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Everything posted by kelpiekaye

  1. I just had my two dogs and cat desexed, that was one spay and two castrations. $456.00 all up. That also included microchipping the cat and pre-anaesthic blood test for bitch. Pretty good I reckon. I must tell them how good they are.
  2. Try the difference yourself. I've tried every dry that's been in my dogs mouths and there's a big difference between them. Euk and Science diet are like cardboard and I can't blame the dogs for not wanting to eat it. I too have tried my dogs dry food, Nutros not too bad Have also talked flatmates into trying it, they were not impressed. The old tux biscuits were terrible...
  3. We have a young DSH called Horse who thinks hes a dog. The two dogs and Horse entertain us everyday with their games
  4. Addictive isn't it So are you planning on doing anything during the week - cos you know once a week isn't enough Ive got a couple of tyres, jumps and a seesaw my OH made for me, so will play around at home. My club has a training during the week that I can join in on, in a few weeks time when weve got the basics sorted. Addictive indeed
  5. Hi, thought Id join in on this thread. I took my 12 month kelpie, Ruby to her first agility training this morning and it was GREAT. She loved it and so did I. I have done agility before years ago competing with a GSD and had forgotten how much fun it is to do, especaily with a dog that wants to go for it. Cant wait for next week now. YE HA
  6. Interesting. I dont really like choke chains but do have one. Really I should make time and teach her not to pull. She is only 15kgs and I am capable of training her but the more dogs I have owned the more relaxed I seem to get. She works the stock well and I have good control of her off the lead so I should get my act together
  7. Right. I think I need to get my dictionary out. Antecedent - a preceding thing or circumstance. Its great to learn something everyday, in my case lots of things. Thanks, I think I know what you mean. I will give it my best shot of not letting her get anywhere on a tight leash while in harness. Cheers Haha, well you got full marks!
  8. Yep it clips onto her back so you may be right about it being new, time will tell.
  9. Right. I think I need to get my dictionary out. Antecedent - a preceding thing or circumstance. Its great to learn something everyday, in my case lots of things. Thanks, I think I know what you mean. I will give it my best shot of not letting her get anywhere on a tight leash while in harness. Cheers
  10. I got my girl a harness that clips into the seatbelt today. Ruby dosnt get put on a lead very often as we are on a farm and dont get alot of time so she tends to pull a fair bit on a collar. Well I took her with me today for a bit of town experience, we went into this doggy shop and tried on the harness, it fitted so we left it on. It has a place to attach a lead so off we went and she didnt pull at all, it was AMAZING. Will it last? Has anyone else found a harness better for walking your dog? Just wondering........
  11. My bitch was spayed 3 weeks ago and you cant see a scar already....... I would wait and see if she comes on heat or ultrasound
  12. It would be hard to clean and is very abrasive as I found out from years of playing hockey on it..
  13. I have a friend who has a GSD and a GD, both bitches. My friend is very dog savvy and keeps a very close eye on what goes on between these two. The dane is top dog, but the shepherd often challenges and the dane sorts her out till next time. I think its always difficult having two bitches of similar ages. I agree with everyone else, feed them separately and avoid situations that create competition between them. Goodluck
  14. Yep, Im addicted too, I dont get out much , and DOL provides a bit of a outlet. Theres a lot of knowlegible members and some interesting discussions.
  15. AWESOME PHOTOS EVERYONE, BEAUTIFUL DOGS. Wish I could work out how to put photos on.
  16. I had a easter egg hunt years ago. All the kids found were the tin foil wrappings. My Rotty had cleaned up the lot. There were no ill effects fortunatly, just some disappointed kids. Maybe his 55kgs saved him or we were just lucky.
  17. I think you know exactly what I mean, thank god. My Ruby is a Red Kelpie. Her normal day is coming with me to get the cows at 4.30am and we dont stop till about 6pm, 6 days a week, and at the end of the day when Im having a beer shes runnning like a mad thing, chasing Aussie, flies, rabbits. So this trying to be quiet is a bit of a joke. But I will keep trying for a few days anyhow
  18. I watched it flying back from NZ. I cried, great movie.
  19. Well Ive desexed the family, Aussie, Ruby and Horse the cat. Aussie and Horse are a piece of cake but Ruby is going to be the death of me. After one day of recuperation she thinks shes ready to take on the world. Im sure Im going to end up back at the vet with problems. Short of crating her 24/7 and keeping her on a lead constantly, I cant keep her quiet. There are flies to snatch out of the air etc etc. Love to hear of others experiences with over active patients.....
  20. Thanks ninahartland.Wish I could spay all them. Just think no milking, herd testing, preg testing, no job. YE HA. Could drive around Australia again with my desexed family
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