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  1. Just wanted to report my good news! My little fella came home last night and is doing really well. He ate dinner and in typical pug fashion nagged me for more. pugrescuesydney, as you mentioned with yours, he is bouncing around like nothing much happened. The difference in his breathing is really dramatic - vet reported that his soft palate was very long and thick and hopefully we have avoided issues such as laryngeal collapse down the track. my main concern now is keeping him calm - this morning on his potty trip he seemed very determined to head up to the dog park as per usual - all his mates up there will be shocked at his silence when they see him again in a few weeks.
  2. yes, i did think that the collar would be just another way to make him uncomfortable. i will talk to the vet when i collect him and perhaps take the collar home with me in case i notice him playing with stitches. if he doesn't need collar, i sure don't want to make him more peeved that he will already be. thanks.
  3. thanks pugrescuesydney - i am feeling better already! I have been told that he will have an elizabethan collar on - so that should prevent him licking the stitches and i will be monitoring him very carefully over the next few days to watch for bleeding etc. Yoghurt is a great idea and as he already has raw chicken mince sometimes so I will try that also. (human grade - so no ground up bones in it) I hope my little fella bounces back quickly and forgives me for all that I have put him through. thanks so much for your advice and i will post in a day or so and let you know how he is going.
  4. my little fella has had his castration and they removed some of his soft palate which was very long and very thick. PugRescueSydney - given you have been through this all before - any tips on how i can make him more comfortable when i bring him home tonight? I am planning on soaking his food in water (Science Diet puppy bites) as I don't want to feed him canned food (as suggested by vet) and risk upsetting his tummy. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks
  5. thanks wakd - i feel better knowing that i am not the only one going through this... shall keep you posted on outcome.
  6. hi wakd Yes i spoke with your girlfriend this morning when we were both back there (and my pug made friends with your two)! My dog has had a few visits to this vet and I DO have complete confidence in them - so rest assured, I truly don't believe they would be recommending procedures if they are not absolutely necessary (they have told me with another issue to wait until he is fully grown before any action is taken). Sorry to hear about the blood results - I haven't had any call as yet to advise any problems... Hope all goes well with all three of them! Oops - forgot to mention how gorgeous your two are.
  7. Yes puggy puggy I would tend to suspect that also but the widening of nostrils has previously been recommended by another vet (different practice) so I am inclined to believe it may be necessary. Vet has assured me that soft palate will not be touched if all looks fine. Given he has to undergo GA for desexing, I would rather do this at same time if required. Nervous, but I do trust vet and have been very happy with them to date.
  8. Hi Wakd Gee I am wondering if you were at the same vet as me this morning (there was a couple with two pugs there)? I have exactly the same tale - in for desexing and vet suggested surgery for Stenotic Nares (not the first vet to mention this) and then they will look at soft palate while he is under GA... And as per your case, couldn't do surgery today and told to come back tomorrow. I am happy to have this done if it makes his quality of life better and avoids serious issues down the track - but a bit of a shock I must admit. Hope your two go well tomorrow and we both have good tales to report after this is over.
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