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Everything posted by FranVT

  1. Hi Jed! Hope things are progressing well for you, you're still in my thoughts :p
  2. Great work Pipsal! One of the two people who rang me about the pups (the other ended up buying a purebred Rottweiler) was from the community in question and said that she wanted a girl to breed with, she did not have a fence because 'that's not the way it's done out here' and she said she'd had 'heaps of pups and only a few have been run over' so I decided not to pass her number on, hope that's okay. You're a great person and well done for a huge effort :p
  3. There was a DOLer who told a story awhile ago about her dog doing a victory lap when he receives a pig ear, holding it up in the air. I laughed so hard at that image.
  4. What can I say? I'm a dag! - Astred That is my kind of humour so I guess I'm a dag too
  5. Thanks Fran. He really enjoys it! We hadn't been for a couple of weeks because we were down in Melbourne and we had our first session back on Sunday... When we got to the car park of the nursing home, Jedi started screaming with delight!!!! He was SO excited! I can't believe there's no pet therapy up where you are! That really sucks! I had a look at the Delta website and the closest accredited trainers are 4 hours away Is it regular training often or is it a week-long sorta thing?
  6. I was smiling already but the last 2 words made me literally lol.
  7. The work you do with Jedi and Delta is a total credit to you Nik. I wish there was a branch up here.
  8. Omg that last picture! *dies* She is absolutely adorable Evolving - hope I get to meet her in December! And beautiful Echo, and Bob of course!
  9. When I moved into Dad's place and Luuka didn't have constant access to a yard for weewees, I would take her out regularly and every time she did a wee on the grass out the front I'd go off my nut with praise 'GOOD GIIIIIRL! WHO'S A GOOD GIRL DOING WEEWEES ALL BY HERSELF ON THE GRASS! YOU ARE! YES YOU ARE! WHO'S THE CLEVEREST GIRL? YOU ARE!' etc. Then we do a little dance where I clap and turn around in circles and she jumps up and does a little dance of her very own I've been edumacating (thanks Nik!) the people at the dog park I've started frequenting. Before, their dogs would tear off to 'greet' another dog and they'd yell "[DOGNAME]! COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW, BAD DOG!" in a very loud voice, and when the dog came back (rare) it might get a little smack or more scoldage. I said "I wouldn't come back either if that's what I was coming back to!" (jokingly, we all had a good laugh). I showed them that if you call them back cheerfully and make a big fuss or give them a treat when they come back then they're more likely to repeat it Who would have thought I would be teaching stuff to others
  10. I only have coarsely ground pepper, ie out of the grinder The cornflour really did work a treat, she was squirming so much that it did end up all over her paw so there's white paw prints throughout the house at the moment
  11. Big hugs Huddie, come home safely big boy
  12. Argh I'm the same bridie, the thought of doing her nails is now striking fear into my heart, I have one of those buffer things but she really doesn't like it! I bet she likes it better than a cut quick though
  13. Okay I got cocky and managed to do this to Luuka just now :D I have put cornflour on it and she is hiding under my dad's computer desk glaring at me accusingly My question is: should I try to finish the job (one paw to go) tonight or leave it for her to get over awhile? God I feel so bad
  14. One o' these please! (Miniature Bull Terrier - image from Shrinkabull Kennels' website)
  15. Fingers crossed for Champa and sending supportive vibes to you too Kirty.
  16. Gosh he must have really wanted to get in there
  17. Omg Kirt I don't know what to say, you are obviously doing your best with him, I just want to give you the biggest hug ever!
  18. Jed some of us newer people (like me) you probably aren't even aware of, but you have no idea how your advice in various threads (that I've read because I've had similar issues to the thread title) has helped us. You may not be aware of us (DOL is such a big place with lots of people joining all the time!) but we sure as hell are aware of you and how incredibly insightful you are and I always look for your honest advice. That is why you have not been far from my thoughts since I first heard the news, and why the haters can go jump in a lake. Some people have no souls.
  19. Hehe it's okay I don't post enough in that thread, consider me admonished!
  20. Why the hell did I think Ching was a boy? Because I'm an idiot, clearly
  21. There's a whole bunch of us if you visit the spitz thread Woofenpup Armahani Snofyre Evolving Corvus Minment Lappiemum Lappielover Tobster Theldaroy Janoby Lappietreasure Sparky65 Mirawee That's all I can remember off the top if my head... I'm sure I've missed someone!
  22. Hey check out my threads in General Emm I have definitely felt like that! With help from DOLers and as long as you use common sense then you'll be fine!
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