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Everything posted by Jetty

  1. What a cutie. I hope his owners are found soon. If not I am sure you will enjoy his company
  2. Jetty


    Is she digging in the same places as the poo or in another place altogether? hmm... Jet usually does holes when he is bored or he is trying to put a bone in it
  3. Jetty


    put her poo in the holes and cover them back up and she will not dig in those same holes again.
  4. I have seen Jane from the above link. I highly recommend her she is fantastic :D
  5. I enjoy it too. Luckly we only live 2 minutes away at the moment
  6. I am no help coz I am actually wondering the same thing! Jet is 10.5kg and things seem to be up to 10kg or 11kg to 20kg
  7. Grace - I can come over and help you out if you need a hand with training. Jet loves anything meaty or cheese the dry treats are a bit hard to work with when there are distractions.
  8. Thanks Guys I will check out those places tonight.
  9. The training club is done at VIP Pet Foods so I guess since they make the food they provide it. Grace I would try the cheese too! The dogs love it.
  10. At that training club they give us lamb vip treats. Just meat and vegies rolled into a ball really.
  11. Oh are they! I need to go there so I will head there tonight. Need to stock up and replace the toys Jet has destroyed You will might need that clicker for your new pup! thanks for the offer :D
  12. Can someone please point me in the right direction for a website that sells clickers and treat bags at a reasonable price? Thanks Just would like to also share my success. Jet is Fear Aggressive. Earlier this year I saw a behaviourist. He would growl, bark and lung at other dogs. After two sessions with the behaviourist and some training as well as entering a new obedience club he now has minimum reactions. We are working on focus at the moment which is being great when he is about to react. I am just so happy with how he has come along.
  13. Yeah she is still only young so once she reaches the 12 months no doubt she will be more focused. I had trouble with Jet but now that he is not a puppy he is eaiser to control. I am working on focus at the moment and distractions.
  14. I enjoyed it on the Wednesday night we go. I entered in class 2 though so I don't know if it was that hectic to start off with. Jet is so calm now its amazing. I am going to do the next class up when we are done.
  15. Morning & Night here. Bones in the morning, Kibble at night around dinner time (6ish)
  16. Oh dear. Jet has been a chewer in the past. Chewed the cord to my expensive stereo, to the bug zapper! He has now been working on my parents outdoor dining table chair cushions I don't know how to stop that one. I can't block him off from the patio coz then he has no shelter. I have tried numurous things. I left a plastic bucket outside yesterday on the table and 30 minutes later I caught Jet with it all chewed up! I couldnt imagine a car though! I would get murdered
  17. Sadly, it's not the only thread of its kind. It was this thread and others like it that convinced me to take the dogs' collars off. ok I am never having collars on them when they are alone now. That has me in tears. How horrible
  18. I think next time I leave them I will consider either making the collars a firmer fit or having none on them. I have never thought about the choke factor. There is nothing in the backyard I would think would do something like that.
  19. I used Beenleigh Pet Motel a few weeks ago. They were really good. Website
  20. This is scarying me. I tend to make sure they have collars on when we are not home. I am afraid they will escape, however it is hard for them to do so with 6ft fencing. Jet's microchipped. Its on loose though.
  21. Oh I will be watching this thread. Jet does the same thing. When I walk him with another dog he will pull in front.
  22. what an idiot? that lady is just asking for trouble. Jet is fear aggressive to certain dogs normally larger ones. So if I am walking him I will usually try to avoid the path of any other dogs. I use the footpaths but sometimes I will have to not use it when I see another dog coming from the other direction.
  23. Well you see she is my parents dog and has always been feed on the tinned foods from the supermarket. She gobbles them down but I have been trying to improve her diet with better dry food and chicken necks. She will eat the chicken necks but only a little bit of the dry food. I will try the gravy or vegemite!
  24. What would people recommend for a picky eater? UB/UA is a bit hard to source from where I am at the moment. She is a fox terrier and nearlly 9 years old. She has been only picking at the dry food but she will scouff down any meats I give her.
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