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Everything posted by kelpiekaye

  1. Cheers, I think I will have to do a bit of research. Ruby has got a bit of drive and as shes getting more confident( or Im getting more confident) she getting more drive.
  2. Sorry this is a comedy of errors. I thought I was posting this in the agility thread. Think I will stick to milking cows Hi everyone, thought I would bring agility back up the list. I been doing a little bit of agility with Ruby at my club. Shes been to four trainings and about a year ago we did an introduction to agility. Shes going to be two next month. She is going really well I feel and we just have to master the weave. May take a while! I have been practicing with 6 poles on angles and trying to get her to drive through by placing a toy at the end. How have you guys taught weaves and what method do you think is best? Dont know why theres two photos, Im not good at this
  3. I was thinking the same thing. Maybe she should of asked the breeder to look after the pup instead of getting refund, while she found out for sure if it was an alergy.
  4. Bleach for the concrete, not sure about the grass but lime gets rid of the bugs in calf pen's if theres an outbreak of scours.
  5. I am always amazed when I watch his show and see all his rescued dogs mixing together. Rotties, Pitbulls, Shepherds, Mixes etc That takes some doing. I have known different breeders and dog owners over the years that cant have all their pack out together. I would imagine a lot of the dogs he deals with would end up being PTS if their behaviour couldnt be improved.
  6. I used it years ago for a GSD whose coat and skin was itchy and smelly. I worked well but because of price I swapped to Nutro Lamb & Rice which was probably as good as if not better. I have feed all my dogs nutro ever since until recently I purchaced a bag of Black Hawk and it seems very good so far and priced very well.
  7. Actually I think originally they were bred in an attempt to create a non-allergenic breed to be a guide dog...failed for that purpose though as of course only 50% of them retain the poodle non-shedding type coat. Really can't see them becoming a true breed in their own right in the near future though, because of the issues already identified by others in this post. I too thought they were originaly crossed for the above reason.
  8. No. It all depends on a lot of things. Ages, temperment, how they are introduced etc etc. Ive known lots of female dogs that got on. I had a elderly GSD bitch who got on just fine when I got a Kelpie Bitch Pup. I also had a Male Rotty who eventualy got on with a Male Pitbull I fostered for a while. It took a bit of managing in the beginning but it worked in the end.
  9. I agree. We just create problems for later on if something happens and there is no choice. I could take my dog everywhere if I wanted, I would like to, but I dont, just so we can be parted without too much drama.
  10. I think the rat zapper is the way to go. We have a huge problem on the dairy farm and I would need heaps of zappers, dont think the boss would pay for that, I refuse to bait so we just live with very large healthy rats. They have an endless supply of cow pellets.
  11. As far as I know kennel cough is simular to our common cold and is transfered in the same way. You can vaccinate for kennel cough but this only covers the more common strains. Your puppy should be fine. I worked in kennels when we had a strain of kennel cough go through the kennels. A lot of the boarders caught it including the kennel owners 4 week old GSD pups. It was a bit of a worry for the very old and the very young but everyone was fine. Our own dogs never got kennel cough again so I guess they get an immunity until a different strain comes along.
  12. Hi! I was trying to post in the Kelpie sub-forum and it wont let me. Does anyone know why this would be?
  13. Just seeing if I can add a photo to my post. Day off work bored so having a play. Here goes it!!!!!!
  14. Yep. Got to love that name! :D Bastard refers to the cut of the file. It may be a bit rough for a Terrier, try a 'second cut' one, you'll get a smoother finish and no tearing of the nail. I had English Toy Terriers that I used a Bastard File to do their nails. You can get very fine ones that do a great job. The ETs didnt mind at all once they got used to it.
  15. I use Vet Stop, never had any problems. There are a few threads on bad experiences DOL's have had
  16. Has anyone used All Creatures Air and Land to transport your animals? We are moving back to NZ in six months and will be taking Ruby and Horse the cat with us. Any feedback would be great. Cheers
  17. Yep Same here. Dog Roll, Tux biscuits, bones and left overs.
  18. Yep I saw the new shop the other day in sale. Shame........ Didnt know there was one in Traralgon too
  19. My first Kelpie did the same thing a few times when I was throwing a ball. I took her to the vet, he sent to the park to throw a ball and then listened to her heart. He couldnt find anything wrong. I just stopped doing what caused it and she was fine. Maybe she just didnt breath properly with a ball in her mouth.
  20. Puppy to be sure, I love them. I enjoy the early training period and spending the time doing the work and putting time into a pup.
  21. If you have a dog that is really bad during storms and you put them in boarding kennels, let the boarding kennel people know. We always went for a walk to check on dogs during a storm at the kennels I worked at. Some dogs would try and chew through the wire. We could lock those one in the back of their run that had no wire. It helps to be pre-warned though.
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