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Everything posted by kelpiekaye

  1. Yes she spends a lot of time in the sun working, she also jumps in troughs and the river that runs through the farm a lot so i dont wash her very often. She is wormed reguarly. I do sometimes give her chicken frames raw if they are in our supermarket.
  2. We have a black and tan boy and his coat is shiny, ive seen black dogs with a red tinge from a bad diet so you must be doing the right thing for Bonnie. Looks lovely. Poodle fan may be on to my problem. The sun.
  3. What would be the best diet to get a shiny coat in a red kelpie. I feed my girl advance puppy, she steals a bit of milk from the cow shed, ( ive stopped that from happenning now) and the odd beef bone but her coat is dull. Other red kelpies ive seen often have a dull coat too. She has just had her first heat so that may have something to do with it, but shes not really molting badly like gsd i have had. Any advice would be appreciated. Cheers Kaye
  4. Very normal, my girl did it for quite a while, I saw it as a submissive behaviour. She is still very submissive but dosnt wee anymore..
  5. Reading all these stories of walking dogs in cities makes me feel so bloody lucky to live on a farm where my dogs can run free, work with no hassles. We recently took them to the Cattlemans Cup where there were heaps of dogs, some running free, some on leads and I did not see one aggressive incident. Most of the dogs were from rural backgrounds and seemed more interested in what their owner was doing than other dogs. How ever I have lived in built up areas with dogs and had all the same problems with stupid people. They ruin it for all and the worrying thing is they are multiplying
  6. At the end of the day do what you like and dont expect other people to approve or appreiciate the passion of your life. They probably have passions of their own like collecting stamps that wouldnt do much for me Im afraid and I wouldnt be able to pretend to be interested. Share your dog stuff with other like minded people that will understand what it means.
  7. The best thing to do is talk to your vet. I do know that Proban cannot be used with any other organophoshates.
  8. All the dogs I have had the pleasure of owning over the years have tended towards what they were bred for. Spud the beagle hunted with his nose, Chap the rotty worked the nieghbours cows when their working dog died, Oscar the border terrier hunted everything and suprisingly brought the cows in too. Juste my gsd was just a well adjusted girl that did anything I asked of her. My present dog a kelpie (show breeding) works her heart out and is only 8 months old. So I think most dogs will do what theyre bred for given the chance.
  9. Proban can be used with frontline. You still must check your dog everyday for ticks and they are hard to find. I lost a dog to two ticks and she was on frontline, also keep checking when you get home as they can take a while to be noticed. A lot of good tick info in the health and nutrition section. Have a great holiday.
  10. I suspect my kelpie has a knocked up toe. She is lame and her middle toe on her front right foot is sticking up higher than her other toes. Is this what a knocked up toe presents like? It dosnt seem to hurt her if I touch it and she still runs like the wind but limps when walking. I will be taking her to the vet as soon as Im able. Has anyone else had an experience with this type of injury?
  11. I had one rescue girl on atropine, for an eye ulcer, and she would literally foam at the mouth after I had put the drops in her eye. Obviously it isn't very tasty. Yep dosnt look like it tastes too good
  12. Thanks for the informed advice. Cheers Kaye
  13. I just re-read this.. I missed the bit where you said the eye had been sore. Anisocoria does not cause pain, so I would be concerned about it being something else. The vet may have given you the Atropt if they suspected uveitis (but uveitis presents with a small or mid-dilated pupil) Was the pupil dilated BEFORE the vet put the Atropt in? (This is how I read the initial post) Is the white part of the eye red? It the cornea cloudy? Is she squinting? Is there any discharge? Sorry, I should have read your post more thoroughly. Sorry I probably didnt explain well enough The pupil was not dilating at all before the Atropt, the white part of eye was red, the cornea was not cloudy, there is no discharge, she was squinting but not so much now. Hope this helps
  14. I just re-read this.. I missed the bit where you said the eye had been sore. Anisocoria does not cause pain, so I would be concerned about it being something else. The vet may have given you the Atropt if they suspected uveitis (but uveitis presents with a small or mid-dilated pupil) Was the pupil dilated BEFORE the vet put the Atropt in? (This is how I read the initial post) Is the white part of the eye red? It the cornea cloudy? Is she squinting? Is there any discharge? No the pupil was not dilated before the Atropt, in fact it wasnt dilating at all, the white part of eye was red, the cornea was not cloudy, she was squinting and still is sometimes, there is no discharge to speak of. It isnt bothering her at all now, just a very dilated pupil. Gratful for any advice. Thanks Sorry, I should have read your post more thoroughly.
  15. Thanks for that. It sounds like I should stop the Atropt. I may go to another vet for a second opinion. She hates the Atropt anyhow.
  16. My young kelpie, 6 months, had a sore eye yesterday morning. I was going to the vet anyhow so took her along. The vet could not find anything in it and thought that most probably she had a severe knock to it. She prescibed Amacin and Atropt, also antibiotics. The eye is seriously dilated still. It is not worrying her as much as it is worrying me. Has anyone else had experience with this type of injury. Also it is dam near impossible to get drops and ointment in her eye. Any tips. Cheers Kaye
  17. QUESTIONS 1. What is my relationship with the breed? (ie breeder, first time owner etc) I have a 6month kelpie bitch. She is my second Kelpie 2. Where and why was the breed first developed? Developed in Australia as a working dog for sheep. 3. How common is it in Australia? Very common. 4. What is the average lifespan? I have met a lot of elderly kelpies 12yrs plus 5. What is the general temperament/personality? Intelligent, loyal, energetic, fun, hard working. 6. How much daily exercise is needed for the average adult? A moderate amount, although my girl is happy to lie about if Im lying about or run around working moving cattle etc 7. Is it a breed that a first time dog owner could easily cope with? Depends what they want from their dog and how much time they put in. 8. Can solo dogs of this breed easily occupy themselves for long periods? If dog has plenty of excercise they are happy to go of duty and be alone and rest, Contained in run of course. 9. How much grooming is required? Not alot. 10. Is it too boisterous for very small children or for infirm people (unless the dog is well trained)? Like all dogs, they would need to be trained to what is acceptable behavior for their situation. 11. Are there any common hereditary problems a puppy buyer should be aware of? Not that I know of. Generaly a healthy breed. 12. When buying a puppy, what are the things you should ask of the breeder? (eg what health tests have been done (if applicable) and what is an acceptable result to those tests so the buyer has an idea of what the result should be)
  18. We stayed at Best Friends Holiday Retreat recently. It was the best place ive stayed with my dog, not bad for people either. Will definatley go again. Not many places that its against the rules to leave your dog outside. Big dog off lead excercise areas, untold toys. The owners were great too..
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