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Everything posted by Jetty

  1. A friend has a dog that has missed a few worming treatments. My question is will it do harm to the dog if they treat the dog without getting tested at the vet to see if the dog currently has worms?
  2. If you learn yourself how to do a basic exam and you know what is normal you can by pass the vet visit as long as if you do pick something up which is out of whack you take em off for a check up. I don't vaccinate anything past its first year booster - which I give them myself. While i agree with this to an extent, it is important to stress that you are very experienced. The average joe blow, perhaps not on this forum, or perhaps just passing by, should have yearly check ups. No i dont see my own doctor once a year, but I see my dentist once, sometimes twice if i remember. And I do see my doctor to get I a papsmear every 2 years (goodie!) There are things that should be "maintained" things like teeth which i don't understand. And things that may not cause me any pain, but should be checked. Dogs don't always make it obvious when they are ill and unless you are very experienced, or to some degree trained in the area perhaps a check up with a professional is good. A dogs life is much shorter than ours, so one year in their life is like seven passing in ours not just "doggy years" but literally, they of course to age faster than us. This is a very good comment. I am no expert so I plan to take Jet yearly. He is going this Saturday for his first yearly check up since a puppy. I look over him when I have cuddles but I don't know much about dogs medically. So I prefer to be a bit safer.
  3. Its bad in my eyes, I feel very guilty for them but I guess the owners are following the law so there is nothing I can do about it. Thanks for all the inputs.
  4. They are used for security purposes. So I don't think so.
  5. A couple of months after I got Jet he had hurt his leg jumping off of a chair and playing. After a day or two he continued to limp so we decided to take him to the local vet. (which we had never gone to before) They didn't even take xrays or anything and diagnosed him with something (unsure what now) and told me we had to do a $2000+ operation and he would be in pain for the rest of his life! I left then very upset and decided to get a second opinion. I took him to my now regular vet and the vet was actually alot more caring and considerate then the first one which was a bonus for me He took xrays before jumping to a conclusion to what might be the problem and it ended up just being a tissue in his leg that was causing the problem. A week later with crate rest he was back to his chirpy self with no limp! I am never going back to the local vet again after that experience. I didn't like the way they handled Jet and how they just assumed it was something without doing tests first.
  6. Yeah thats why I just wanted this info to see if they were treating them correctly
  7. Like I said I am not in the position to say to much information. I actually see these dogs daily & they never leave the premises. My information I do have is correct. She is alot worse then any house dog I can tell you that in regards to her mattered fur.
  8. I thought that would be the case. (as long as they had food and shelter thats all they need according to the law) Sad really.
  9. Define 'no vet care'. What do you mean - no vet care when sick / ill or no vet care wrt regular flea treatment, vaccinations. How would you improve the conditions of the dogs - what specific care needs to be given so the dogs move from 'inapproprioate' to appropriate care? I don't want to say to much detail. However I meant more along the lines of treating the dogs themselves instead of taking them to a vet. I don't know anymore information then that. IMO the dogs need to be cleaned (they have mattered fur, prickles from bushes in it and are just dirty and smell foul) and have better shelter. I have started to have a soft spot for them.
  10. Thanks Greytmate. That's exactly what I was after.
  11. I tried to search on the RSPCA website but I had no luck finding what info I needed. I am wondering what are the minimum care required for a pet before places like the RSPCA consider them as not being cared for enough? To make myself clearer I know of some dogs that get no vet care and are very dirty (desperatly need a bath and brush) They get feed and have water available all the time and have some shelter but I still feel like they are not getting cared for appropriately. However I don't think I have enough for them to be classified as mistreated?
  12. Where do I start! Jet is just a funny boy altogether. When he sleeps he will lay on his back with his four legs up in the air, sometimes he will have his tongue hanging out of his mouth. The look he gives me when I pull out his winter jacket, he has a ;) look on his face and runs away, so I chase him around the house until I catch him He has to follow me EVERYWHERE. I go to the toilet or shower he is in there with me I laugh at him when I have him outside at night for his last toilet break, he will come and stand with his face at the window whinging when I am in that room and use his paw to knock on the window. Thats all I can think of at the moment but no doubt there are more!
  13. Thank you, I understand more now. I will also ring a couple of vet's which I have used and see what they think as well. Even if he doesn't get vaccinated I will take him for a check up.
  14. Okay thanks. Never heard of a titre test.
  15. Okay so what is best for Jet in regards to vaccinations? I keep on reading on this forum that some don't recommend yearly vacs. Jet is due for his first yearly vac after his puppy ones next month how does it work? Should I do yearly or what other options are there? I am so because I hear so many different things.
  16. this is so sad. I am so sorry :D It isn't your fault though! it could happen to anyone anytime.
  17. Why shouldn't we give the command to look when they are looking away?? The "look at me" command is one of the best tools I have with Jet. He used to have such a bad case of fear agression, now I used that command to help with it. If I see him getting a bit wary I will tell him to look at me then treat him. When I was at our classes and we were waiting for instructions from the trainer this worked very well. Jet would look at other dogs and start to bark/growl but by using this command he would ignore every other dog and focus on me the whole time. ETA: sorry if I have misunderstood.
  18. tlc! thats alot of collars and leads. I don't have as much things as everyone else. I have Jet's grooming things in a storage tub container. His toys in an open tub (he takes the toys when he wants.) & in the kitchen cupboard is his food, treats, medication in smaller containers.
  19. Ditto, I will tie Jet up to something like the fence as he likes to escape and make me chase him too!
  20. Jet gets sentinel every month without fail. He never gets treated for ticks. We are never in areas that are of high risk.
  21. Thanks. Its not a perminant thing so it needs to be eaisly portable thats why I thought the line would be eaiser but by the sound of it, its more effort then its worth.
  22. It will be only the one dog we are needing to contain due to lack of fencing. I will see what the OH can put together, I would prefer the fenced run.
  23. the pet runs are or the line things are? I looked at pre made runs and they were from $300 upwards.
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