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Shining Star

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Everything posted by Shining Star

  1. Shining Star


    RIP Mate, He was beautiful
  2. That was beautiful, thank you so much K9 Angel you are a very good hearted person. xx
  3. Thanks everyone for your wonderful words and support. It is very much appreciated. I had to post a pic of May especially this one with her eyes closed as she looks so cute! I took it a couple of hours before she was given her wings. May, you will always be with us, and you will never be forgotten princess. Lyndell and Merna
  4. Tonight May was laid to rest. May you rest in peace princess. May's thread will now be moved to the rainbow bridge. Thankyou for everyone's support. Merna
  5. At 8pm tonight our Princess May was given her wings and was laid to rest.. She was doing great all week, but in the last 24 hours she took a turn. She reminded me of when i first got her out of the pound. Last night she was crying, she could not relax, her breathing was very rapid, and she could not settle down. She went down hill from then. Her stomach got so big it was scary and she could not sleep as it was so sore for her. Lyndell and I then laid her to rest. It was so aweful. I kissed her so much whilst it was happening and Lyndell was massaging her. We did have our hopes up high for her as she was doing well, but we promised her that if she started to suffer she will be given her wings, and this is what happened tonight. Run free beautiful girl. You were loved by many, and you will be missed so much. You were taken so soon, if only we got you earlier, maybe we could have helped you more. We are very greatful for the time we had with you Princess May.. You were our Princess and you were loved so much, and you will never be forgotten gorgeous girl. RIP May. May you run free now. Love always Merna, Lyndell, Dabs Rescue, all who followed May's thread, and last but not least Boss your companion and inspiration.
  6. Definetly not forgotten... RIP Angel Merna
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