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Everything posted by FranVT

  1. My breeder pronounces it "LAPP-hoond" but not quite as "oo" as that... sort of a cross between "oo" and "uh" I suppose. And the 'h' is very soft. That didn't help at all did it ;) Not sure about cheekiness compared to huskies but I think Luuka is quite cheeky, but not in a naughty way, in a funny / clever way!
  2. Dear all, I've been talking to a woman from the US who can't believe what we have to deal with from the RSPCA and fearmongering government officials and I really wanted to pass on Clifford's story as a good example. Is there a link with all the information that I could pass on to her? Thanks very much. -Fran
  3. Good idea. I'll give her some bikkies before bed tonight and see how it goes tomorrow morning and Tuesday morning then see what the vet says as well. Better to be safe than sorry and she's due for a vet check anyway to make sure her teeth are all good post her surgery.
  4. Shall do, at the moment I'm giving a normal feed at approximately 0645 (I start work at 7am and I feed just as I'm leaving), a quick snack at 4pm when I get home then another meal when the other dogs get fed at around 6:30pm. Move the 6:30pm one you think? I will also discuss her diet with the vet, though I think it is fairly varied and well balanced at the moment.
  5. Okay so I read awhile ago on here that sometimes when dogs do that little-puddle-of-bile vomit it means they're hungry. Made perfect sense to me, sometimes Atlas would do it if we were late feeding him or whatever. My issue is that Luuka does it pretty much every single morning. It's like my alarm clock (except it happens before my alarm goes off, sigh). The few retches, then the little puddle of bile. I usually get up and feed her then because I feel bad that she must be so hungry. My question is this: Is it possible that she is doing it on purpose to get fed? Probably not, right? Oh I'd also like to add that I have already booked a vet appointment for Tuesday. She doesn't seem in any way distressed about it, in fact when it wakes me up she's usually done by the time I open my eyes and I look over at her and she's wagging her tail at me. But if you guys think I should take her earlier I can probably arrange that. Should I be worried?
  6. I am trying to remind myself that Atlas' clinginess was annoying Waking up with a 26kg bull terrier on your chest with his snout in your face and a look on his egg-head like "oh, you're awake? great!" LDR: That's what I was thinking at the time
  7. Thanks Nik Ahsoka sounds so much like Luuka, out in the yard finding things to chase or dirt to dig in / roll in, then back in for a quick check on me then back off to doing whatever. I don't want her to be clingy, as has been pointed out in this thread that can be really annoying and I think I'm allowing my depth of missing-Atlas to overshadow the fact that he was bloody annoying sometimes Last night I had her up on the bed for our pre-goodnight snuggle and she went down to the end of the bed and curled up with her head resting on my calf, and it was so sweet I couldn't even move in case I dislodged her But true to form she wanted to be on the floor to actually sleep, tummy down on the nice cool tiles
  8. Thanks LDR Yes, mum was pretty dumbfounded that I'd been feeling unloved She said "are you mental? That dog is crazy about you, you only have to watch her when you're not around to know that the most important person in her life is not there!" so that was lovely to hear.
  9. Thanks everyone Feel so much better! I told mum how I'd been feeling last night and mum told me a few things about what happens when I leave for work in the morning (she goes upstairs looking for mum, says good morning then sits on the front veranda watching the gate for awhile seeing if I come back) and also at the time when I usually get home from work (she sits at the gate waiting) so that made me feel a lot better. Not even close
  10. Well I had the other end of the spectrum with Atlas, he was super affectionate but not at all well behaved And the blood, sweat and tears (all literally, well maybe not blood no wait I fell over because he lunged at a dog that was 10m away once and skinned my knee!) that I put into that dog to make him into the great, easygoing, obedient, friendly dog he is today will stand me in good stead for when / if I get another ... difficult ... breed
  11. This thread really has shown me wwhat a fantastic little girl I have, I took a new joy in playing with her this afternoon in the yard after our walk, she is so clever it's ridiculous. I'm using the 'watch' command to get her to focus on the task and not the food, but wow she really is quite a big fan of food
  12. Yep to all! In fact I already feel a little silly Thanks Marion01, that does help, it's great to hear I'm not the only one!
  13. She sure does go mental when I get home She's pretty cute, she does those crazy jump-up-spin-around things It's every Friday night! You just let me know when you want to go again :D We could go this Friday if you want!
  14. I have photos of Atlas lying in the shower having a snooze! And he used to get in there and drink the water as well. Luuka will find any kind of water patch, even if it's a tiny patch of rain on the corner of a veranda, and squeeze as much of her body onto it as possible. She absolutely adores water of any kind.
  15. Yes I often reminisce about going to the toilet on my own, getting out of the shower without having the water licked off my legs, sleeping in a bed with no dog hair in it, moving from one room to another without my two shadows coming to see where we are going and what we are doing now. Those were the days. At the end of the long weekend which we mostly spent at home with the dogs, I distinctly recall saying something along the lines of "OMG I just need some personal space, OK?!?" :D Atlas was a leg licker too, it was yuk, I have a theory though, I reckon it's about them hunting for their own water instead of just having it provided for them :D Actually that is one thing I don't miss at all about Atlas - all my black clothes are no longer covered in dog hair from him lying in the clothes baskets
  16. Had such a snortlol at your post Quickasyoucan, it's so true, they do want to be your skin! The ex and I were laughing the other day about how Atlas kind of wiggles his way up onto the couch (he doesn't jump, he uses his head to lever his body up) then just gradually makes his way into the most inconvenient for people but comfortable for dogs position
  17. Yep, that was definitely mentioned and is very true. I think I underestimated how different they'd be, and I don't think that's 'bad', just different, and I need to continue to embrace her awesomeness. Being away from Atlas has been hard so maybe that's also contributing?
  18. I definitely knew what you meant MrsD, sorry, I didn't mean to be disrespectful. Your advice made sense to me and I am trying to absorb everyone's advice and apply accordingly
  19. ^^ THAT I like a lot huski! Calling them over and having fun with them surely would also benefit recall as well.
  20. Yep, I would never want to change her, this is about me not about her I feel. You're totally right, I need to enjoy the best aspects of her - and she has SO many great aspects! The "bad" aspects aren't even bad, she's well behaved, friendly, totally accepting of all dogs and people, and she CAN be snuggly sometimes I just think it's not a constant thing for her and that is fine. I agree. I don't see depriving a dog of all other enjoyment as an acceptable price for more attention to me. It's the Stockholm Syndrome approach and its one I'm no fan of. Good point. I don't think I'd have it in me to pass up an opportunity to see her joyfully running around having a great time at the beach or park or riverbank, even if she is more stoked on the other dogs sometimes
  21. I am always astounded at how many people take their puppies to obedience classes & before & after each class let them run around & play madly with lots of other dogs. Then they wonder why their dog is leaping around at the end of their lead going crazy trying to get to the other dogs in the middle of class :rofl: . I also agree with the working for things idea, that can build alot of respect & positive energy between you & your dog & will help with the bonding as well. All good things should come through you. Agreed, that's another thing that annoyed me about puppy preschool, everyone else's dogs were jumping all over each other and running around. Luuka was interested in the other dogs but would lie on the ground next to me or sit in front of me. She was ridiculously well behaved. I was glad some of the people were coming to puppy preschool for their own sake as well - one lady said to her 2 very rowdy children "Go over there and give that tied up dog a big hug, he looks sad" and off the kids toddled, luckily the owner (one of the instructors) said "Please don't approach my dog, she can be a right bitch in both senses of the word when I'm not around, and I'll explain about approaching tied up dogs later". This was right before the first class. Sorry a bit offtopic :p
  22. Oh yes I should add that Luuka is OBSESSED with food! Hahaha I can get her to do anything if there's food involved! I taught her rollover last night, I was in stitches she would glue her nose to the treat and just roll back and forth it was hilarious! Luuka's breeder has been amazing to me, she has been so reassuring but I don't like to bother her too much! She has given me the most fantastic advice, even in my breakup! I'm going to give her a call tonight if she has a spare moment, I swear she is one of the busiest people I know. Oh and for whoever mentioned that the breakup might be making me more sensitive I think you're right, even though I'm feeling pretty good about things at the moment I probably am still a bit 'emo' over it I can't thank you all enough for the great, honest advice.
  23. I have to agree completely with Poodlefan, if you wanted a person oriented dog you would probably have been better off getting a working breed or something like a poodle or one of the other breeds that have been bred specifically to be "companions". Not that that is much help to you now, but it may help in the future if you ever get another dog. She will probably get more attatched to you as she gets older, don't forget atm she is still only a puppy & most puppies are happy to "share their love around" & are often not strongly bonded to a particular person until they are a bit older. In regards to her playing with you etc, I may not be popular here but I wouldn't be letting her have play time with other people's dogs, you said "we went to the beach the other day and god we had a blast", so how much playing did she actually do with you one on one? I'm guessing very little, it sounds like she had a fantastic time playing with the other dogs! My dogs will play together in the back yard now they are older, but if I went to the back door & called any one of them, they would be at the backdoor ready to come inside & play or be with me before you could blink & they have absolutely no interest in playing with other dogs. Socializing does not mean that the dogs have to play together. It sounds like she is only motivated by the toy for a short while, do as someone else suggested & stop playing before she gets tired of it & leave her wanting more. If she is motivated by food try playing the food chase game & she will start looking to you for fun. The other thing you can do is start crating for a short time each day & when she is let out she may start to seek more time with you if you make it interesting ie crate her away from you for an hour & then let her out & take her outside & play a game with her then, rather than just when she's been hanging around the house. I have found bitches to be a little more aloof than dogs certainly in the dogs I have owned, but most of all it comes down to personality I think. Just remember that not every dog we own will be our "heart dog" (to use a phrase which I don't particularly like but have no better), doesn't mean that we don't love them & they don't love us though. Wow that is really good advice too, I absolutely never thought of the beach play like that, she and I did spend a fair bit of time away from the others just running around in the surf, rolling in the sand (her, not me ) throwing toys without the other dogs etc but you are probably right, she would have seen that as 'fun day with other dogs' not with me. I really think you're right on that, Luuka and Atlas are so different and I knew they would be but I wasn't prepared for how it would make me FEEL I suppose. It's not Luuka's fault, she's lovely, obedient, friendly, happy and contented like you said :p I just need to adjust my thinking. I would definitely consider a playmate for her, when I'm settled in my own place and when any issues (if any come up) with Luuka are settled and basically when I feel ready!
  24. Yep, I definitely knew she would be more laid back, that was a huge plus! I think I just had a different idea of how she would be She's certainly not disobedient! She's just a tad indifferent I see what you mean about it being rewarding to do her own thing though. At this stage I just cannot imagine leaving her with my family. I wouldn't do anything like that before talking to Luuka's breeder either. I didn't know I could do agility at all! That's great, I'm going to find out when the agility classes are run and go along for sure. She has a great personality I think it's my thinking that needs to change.
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