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Everything posted by mish13

  1. I just got Foxtel and I cant find Dog Town, can you please tell me what its on and roughly what time? thanks Michelle
  2. I am new here and only just reading about this poor dog, but oh my god I was not prepared for those photos. That poor poor boy, I wouldn't even expect this sort of abuse in a third world country let alone here in Australia. I live on the Gold Coast where no new Pit Bulls are aloud but the people I know who have owned them say they are beautiful dogs. Unfortunately they need to be in the right hands and in this circumstance he most definitely wasn't. Maybe some sort of ID needs to be put into this breed along the lines of a micro chip before they are sold so the breeder can be traced. This way hopefully the dog would end up back at the breeder and not the RSPCA. That way it is with someone that's knows the breed and could make sure the dog didn't suffer anymore then it already had. So very very sad, I am ashamed to be a human if this is what we are capable of
  3. Oscar my six year old standard poodle has always had ear problems that we couldn't seem to get on top of. I took him to Mike Shipstone and he ran all the allergy tests. It turns out Oscar is allergic to everything except tobacco, which is funny because neither my husband or myself smoke. Mike made up three vials for me to inject different amounts on different days. I was pretty worried about doing the needles but Oscar made it so easy, as soon as he saw me getting it out he would stand and wait. At $400 each time we have gone through this whole process three times so $1200 plus the cost to see Mike. At the end he still has ear trouble, maybe not quite as much but I wont be buying a 4th batch. I groom my own dogs and have my own hydro bath and full set up, so he gets fully groomed once a fortnight. If his ears are bad they get cleaned more often and this seems to be the only way I can keep it under control. Mike says his ears are more itchy then painful so knowing that makes it easier for me. I am really enjoying reading this thread, thanks Michelle
  4. I love the photo of your red head, I have a male and female Ekkie and I also have a Sony A700. You have good taste
  5. This is an old thread so I am not sure if you have brought your camera yet? I brought a Sony A350 just over a year ago as my first DSLR and have been more then happy with it. I started with the two kit lenses but have since brought a few different lenses. Two weeks ago I decided to sell my camera on Ebay and get an A700 body only out of Hong Kong. It didn't cost me much to make the change and I already had the lenses that I needed. I do miss the live view and the tilt screen but I think the quality of my images is far better on the A700. I have had no trouble buying anything I need for the camera and I did try Canon and Pentax first but found the Sony better for me.
  6. I always used Leo's and when it was discontinued I kept the bottles and put epiotic in them. I have two standard poodles and a toy and one of the standards has terrible ear problems. I will keep a look out for this new one and see how it goes, thanks for the tip
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