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Everything posted by FranVT

  1. Sent this letter on Wednesday, really hoping it gets printed. The council here are running free puppy preschool and dog obedience classes which I think is a bit of a joke actually (not sure if I've already mentioned that) because there is already the service listed above where TRAINED volunteers run CHEAP (not free - just enough to cover photocopying and electricity costs) classes, the council ones are run by the PAID animal control officer who is NOT a dog trainer. So it was with mixed feelings I read an SMS to the editor (can you believe we have that?) today in the paper saying "Tried to book in with the council's new free puppy preschool class but they said I couldn't book in over the phone, that was after being on hold for 7 minutes on my mobile. I live 40km away and I'm not going all the way into town to register in person. Ridiculous." I texted a reply saying "Come to the dog obedience club at Duthie Park, the phone number is easily found and they will take your booking over the phone, it's cheap but not free and actually run by trained volunteers not paid ACOs. See you there!" So hopefully the incompetence of the council hasn't stopped one person's excellent intentions!
  2. Yep, I tend to break out the swears when I'm really cranky, it's a foul habit I was at the end of my tether after being harassed by that damn dog for hundreds of metres But yes, swearing is yukky.
  3. Agree wholeheartedly, I had watched some of the dog whisperer DVDs / austar shows before I took Atlas to obedience but never really employed any techniques (except for using my mantra which I borrowed from him - "calm/assertive" - repeat it in your head and try to keep this demeanour) because it's just a TV show. Taking him to dog obedience was the best thing we've ever done and same with puppy preschool, Atlas would not be the well adjusted dude he is today if we hadn't socialised him early and learnt all the great info we did from the people there +1 I think that's where people go wrong with Cesar - they think the TV program shows them enough information and background to go home and try it on their non-behavioural issue dog. I am not really a fan of any TV-based dog training show for that very reason. There are SO many other books and DVDs out there that provide more useful and sufficient information for the average owner and their dog who doesn't yet have any major issues. Of course, going to an obedience club is ideal so that you can get some one-on-one advice when needed. Another +1 for me, that show, to me, is entertainment not instructional.
  4. Don't mind me, I need to learn to read
  5. Abbigail Abby AJ Alika Alchemy Amber Amelia Amy x 2 Anais Annie Anastacia (Annie) Angel X 4 Anishinaabe Annabelle Annabella April Arizona Asante sana Ashka Askari Astro Audrey Aura Ayla Baba Baci Bailey Becky Bella x3 Bit Blossom Bonny x 2 (Bonnie) Bonita Brandy Bree Bridie Buffy Cally Cassie Casper CC Cedar Chelsea Chevy x 2 Chloe x 2 Charlotte Cinta CJ x 2 Claire Claudia Clover Cleoparta Coco x2 Cossette Daisy Dallas Delilah Delta Demi Dexta Diazz Dinky Durham Dyzney Ebony Echo Elizabeth Ella Ellie Ellie x2 Emily Emma Erin Evie Faith Fanta Finta Froggy Gabby Gemma Genie (not exactly a girly name but I thought it suited my goldy) George Ginny Gita Glitter Grace Griffin Gypsy x2 Harlow Hayley x2 Heddy Heidi x2 Holly x 5 Honey Honour Imme Imogen - Imy Jade Jane Jay Jay Jenna Jessie x 2 Jezebel Jindi Jodie Juliet Kara Kari Karma Karmen Kaos Katie Katy Kayla Keilani Kelli Kelsey Kenzie Kiesha Kizzey Krissy Kuean - (Queen) Lacey Layla Lea (lele) Lexi Libby Lily x 2 Lobo Logan Lola Lottie Lucy x4 Luuka Mable Maddison Maggie x2 Mallee Marie Claudette Marlo Meg Meisha Merrique Mia Milla Millie x2 Minnie x 2 (Mynni) Mischka Mitzi Molly x5 Molly Coddle Moochie Mya Nala Narla Natasha Nena Ness Olivia Paxy Pearl Peggie Pebbles Phoebe Pip Polly Popcorn Porridge Prada Quince Reba Rebel Reno Rhoda Rogue Rommi Rosey Rosie Roxy Ruby x3 Sabrina Sadie Saffron Safire Sally x2 Sascha x 2 Satu Savannah Scandal Shae Shandy Shannon Sharnie Sheba Shine Sinta Sienna Skye SkySnow Sophie x2 Sophia Springy Spook Stella x2 Stimpy X2 Storm Sue Suzie Sybill Tara Tasha Tayla Teegan Tess x 2 Tessa Texas Tia x 2 Tilli Tilly x3 Tinny (tin tin) Tori Tully Tyra Vada Voodoo Winter Wilhelmina Xanthe Zillah Ziva Zoe x 3
  6. Abrham Ali Angus Apollo(different spelling!) Appollo Archie Arkhan Armand Arq Ashke Atlas Bailey x 4 Balou Bandit Banjo Bardigrub Bart Barton Baxter Bear x2 Bender Benji Benny Benson Billy Bing Bluey Bomber Bosch Bosco Boxer Brady Brock Brockie Brody Bronson Bruce Bud Bundyx2 Buster Cannon Caramel Carl Champ Charlie x 5 Chevy Chip x 2 Coco Cooper Cowan x 2 Cowboy Cuba Danny Darcy x 2 Dashx2 Deakin Dean Declan Delgado Diablo Diesel x2 Digby Digger Dinky Douglas Dumas Dylan Ebon Eddie Elijah Elliott Edge Esky Fergus x 2 Fox FlashBazil Fleming Flynn Frank Fudge Gandor Geo Greedy Hail Harley Harrison Harry Henry Hudson Ivan Jack x 2 Jake Jasper x 2 James JayDee Jethro Jet Jett Jordan Joshua Judd Juggie Kahn Kaiser x 2 Kasper Kaos Kiba Kei Kippy Kisho Kyzer Lincoln Lenny Leroy Lestat Logan Luca Ludwig Lughie Lukas Lukon MacKenzie Mason Max x 4 Maxie Mel Merlot Merry Milky Milosh Milton Minook Mistral Mokha Mr Darcy Nammu Napoleon Nigel Noah Nova Nudge Nugget Onslow Oz Payton Pete Phoenix Piikki Porsha Punch Quick Raffy Ralph Randy Reeve Rex Riku Riley Ripley River Rocks Rolly Rory Rove Rover Roy Jones Jnr Rupert Rusty Sam Scout Scrap Scratch Shadow Silas Snitch Sonny Spartan Speed Spencer Spike Sport Spud Sterling Storm Sumo Swanky Tazz x 2 Teddy Tey Dog Thunder Tiger Tirra Toby x2 Tolkien Tub Tusca Tye Tyson Udo Ulf Wags Walker Watson Weave Willow Willy Woody Yoshi Zac Zedley Zeppelin Zephyr x 2 Zeus Zuma Edited to add past doggies and take some boldings off
  7. I know I'm really late but can I join in? In a couple of months I should have a dSLR but until then I'll just do my best with my iPhone camera and PhotoShop for iPhone Here's my first pic, if I'm too late then tell me and I'll show myself out It would be great to look back over this thread and see Luuka grow up
  8. I sent that link to my friend who works at Harvey Norman, he said he would match anything I found that's cheaper than their prices, even an online price
  9. Nikon D3000 Digital SLR Camera + Nikon 18-55mm VR + 55-200mm VR Lens Price: $959.00 inc GST within Australia QTY: Nikon D3000 Digital SLR Camera + Nikon 18-55mm VR + 55-200mm VR Lens That is what it comes with, it's not just the body. The "in the box" bit is just what's in the camera body box.
  10. I have decided on a Nikon D3000 with the twin VR lens pack, and I found this: http://www.digitalcamerawarehouse.com.au/prod6287.htm One of our doctors at work who also does some professional photography says that is the most unbelievably excellent deal, he said he can't believe there's no catch, what do you guys think?
  11. Holly kind of reminds me of Luuka They are so gorgeous!
  12. I have made the switch with Atlas to Comfortis and it is working a treat. He had a bit of FAD and it is clearing up and I am giving him Malaseb baths too. I have Luuka on Comfortis too. Going to have a look at the feed'n'seed place this afternoon for permoxin to treat the environment. Little buggers. Can't wait 'til summer is over.
  13. What a fantastic age for a cat, he must have been well looked after and fed some good tucker
  14. That is fantastic! I especially love the part about the cat on the bench For me it'd be "trip over the dog who is lying behind your feet"! So can I freeze the whole lot if I want to and if I have the freezer space? Is the raw egg and yogurt right to be frozen? I usually freeze the bags of food then take one out of the freezer each time I feed if that makes sense. Small container of yogurt - just the single serve 250mL sizes?
  15. I had an image of doggies sitting at a bar with big frosty cold bowls of water and little bowls of treats on the bar instead of beer nuts so I am no help at all, sorry.
  16. Lol I knew it was their dog but they were just hoping I'd go away I told the ranger about it and he thought it was funny too. He is a pretty cool guy actually, pity about his colleagues / assistants.
  17. Yes I was thinking the same thing. WHy do they call this "ritualistic"???? It has nothing to do with ritual - just someone who has no brains whatsoever and no compassion for other living creatures who probably finds it entertaining to inflict pain on others. Noting as structured or logical (however twisted) as ritual!!! Couldn't agree more, what was ritualistic about it exactly? Not to nitpick but I think that the paper (as usual) is sensationalising it, OHH LOOK SATANISTS HELP! No, just incredibly sick and twisted awful disgusting excuses for human beings more like it.
  18. Okay here is what I've written as a letter to the editor in response to the article. Feedback please! "I would like to personally commend The Morning Bulletin and Hayley Webb for the article about the importance of socialisation and obedience classes (TMB 20/1) for dogs. I have taken our English Bull Terrier (an often-misjudged and misunderstood breed) to both puppy pre-school and beginners-intermediate dog obedience training and the change in his personality has been phenomenal. He walks on a loose leash, obeys commands and is much calmer. He also recently protected me during a potential home invasion which, thanks to him, did not escalate to cause myself, the perpetrator or my property any harm. I cannot thank and praise the volunteers at Duthie Park Dog Obedience enough for all the help they have given my dog and I to become a great team. I highly recommend them to anyone in town with a new puppy or even an older dog whose behaviour is becoming out of hand. They are patient, friendly and knowledgeable and, best of all, they use positive reinforcement techniques and do not condone “punishment”. There is absolutely no excuse for unruly dog behaviour in this town with these wonderful people giving up their time for such a small fee. Every single time I walk my dog or take him to a public place such as a beach or the Ski Gardens, I am bound to have a negative encounter with an off-leash, uncontrolled dog. It is only through good training of my own dog that we have both come out of these mostly unscathed. I can only re-iterate what Ms Stankiewicz has said: please socialise your dogs, please take them to dog obedience, please supervise your children with dogs and most importantly please walk your dog on a leash!"
  19. Teebs I was really surprised to find turkey necks in my town too! So pf with BARF, I could chuck in a few different things like fruit, veges, flaxseed, olive oil, sardines, offal couldn't I?
  20. Thanks pf that's all awesome advice, I bought some turkey necks for Atlas would that be okay for a meal or should I just leave those as treats? I'm going to go and talk to the butcher today. I feed Luuka ProPlan and she loves it, but Atlas won't touch kibble. Home made BARF - what could go in that?
  21. Great idea! Shall do! I'm actually glad someone did this "for" me, because I was really nervous about doing it, though it was my intention to... I wanted to ask the dog ob club's permission to mention them first but the lady who they interviewed is the vice president of the club
  22. Yeah I know what you mean, it's really bad around here, pity our council is so useless too. Here's the number for dogob, beginner's not puppy preschool: 49276137. I would call asap because of the newspaper story! It's so great that you're coming! We'll be in different classes obviously but we can catch up before/after anyway.
  23. I hadn't read that before, am now sitting at my desk sobbing quietly, thank god the office is empty Poor Leo But thank goodness he now has a beautiful loving home.
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