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Everything posted by Pete.the.dog

  1. Are you supposed to remove them? Why is that? **Not being a smart arse, I am just clueless on the topic of rear dew claws**
  2. Well that's a shame. Personally, one of the joys of having Pete is his consistent excitement to see me.
  3. That title isn't a very good explanation, but when Pete is excited he will snap his jaws a little bit - Not at me or anything like that!! He just does it. So if I come home and he's all excited dancing around the place, he will be snapping a bit while he does it. Do other dogs do this? It's not troubling me, I'm just curious
  4. Are you bringing them down to Adelaide? Maybe it would be best for me to wait until after your seminar and then start again with a proper tug toy
  5. K9: The true answer is that it depends, working with live animals takes some of the prediction ability out but, I always start with one toy & only use that until I have drive built, many times first 4 weeks, sometimes more, sometimes less. Then I make it a point to vary the toys between a number of prey items that I consider to be safe for the dog. I dont like to develop drive with various toys at the start because I have seen a few dogs stop after teh trigger phrase & try & guess which toy is coming, it is a step "I" prefer not to have to train out. Does that make sense? Yes thank you that does make sense! You just confirmed what I thought - that I need to pull my socks up and get onto the people Erny suggested for the tugs and stop just using toys before you come to Adelaide!
  6. K9 while you're around, can i ask a quick naive question about building drive - does it have to be with the same toy or tug each time? Pete seems just as happy to play with anything I decide to use, e.g. head on a rope or a teddy bear.. Does it add confusion, or not make a difference? Thanks
  7. Oh you are so brave! I think when I told my OH I was going to a DOL meet it was all he could do not to Can't imagine what it would take to get him to come with me!
  8. I'm not sure if this is Australia wide or just in SA but it is 20% off storewide and they have some other good deals as well! Thought people might like to know.. Just promise save me a Kong http://www.emarketsolutions.com.au/send/li...;L=8471&F=H
  9. Its so funny, dad's been using this stuff on his lips for at least 15 years, and over the last 5 or so years it has just EXPLODED in popularity, especially as a lip balm! Good to see if is a magic cure-all for doggies too
  10. I won't be able to make it this time I'm afraid. Sunday night I'm working midnight till 7.30am, so Sunday-day I'm going to be trying to get some rest!! Will try to make it to the next one!
  11. Nup neither did i! Will email Steve tomorrow. Me either Just emailed him though
  12. Omg that is horrible. My dog would die. 1. Because I don't have $1200 in my bank most of the time 2. Because my daily transaction limit is $800 so even if it was in there I wouldn't have immediate access. Thats really frightening
  13. Mine stays home alone a couple of nights a week when I stay at my boyfriends. I sometimes take him but that means they have to lock there cat in the laundry, and I just don't feel thats fair on the cat... Anyway... The only time I feel too bad to do it is when I have been at work all day. I can't justify leaving him at night to be with my boy lover if my dog lover has been alone all day, but I think if they get enough love and excercise during the day, then there is really no problem
  14. Well my boys about 1 and a half, he is snipped but still goes crazy on the sniffing and marking when on walks (well he goes nuts on the sniffing everywhere) so maybe you've got a while yet, maybe they grow out of it at around 2 years when they start to fully mature? Sorry not a lot of help.
  15. Was lovely to meet everyone today Sorry I had to run off, will hopefully be around longer at the next one! KHM earl is adorable! Hope the kids didn't hype up too much on the sugar - i love giving kids lollies! Ps Kerri I now have witnesses Pete would outrun Justice
  16. Might be hard for me but depending on the time / chance of me getting OH's car then I'd be keen - should be able to manage it
  17. Oh such a shame about the darn weather! Looking forward to Feb 7th if that's still an option?
  18. Good call Robbi - I'm still more than willing to help. Just a thought - maybe if we get a fund of donations we can 'sponser' dogs individually, so say we got donations to cover 5 discount desexes - we should sponser 5 dogs and get those 5 desexed - as well as food/bedding?
  19. Robbi I've been trying to brainstorm ways to help. I was thinking maybe we could ask local papers to donate some advertising space to the Moorook website? I'd offer to do runs upto Moorook but I don't have a car at the moment. Am very eager to be involved in supporting this organisation, so please let me know what I can do to help
  20. Oh good! I was looking on weather.com.au - they are sometimes a little slow to update. Sorry to have lead you all astray...
  21. Sorry it is Sunday - I got mixed up. Sunday is also forecast for 39 But it's still 4 days away, the weather forecast often changes
  22. Forecast for Saturday is 39 Hopefully it gets revised down!
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