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Everything posted by mish13

  1. This was Theo my sons dog but he spent his last year with us and for the first time he was aloud inside and was spoiled rotten. He is still here with me in a beautiful wooden box and I miss him terribly. He was 17 and he looks fat in these photos but he was sick and his stomach blew up. Please tell me if the photos are to big, I had already saved them at that size for another forum Here is in with a Newf I had the pleasure to mind for a short time.
  2. My only suggestion is can you take her somewhere that she can swim, its a lot less stress on her body and can help build up muscle. Sorry to hear about what you went through when you got your beautiful girl, but Newfs are worth it.
  3. Or try labrador vet surgery and see Chris not Mike ( he is a cat vet) Chris is wonderful with my four dogs. 55912255
  4. I just found this one http://www.ozdoggy.com.au/ozdoggy/profile.jsp?ozdoggyid=4710 There used to be another one in Brisbane near the airport but I cant find it at the moment
  5. When the phone was purchased it should have come with a lead to plug it into the computer, check that first.
  6. How did you know all that when I only just watched it? Also where do I read about the standards? I just saw the end of the show so that answered my question, thanks
  7. I have just been watching the show and have been sickened by what I have just seen. They have just taken 120 dogs from a puppy farm and the condition some of them are in has left me speechless. The standard poodle they just clipped off was worse then anything I have seen. God I hope these people get what they have coming
  8. I will pass on this information on to my neighbour so she can give him a call, do you have any contact info for the Maremma rescue?
  9. Yesterday my next door neighbour had a new kitchen installed, the tradesman doing the job brought his two dogs along. Not sure of the second breed but one was a two year old female Maremma. Well it turns out he his going to get rid of the Maremma, WHY you ask is because it drops to much hair. His wife had brought her in a PET shop and did not know anything about the breed. She just wanted a cute white fluffy puppy and now the dog is a large white fluffy dog she is no longer wanted. Another impulse buy without any research, makes me so mad.
  10. At the risk of being shot down, my jack russell and two of my three poodles are debarked. They dont bother anyone and get to live a happy life at our house instead of being rehomed. I would nver have done it in the past but one of my dogs breeders does it and I saw it was no worse then a child having there tonsils out. I fully understand that a lot of people wont agree with me even my husband didnt but now he says he is glad we did it.
  11. One thing to consider with the poodle is, are you going to groom it yourself or pay someone else to do it? A standard will cost you upwards of $70 to get it done at a grooming saloon. Or you can buy the gear and learn to do it yourself which is what I have done. I bath and clip mine every two weeks so you can see how the money can add up.
  12. She says she loves her dog and then she risks her life for her own pleasure, what a total idiot.
  13. Very clever girl, I have been waiting for my newfie fix, the Newf. thread has been very quite since Xmas
  14. Can you please tell me how do I series link it?
  15. Maybe a silly question, but is she debarked?
  16. I brought mine from the Barf shop but I found the clamps on the end are really hard to open http://www.thebarfshop.com.au/shop/product...products_id=481
  17. Its on tonight so I just set it to record thanks for the tip
  18. I think any breed has the potential to bite under a lot of varied scenarios, all I can say is our Jack Russell doenst have a mean bone in his body. This is skipper as a baby and now, he has just turned six
  19. I haven't missed a day just haven't had time to post on here, I now walk one morning on my own with the four dogs all on lead. The alternate day my husband is coming, so we have found a huge area on our own to let all the dogs off lead. They are loving it because I don't let them of much because oscar is unpredictable with other dogs. So its all thumbs up from me
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