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Everything posted by =SaNdY^BaBii=
Hi There, When I first got Momo, I started crate training her. The first week was hard as she hated being in the crate. She would bite the door of the crate, cry, bump around, all sorts of things! What I did was go to sleep with earphones on listening to music so that I won't be tempted to go to her when I hear her cry (that might not work for everyone though ) After one week she got used to the idea of crate = her room. I have no problems at all now with her going to sleep in the crate. I think you'll need to expect a week or two for adjustment, then after that it will get easier and easier. But not running over everytime they cry is something you'll have to learn to do! Good luck!!
Momo is a pom x bichon, so in the toy breed category from what I saw in the VET's poster? I think I will continue to feed her 2 meals as she seems to be so hungry if she doesn't eat in the morning. Might just cut down on the quantity of each meal though! Would a small handful of kibble in the morning and chicken bone/meat at night be ok ??
Hi All, Just a quick question, MOMO is now 6 months old and she gets fed once in the morning and once at night. I was wondering if it's too early to feed her only one meal a day? She is quite large for her age already and is a little over weight (VET said need to watch her weight ) At what age do you all change over from 2 meals to one a day? thanks!
I thought it was normal for some puppies to have some tearing?? Momo has a lot of tearing happening and also the corner of her eyes have red stains. I didn't realise that it could be something wrong cuz everyone keeps telling me that it's normal?? omg!
Momo sounds like Atilla! Yesterday I stopped trying to pat her or hug her, just letting her come when she wants or sit away when she wants. I find that she tends to come over to us more when we don't really initiate it. :p
Have contacted trainer this morning, I think one of my issues is I don't really know the correct way of training her either. So will speak to a trainer to train me first! This morning as I was getting ready, she came and quite happily stuck to my back while i was sitting on the floor infront of the mirror. She had her little soft toy with her and just lied there chewing it behind me. I guess it really is what some of you said, it depends on their mood. As long as it's not because she is afraid of us or not happy with us then I am happy with that
Hi All!! Thanks for all your replies. So from what I have gathered, first is to - stop smoking! Then, some training for little Miss Momo! I do agree we don't train her enough and therefore she probably doesn't have much respect or idea or who is leader. Need to toughen up on the little one!!
She is very excited, jumping running around, then i tell her sit and she sits I put the collar on without much trouble. Then she just wants to rush out the door. She is not trained to the point she will sit and wait etc.
Yes, i am a smoker.. didn't know that could put my puppy off! maybe I should wash hands everytime after smoking!
No. If she learns inappropriate behaviours to get what she wants, then you have a problem. In that case it is simply a matter of learning how to change your behaviour to address those inappropriate behaviours. There is nothing from your posts that might suggest this is the case, but feel free to add. If she doesn't like being touched, grooming and veterinary care could become an issue. You can teach dogs to accept these procedures, I would use clicker training. I am actually thinking that she might not like being touched because previously when I do get her close to me I try and groom her, eg combing her or cutting nails because that's the only time I can do it. Otherwise she is running around playing and all sorts. Could it be because of this?
I think I would be annoyed too if someone wanted to cuddle me all the time. But I am not cuddling her or suffocating her like that. I am talking like if i stroked her head, she would turn her head left and right to get away from my hand. If I stroke her back, she will get up and walk away from me
I guess as long as it's not because of something that I have done to upset her then it's ok! I was just worried that it might be something to do with irritation or fear with me
She does enjoy attention but not in the touchy type at all. The only time she comes to me is when she wants to play with toy or when she is being fed. Other than that, she doesn't want to be touched at all. If we do ignore her though, like when we are busy making dinner, she will sit there looking at us, paw at our feet or make a funny groooooollll growl. lol
Momo is a pom x bichon I haven't taken her to puppy school as haven't found any close enough to me. (I am in Melbourne East Doncaster area btw!) BF says that as long as she isn't being naughty or doing anything bad, she doesn't have to like sticking to us. He said that as long as she is happy and healthy that's the important thing. Everyone think the same? Or is there really an issue with seeing herself as a leader and not really need to obey us or want to stick to us? Some people have replied that a lot of dogs don't like snuggling and I think I can understand that. But with momo I am not even hugging sometimes, just really softly touching her and patting her. She will still walk off, it's like.. she just doesn't like being in contact with human at all!! I think I will take her to the VET and get them to have a look just to make sure. I can't really tell whether the wound is suppose to be reddish and a bit swollen because that's what happens when wounds heal (for humans anyway) or if it's cuz she's been licking it
Hi All, I have had Momo now for around 3 months. She is now 5 months old and just de-sexed last friday. She has been great, not toileting in the house or making a big mess. I am just curious though, she doesn't like being patted or cuddles or touched at all. Is that normal for puppies?? For example, she would be lying on the ground and if i lie down next to her and pat her, she actually gets up, walks a few steps away and lies down again away from me. If I am hugging her, she struggles free and runs off. She also doesn't like to be on the bed or the couch, she always jumps off and lies down in on the floor. A lot of times I find that she is just sitting away from us on the floor somewhere. Sometimes even hiding in a corner. I can not figure out why she is doing this at all. Can anyone tell me why she is like this? Are some dogs just more independant than others? Could this be a result of us telling her off when she did something wrong and so she doesn't like to be close to us anymore? Also, she got de-sexed on friday and we were told by the VET not to let her lick her wound too much. But it seems like she is licking it every minute I can't really stop her from doing it, should i get one of those cone things to stop her from licking? Thanks in advance!
Puppy Not Wanting To Eat Any Of Her Food
=SaNdY^BaBii= replied to =SaNdY^BaBii='s topic in Puppy Chat
Hi All, The appointment was actually made for the vac, not the sickness. It just happens that she was sick the day before so I thought I better mention it to the VET when we were there. Not the other way round! Yesterday I tried to fee her the dry food and she didn't want it. But when I fed her mince meat she gulped it down in 2 seconds. So I think she's just being picky. This morning I mixed the dry food with the minced meat and she happily ate it all. Good start! Might keep doing this! No runny or blood poop anymore so that's good too! She has been playing happily the whole time as well so that's a good sign. Thanks everyone! -
Puppy Not Wanting To Eat Any Of Her Food
=SaNdY^BaBii= replied to =SaNdY^BaBii='s topic in Puppy Chat
Took MOMO to the VET last night to get her last C4 shot and check up. Vet said she seems ok! Told Vet about the blood and runny poop and not eating. She said might just be change in food or upset tummy but nothing to worry about Last night I boiled some chicken and rice, she ate the chicken but left the rice ;) Might keep trying and see. -
Puppy Not Wanting To Eat Any Of Her Food
=SaNdY^BaBii= replied to =SaNdY^BaBii='s topic in Puppy Chat
hi all, thanks for all your replies. I have booked her in for the VET tonight. we changed the brand as I thought Eukanuba was a good brand too. So i thought i'd give that a try. But didn't really ease into it. so that might be problem one. I also wormed her a few days ago, but the last time before that when I wormed her she didn't seem to have a problem. She is 4 month old now. So maybe it's the teething? if that was the case, what can I do to help her eat again? thanks all! -
Hi All, I have had my puppy MOMO for about 2 months now, everything has been well until recently. When I first got her, she ate Royal Canine puppy and was happy with that. I then started feeding her some raw bone/meat and she was happy with that too. Basically she ate everything that was fed to her happily. We occasionally slipped her some table scraps. But only tiny pieces and not all the time. The last week when the Royal canine finished, we purchased a bag of Eukanuba and at the start she happily ate it too. The last few days, she started to stop eating much of anything I gave her. She didn't want any of the dry food if she could, even the chicken wings, pork she didn't want. sometimes if I fed it to her in my hand she would eat it. But if I left it in the bowls she wouldn't eat it. But when I am having dinner she would still come and try to get something to eat. Yesterday after she went to do a poop, I saw that there was blood arond her bum and it seems like she had the runs too. But when she came in she still happily played with her toy and doesn't seem to be in pain or discomfort. Anyone have any idea at all what's happening?
I have started to say 'ahhhhhhhhhhh no' when she tries to attack my face and she has been doing it a lot less. She now only does is when she is excited with new people and try that on them! She doesn't like being brushed, she keeps trying to bite the brush!!! But I get her to sit, then use treats to get her to stay still and give her one every 10 secs that she stays. I think she is just easily excited and I need to let her know that attacking faces isn't a friendly act!
I think puppy school is a good idea too, the one I took her to was pretty good but a little far for me. Can anyone suggest puppy school around Doncaster area in Melbourne?? It has to be night or weekend due to me working during the day! thanks!!
Hi all, Thanks for all your replies!! So far I have taught her to sit and stay, although she can only do these quite well when there is food involved!! If there are distractions or if I don't stare at her, she loses concentration and just gets up again. I have taken her to her first lesson of puppy school last week, which the trainers taught sit, stand and come. She understands these commands. The only trouble i am having now is to actually get her to follow these commands each and everytime with or without the lure of food. I think I need to strengthen the idea of who is the leader as she is starting to feel that she can test the water and push limits. In regards to when she tries to bite and attack, I have tried the ignoring her strategy. but it seems that she is not fazed by it at all, cuz she just entertains herself by playing with her toys by herself. she doesn't seem bothered that I am trying to ignore her So i don't know if that actually works on letting her know what she's done is wrong...
Hi there, I've had my puppy Momo for about 2 wks now. She is a Pom about 3 months old now. She has been good so far, never peed or pooed in the house, she was somehow toilet trained to go on grass only. Didn't have too much trouble with crate training for sleep, only a bit of whining for a few minutes and then quiet. The only problem that has started in the last few days is that she has taken to jumping at us with her mouth trying to bite. Last night when she was on the floor and i knelt down to pat her, then suddenly she leaped at my face with her mouth open trying to take a bite. She also did that with my friend who was here. It was very sudden as she wasn't jumping around or anything to start with, either just lying there or when we are holding her, but when we our face are down close enough she suddenly jumped to attack our faces. I am very concerned as we could've been hurt on our faces, and if it was a small child they would b seriously scared and wouldn't be able to react quick enough to stop her. Would anyone be able to advise me on what she is doing and how I can stop her? thanks!
I think thats the point? Put larger pieces in there so they're harder to get out. Some dogs just don't like peanut butter as well.. it may be what you're putting in the kong rather than the kong itself? That might be right! I will try and put other things in the Kong and see how it goes!!
I got her the red little one, put treats in it and she ate the treats then abandoned the kong! then tried the peanut butter inside and she didn't even lick the peanut butter! She is happy to be left with a biscuit bone but that only lasts one minute for her. There seems to be some pups that love kong and some that are just not inerested??