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Everything posted by kelpiekaye

  1. I have been to German Shepherd Specialist shows and the odd person rocks up with a Jack-Russel or a Staffy or even a fluffy thing. My God did that get a lot of the GSD going. Still I dont think theres anything wrong with it as long as everyones dogs are vaccinated and under control. I'm sure that members of the public whose dogs or they are causing trouble could be asked to leave if need be.
  2. I would think it would have more to do with how they are first introduced to a gun shot. We used to go possum shooting in NZ and the dogs learnt that a gunshot meant a possum was about to fall out of a tree and they loved it. My kelpie dosnt like thunder or whip cracking. During a storm I just keep her inside where she is safe but dont fuss over her.
  3. I know how you feel. I lost Bo my kelpie to paralysis tick despite using frontline and taking her to the vet straight away. They treated her, said she wasnt too bad and to take her home. They said she would get worse before she got better. She got worse and never got better and died at the vet clinic during the night after we had taken her back in at 10pm. It broke my heart. We had alot of bandicoots around the house at night too. Now if I go to a tick area I use proban. Moving back to NZ soon NO CROCS, NO SNAKES, NO TICKS THAT KILL DOGS.
  4. We have had rats chewing on our calves in calf pen. I wont use bait because of the dogs and cat. I would concider using the icing sugar and cement, cant be any worse than bait?
  5. What are you feeding? Maybe it dosnt agree with your dog,id you change food gradualy so dog could adjust? Maybe feed some raw as well eg chicken, beef bones etc
  6. Best to responsibly rehome than dump on the RSPCA or elsewhere. I am taking mine back to NZ in four weeks. It will be a bit of a juggle to start as I start a new job where my Ruby isnt allowed to work and a pup and a cat. We will manage somehow. I wont have any furniture but I have purchased a large dog pen thats waiting over there for me.
  7. Here a photo, not a great one, I need a better camera, but this is Horse the cat disiplining my partners 9 week kelpie pup Kora.
  8. It is lack of training, the owners must see this as acceptable behaviour or they can't be bothered/don't know what to do about it.. Its not something I would accept from any of my dogs Kelpie or not.
  9. We have a wild cat that comes in the cat door and eats Horse's(our cat) biscuits. The other night I disturbed the wild cat and while it was trying to get out the cat door in a hurry Horse went up and gave it a half-pie whack across the rump. They are friends as I have seen them walking around together and once came home and found it in the lounge hanging out with Horse, another hurried exit.
  10. Dairy farm dogs would of and still do drink a lot of milk. I wish mine didnt as she looks quite bloated but it soon goes away. It dosnt seem to upset her stomach though, milk used to go straight through my previous Kelpie.
  11. I spayed Ruby a Kelpie at 7 months after her first heat. I wouldve done her before but she came on heat earlier than the breeder expected. She works the cows and I also do agility with her (when I get a chance). She has got plenty of drive and go in her and I dont think being spayed has lessened her drive. The Kelpie 'Bo' I had before her was spayed before her first heat and did not have the same drive as Ruby, but I think that has more to do with her temperment and breeding than spaying. I spayed my GSD Juste after she had had two litters, I think she was about 5yrs, It didnt change her at all. I did a lot of sucessful agility with her.
  12. We have 11 entire male dogs here. Four generations in fact and three of them are littermates. We have no fights, no issues between brothers and they are three years old. And to those who say not to get two puppies at the same time, we had four at one point. Currently we have two pups who are three months apart. Guess that makes us extremely crazy I think it all depends on the owners and what they do in certain situations that are bound to arise.
  13. He probably knew it was all under control
  14. I'm going with SheltieXPom too
  15. I've also had swag and tent thoroughly inspected by dingos. It's weird to wake up to a sniffing sound and pray it doesn't change to the sound of a cocked leg.
  16. I think you will find the general opinion will be, not to have two pups at the same time and if you do go for opposite sexes. I guess it all depends on how you handle it. Most breeders would not sell you litter mates. It may all work out fine depending on how experienced you are. Could you not get one and when he's trained then get another of opposite sex?
  17. Perhaps it also depends how well used they are when the farmer replaces them? As they're only supposed to be used for a set number of milkings (2500 by my memory), but some farmers will stretch that a bit longer to save money! So, perhaps new ones, or less used ones, would last longer. Your right about some farmers stretching it out. Theres a formula to work out when they need replacing. When we're milking 500 cows through 42 ASHB its every three months. As I said earlier Ruby goes over to the dairy and helps herself to new ones. She will get me in deep trouble one day
  18. When are you going? Heat can be a worry. Not much of a problem this time of the year. Take the crocodile thing very serious. Crocs love dogs. I stayed in Broome for a while and went on a overnight fishing trip with some blokes. They told me don't bring your dog cause of the crocs. They were right, I shone my torch on the water at night and there were heaps of red eyes looking out of the water . I would definately contain your dog at night.
  19. Good advice I think with every toy, bones etc. Theres always some destructive hound around that can destroy anything. My dad has got one that I gave him years ago, he used it to exersise Jude his GSD and now Harvey a GSD he provided a home for and the milk liner is still going. Dad dosnt leave it lying around, he gets it out as a game and puts it away after. My Kelpies dont seem to be very destructive so Im lucky I guess.
  20. It dosnt suprise me at all. My beagle along with my other dogs used to scent rabbits. I would sit down on a log and wait. The rabbit would sneak past me then a couple of minutes later the dogs would go tearing past, then the rabbit again, then the dogs led by the beagle-nose on the ground. If he just had a look around Good photo
  21. Probably charged twice as much. Now theres a thought. We throw all the old liners in the bin, 42X4=168x$.50c=$84 hmmm......
  22. No. Shame theres not. Although there is the herding one in the dog training threads.
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