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Everything posted by kelpiekaye

  1. YES - and the dog can be very sick before you even notice This is a worry for me at the moment. I manage a dairy farm that is over run with rats and mice due to the pallets fed to cows at milking. My cat eats mice that he catches and my Kelpie Ruby constantly hunts and sometimes catches mice or rats. I havnt seen her eat one yet. Our boss wants me to lay baits and I said no, but Im going to have to work out a way to lessen the population somehow. Do rats carry lepto??
  2. Yes Alfie the dog in question was very"weedy". Small head and never looked like a true BF. I think if my parents had known he was to be desexed before they got him they wouldnt of got him. They would off desexed him in time but were never given the choice.
  3. Welcome. Nice dogs. Kelpies are my passion.
  4. The breeder admitted to desexing when asked, she did not tell Mum and Dad until she was asked the question.
  5. He was 8 weeks when they got him. This was in NZ. At the time the breeder said it was normal practice. BF were very popular at the time. Perhabs they were trying to keep the breed a bit exclusive.
  6. Was he desexed or did he have two undescended testicles? He was definiatly desexed.
  7. Ive been reading the other thread on age to desex and wondered how common it was to desex puppies before they go to their new homes. The reason I ask is my parents paid $800 for a male Bichon Frise about 15 years ago,[probably longer than that]. He came with papers etc. We were at the park one day with the pup and I rolled him over and noticed he had been desexed. When I said to Dad that he was I could of bowled him over with a feather, he had no idea. The breeder had not told him that he would be desexed. When Dad contacted the Breeder about it, who was also a member of Dads church, He got no joy. She didnt want to talk about it. Is this normal practice? The dog, Alfie was never a normal dog, it was almost as if he was brain damaged all his life, but he lived to a ripe old age. Could having anesthetic have had a effect on his brain? This is something Ive wondered about for years...
  8. Some people [your nieghbours] need to get a life. Geez people piss me off. Hope you have no more hassles.
  9. Sorry this happened to you and your family. Not your fault. Shit happens sometimes. Stay strong.
  10. Worked out how to light a candle. Got one burning now. Thinking of you Jed
  11. Thankyou for your replies. The NFS runs look pretty good. Have to do a bit of thinking......
  12. Do you have a link for their website Indiegirl? I found a link in an old thread about dog runs but it takes me to a webhosting site. There seems to be a bit of a shortage of companies I can find up here in Qld and I'm looking at run options for 4 dogs at the moment. Thanks I'd be interested in their website too Indiegirl. Thanks for your info conztruct. I will keep it in mind.
  13. Hi all! I am thinking of buying a Petsafe dog run $379, off www.dogmaster. Has anyone got one and are they any good??? Are there any other suggestions for dog runs? Thanks in advance. Kaye
  14. I have competed in agility with a GSD and a ETT. They were very different to handle. I think your observations 'Agility Dogs' are very simular to mine. My GSD never put a foot wrong, the ETT kept me humble. He often didnt come out of tunnels, stopped at the top of A frames and had a good look around and very rarely went within time. The best round he ever did, he was showing off to Australian Terrier bitch he fancied on the sideline
  15. Paralysis ticks are mainly in coastal areas from Lakes Entrance up, heartworm is where ever mosquitos are, Most parts of Aussie. Talk to your vet
  16. I agree with you too! I have researched a lot of the information on pro and cons of desexing and it is up people to make an informed decision. I decided to desex my animals but it was informed and I know the risks and thats my responsibility.
  17. I agree with this post. Its responsible ownership that needs to be promoted, educate people why they shouldnt breed. Mandatory desexing is not going to stop owners of unregistered dogs breeding.
  18. Thankyou yellowgirl. Ive ordered two tees, youve opened up a whole new world for me :D
  19. I wonder if I could place an add saying "AAA Beware Where do those pups go?
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