are the worst behaved are the ones where the owner has projected human traits into them. She goes on to say a lot more. Just thought it was interesting that I should be reading this and the subject comes up in DOL forum.
  19. Thanks guys for your advice. I will take it and wont foster at the moment. Maybe when we move to NZ in six months to our house we own that is fully fenced. Cheers Kaye
  20. What about a big paddock. We have 52 of them and the cows are only in one at any given time. We do have a fence on three sides of our house section( not Kelpie proof) but the front goes down a steep bank to a river.
  21. With me on farm doing stuff, inside when Im milking am and pm and at night or doing computer work.
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