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Oscar (AmBull)

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Everything posted by Oscar (AmBull)

  1. I do still want to feed Dry food, is there one you could recommend? I have tried yoghurt once and he didn't like it, but I will give it another go. We are looking to change the meat loaf over to just chicken and kangaroo mince? Is kangaroo mince ok for him? He does has sensitive skin so will this make a difference? Thanks so much for the help.
  2. Oscar has been absolutely stinking out the house with his farts . When I say bad they are bad, they don't linger to much thankfully however are rather often, esp at night. He eats purina pro plan puppy, chicken based meatloaf, chicken necks wings carcusses. And he just dropped another , it seems to be while he is sleeping mainly, and is driving me insane! Is it his diet? Or is he just a gassy dog?
  3. I have done the food bowling thing without any issues. I often give him a chicken neck mid way through. And have pat him whilst eating ever since I have had him and he has never shown any signs of aggression. I will try holding onto the bone. I have also been told it is a good idea to take the bone and replace it with another, like a trade, is this a good idea?
  4. My 13 week old puppy gets chicken necks, wings, legs, carcasses etc for lunch daily. Obviously not all in the one day. But he takes them and hides them in a part of our garden like behind the creeper and eats them there. If I walk inside he will eat it in the open but if I approach him he goes and hides it. I have never taken them away from him or anything like that. I gave him a milk carton before to play with, something he hasn't had before. He had it inside and as I walked passed him he took it out to the garden and to his favourite spot. Is this normal? Should I do something to correct this? Is this ok behaviour? Opinions are greatly appreciated.
  5. I have an Amstaff who is now 13 weeks and we have had the same issues. It does get much better! First class we couldn't get him to do anything he was jumping barking howling, all he wanted to do was play. We have found go armed with a whole lot of different treats. When he is calm and displaying god behaviour we say very quietly "Calm" and reward. It has worked for us, but those first few classes are a challenge. We have even had people commenting on how much he has improved over the weeks (just finished 3rd class). He is still gets excited, however we have much more control. I am unsure whether putting him in the corner is the right thing. With Oscar we would pick him up as shown to us, sort of like a time out. It really calmed him down everytime. Basically we put him in our lap with his back to the stomach and your two hands cross at the chest. So your arms go under his front legs and upto the shoulders, if that makes sense. We haven't had to do that the last couple of times as he has imporved so much. We to had the issue of shy pups with him as he is very boisterous. We are enrolled in two schools. The better school does not allow off leash time for him as he is far to big for the other dogs. However in the offleash school we have had the same humping issues. The instructer in that school has chosen to ignore it so we have taken it upon ourselves to correct him, so he knows this is behaviour we do not want. It is really upto you what you want to do, it is hard with a breed like the amstaff as many people are prejudice. It is unfair in my opinion that he is stuck in a corner during the school. I agree with Cosmolo, get there a bit earlier see what suggestions they have if they don't seem to be able to help your pup then maybe a different school is a good idea.
  6. So should I just choose the one school? Or ring them and see methods used?
  7. Thanks so much for all the great responses. My first choice would also be Chris Girling, as I am in love with the dogue de bordeaux and will be looking to get one within the next few years, however Lewiston is so far away from me. I will definitely make contact with Dion as my partner works down that way. Again thanks so much to everyone for the suggestions, greatly appreciated!
  8. I am looking for a really good Vet in South Australia. Preferably one that is familiar with the Amstaff breed? Does anyone know of such a vet? I live in the Adelaide Hills, but I am willing to travel to Adelaide for a good Vet. Thanks
  9. Oscar is currently enrolled in 2 puppy schools and we are wanting to continue on with obediance training. My questions is that there are two really good obeiance schools, is there an issue with having him enrolled in 2 classes? He is already quite stubborn and dominant and we want to train him as best we can as soon as possible before behavioural issues come up and become out of control. Opinions are much appreciated.
  10. missmoo: Thanks so much for the great information. It is hard when you aren't sure of the right and wrong ways to do things, especially when you know the wrong things can be so damaging. ChocosMum: I will be at the Adelaide Meet are you coming? Oscar will be fully vaccinated by then so that is fine. I am a tad worried though, never been to an off leash dog park and have read some bad things on here. But there will me many more experienced dog owners there that I am sure can help me watch him. Just so worried he will have a bad experience. But I am sure it is just me being paranoid. Here is the link for the sounds, http://www.caninetraining.com.au/dog_training_services.html It is on the left hand side and down the bottom are the sounds files.
  11. Thought this thread could be a discussion on desensitising puppies to all sorts of things, people’s experiences, advice and suggestions. I am a new dog owner (Amstaff, 13 weeks, Oscar) and have been attempting to desensitise my new puppy to everything. I have just found a link for fireworks and thunder, two things that dogs are notoriously scared of. I am not sure how to actually do it. He was ok with the fireworks; I was giving him treats and rewarding his calm behaviour. However he was scared of the thunder. He ran and came back for a treat when the thunder was quieter then would leave again when loud. I didn’t do this for long as he was scared. Have I left this all too late? What is the right way to desensitise a puppy to such sounds experience?
  12. hi newamstaffowner, i've been told by my breeder, and a couple other wellinformed people who know a bit about amstaffs, that desexing them before 12 - 18 months can cause them to get pin head look, due to the muscles in their heads not developing due to lack of testosterone. as far as the humping goes, saxon humps the air, i just laugh... he tries, god love him. Thanks so much for the great information! Where can I find out more about this? We will most definitely wait if it is going to effect his head development. What does a pin head look like?
  13. So in the off lead situations at puppy school, what should I do if I think he is playing to rough?
  14. Thanks so much for all the responses. At both puppy schools the instructors have told us that if something were to happen between the pups that they will handle it. That we were to remain seated while they dealt with it. I watch him like a hawk in both classes, as I don’t want him bullying other pups and ruining their experience. He doesn’t seem to stick with one pup very long he moves onto the next, he just gets so excited I think a lot of it is his boisterous nature. He stays pretty clear of the smaller pups as well. I think that if I see him doing something that I don’t think is right I will remove him from play, whether it is what the instructor wants or not, after all he is my pup and I can’t afford to get this wrong. He will be desexed at 5 ½ months, as that is when we have been told is the best time. There were three pups in his litter and they were all very confident and playful, 2 males and a female. He didn’t appear to boss any of them around the times we were there. It is hard to get him out with bigger dogs as we do not know many people with other dogs and he is our first so he doesn’t have anyone at home to learn from either. I have had him with my dad’s big Labrador, who most definitely put Oscar in his place when he got to rough and nippy. However my dad also has a fox terrier that is quite nippy and can be aggressive, they have not met yet and I know that my dad wants to introduce them. I don’t this is the right thing to do at the moment, only due to her behaviours which I have witnessed. I think that is the hardest part Sandra, actually figuring out how dominant he is or whether I am just seeing it like that. I really want to be able to take him to events, such as the RSPCA walk, however have seen how difficult it is for owners with aggressive dogs and do not want that. Again thanks to everyone for the great responses, it is very informative.
  15. I am a little concerned with my 12 week old puppy’s dominant behaviour. He is an Amstaff and as such we are aware that they do have some aggression issues when not socialised appropriately. We currently have him in 2 puppy schools and will be looking to do obedience school at 16 weeks. In the first puppy school there was small off leash times, which was assessed as each pup came off the lead one by one, timid pups first etc, Oscar was last off the lead. He went straight for the biggest pup, which was a Great Dane. When I say ‘straight for’, it was not in an aggressive manner, just playing. They had a bit of a dominance play around, with the Great Dane winning out in the end I think, well from what I could gather. But he appeared to try and dominate all the pups in the school, which he did, except for the Dane I think. The second puppy school there hasn’t been off leash time, however that class is made up of 3 small timid pups, Oscar and another larger breed. The two larger breeds were down one end with the small the other. Oscar played with this puppy and dominated him as well. Holding him down, lying on top of him etc. It is all harmless play from what I can see (no growling or aggression from any of the pups involved). He also attempted to hump some of the pups, and has done it to me once, which I was told is a dominance thing. So to get to my point, am I being too concerned with these behaviours? Will the socialisation help him overcome his dominance? What happens when he is an adult and comes across another dominant adult? Will he attempt to dominate that dog if it does not back down? Will this domination come in the form of a fight? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  16. I have booked him into a really good obediance school, but they don't take them until they are 16 weeks, so puppy pre school is our only option for now.
  17. Hi I have a 12 week old Amstaff puppy, just have a few questions. 1. I am looking to make his lunch meal all chicken wings and necks, he at the moment has them in his diet so that is not a problem. Just wondering how many wings and necks he should be having for this meal? I have never given him over 2. 2. Does anyone know what vegies are good and bad for dogs? I am looking to make up some to mash in with his dry food. Any vegie recipes much appreciated. 3. We play tug of war with a red rope, it was not a cheap toy and was purchased from the pet shop, however the red string pieces at the ends seem to be pulling out. I try to get most of them out of his mouth as I was worried about him chocking on them. They are really fine pieces of string and he is so excited during play it is difficult to get them out of his mouth. My concern is that this morning I noticed the red pieces of string in his poo. Will this cause any harm. Should I remopve the toy completely? Thanks so much.
  18. The trainer does seem good so far, she is insistant on positive reinforcement. It is just so hard to keep him calm and sitting. He does it, I reward him and he is trying to get at the other puppies for play time again. Are there any specific ways of keeping him calm that I can practise at home? helen: Thanks so much for the suggestion, I will go armed with a toy tonight!
  19. I have a 12 week old Amstaff puppy, Oscar. We started PPS last week and there were 10 in the class, therefore we have now split into two groups. My concern is that Oscar was extremely vocal and boisterous, he is not used to other dogs as he is our only one and we do not know many people with dogs. He was pulling on his lead, there were no free for all, he was on lead the whole time. However barked and wanted to play. My main concern is that our new group mainly consists of smaller puppies, a tenterfield terrier with some socialisation issues according to the owner it is aggressive, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Shitsu x Maltese, apologies for the spelling. The last two were extremely shy and the cav sat on his owners lap the whole night. We will have one more other puppy around Oscar's size and they tried to match him up as best they could with another confident dog. Just wondering if anyone has any tips on how to try and calm him in these situations? And is there anything I should be recognising or prepared for in terms of the size difference of the puppies in the group? He is so confident and the other puppies are just not. Any advice is much appreciated.
  20. OMG, my 9 week old puppy just did this to my ugg boot 10 minutes ago, while it was on my foot. I came straight on here as I am concerned, is it normal for them to try and do it to you? He is an Amstaff?
  21. She truly is gorgeous! You should be very proud! Just a question, I have a white Amstaff 10 weeks, does ur flash seem to reflect off of her lol? Hahaha so many times I have taken a picture of Oscar and he is just a white flash, lol!
  22. Thanks so much for all the great advice. I do agree BARF bought (which is what we are doing) is so expensive! Which book has the recipe in it? I would definitely rather make my own. So should I switch to all raw? Do dogs need dry food or are they healthy without it? Thus is a diet of 3 RAW meals a day reccomended for a 10 weeks old pup amstaff? I am still learning and hoping to get his diet right for a healthy life!
  23. The meatloaf comes from a manufacturer, all they do is dog foods. It is cooked and packaged already by them. With things like eggs sardines etc how often do i give them and at what times? Where do I find lamb flaps? The meatloaf is extremely easy to use. Just wandering if my quantities are appropriate also? 250 grams of meatloaf lunch 250 grams BARF dinner dry food morning? Thanks This is oscar as well!
  24. I have an american staffordshire puppy just turned 10 weeks, he is my first dog. He was on pedigree puppy food with water or milk, weetbix and puppy milk, and home made mince cooked. He was having 4 meals a day. I have now had him for 4 weeks and wanted to start him on a better diet. I have moved him over slowly just wandering if you could please critique my puppy's current diet, just want to get it right. Morning: Nutrience Puppy dry food soaked in hot water then with some natural yoghurt. Lunch: Home made meatloaf approximately 250grams and a chicken neck. Dinner: 1 BARF packet approx 230grams and a chicken neck. Plus he has a large bone he chews on during the day. Is there anything else to add or change? Also is he to young for chicken carcasses? Really just wanna get it right, any help or advice is much appreciated.
  25. I went to the pet store today and I bought some barf so see how he goes on that. I also want to change his food from hills science to another brand. I am tossing up between Royal Canin and Nutrience, any advice on these brands is much appreciated. I was thinking of going to advance but think I will pass now, not really a fan of the runs.
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