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Sydney events page here: The Sydney rally events page is here: Hi bslsux, It's being coordinated through facebook mainly because it is just so much easier to do it that way rather than anything else, but I've copied and pasted the info so far below: This the event page for anyone attending the Rally against BSL in SYDNEY on the 22nd of October at Belmore Park (opposite Central station) to discuss anything and everything. Namely speakers, timing, location, marketing etc. Feel free to post whatever you'd like and also make sure you're on the main Aus wide event page. IMPORTANT: we need to portray a fantastic image of both our dogs AND ourselves at this event. Currently the general public believe the bully breeds are inherently aggressive and owned by criminals. It is so important that we change that perception on the day!! What this means is: 1. DO NOT bring your dog if he/she isn't bombproof and can handle large crowds of people and other dogs. Also be prepared to leave if you bring your and dog and he/she shows signs of fearfulness, stress or anxiety. 2. NO STUDDED LEATHER COLLARS or anything that could be perceived as aggressive!! If anything we need to be dressing them in tutu's and silly hats. Remember we're trying to change the general public's mind, not confirm what they think they already know. 3. We also have to promote great images of ourselves!! Dress smart to again show the general public that people just like them own these breeds! We shouldn't be judged on ours or our dogs attire but unfortunately we ARE. 4. Peaceful protest! No aggressive tactics or swearing, just calm, logical FACTUAL arguments presented in an accessible way. This is how we get attention, by showing our intelligence, not confirming the public's perception by acting like crims. Please feel free to suggest absolutely anything in this group. This is about AL OF US having a say and pulling together to have a great rally, not a few people making all the decisions.
Just added the events page for Sydney here:
Please Send Good Thoughts For Mindy
melzawelza replied to aussielover's topic in General Dog Discussion
Good luck Aussie, we will all be thinking of you and Mindy xx -
Puppy_Sniffer, from what I can see on the main page there are a lot of people who want to go to the QLD event but no one has taken carriage of getting it moving. Maybe you are just the person
Victorian Sieze & Destroy Law 28th Sept 2011
melzawelza replied to Bisart Dobes's topic in In The News
That's weird, previously on the q&a section it had if you visit Vic with a restricted breed it can be seized and owner fined. Also said if you leave the state without being 'spoken to and fined' a letter can be sent saying if you return to the state, your dog will be seized etc Now it's all disappeared Unless I imagined reading it I am sure i read it somewhere as well Nope, I absolutely read it too. -
Ah thanks Darren! I just fixed it up on the OP too.
Ah- that may be why I'm not getting any responses. I'm on my phone but will try and figure out what is going on.
For anyone interested the speakers we have confirmed so far are Glenn Cooke who a lot will know through his extensive knowledge and talent as a dog trainer/behaviorist and strong contributor to the NDTF, and also Tim Vasudeva who is the new CEO of AWL and has worked tirelessly for years for companion animals in this country and overseas. We have many more in the pipelines and are making contact now. Just for anyone that hadn't read through the discussions in the NSW forum, we are specifically not wanting to do what has always been done in the past and focus exclusively on pit bulls. In fact we are going to keep the pit bull stuff in the minority and instead focus on the ineffectiveness of the laws in protecting people from dog attacks, how impossible they are to implement effectively and the cost to taxpayers on something that has been proven to not work. We will then also focus on the alternatives that have been proven to work such as the Calgary model. Any suggestions are absolutely welcomed.
Pav Lova have you actually read the description and what is being discussed in the group? The general consensus has been specifically to NOT make it all about pit bulls for that very reason and instead to focus on the fact that the laws do not protect the public and the ALTERNATIVES that will. Of course pit bulls will be mentioned as part of the rally however that is far from the sole focus, in fact it is the minority. For anyone interested the speakers we have confirmed so far are Glenn Cooke who a lot will know through his extensive knowledge and talent as a dog trainer/behaviorist and strong contributor to the NDTT, and also Tim Vasudeva who is the new CEO of AWL and has worked tirelessly for years for companion animals in this country and overseas. We have many more in the pipelines and are making contact now.
I am not sure what you mean Danni? Unless I have missed something that has been posted? Feel free to PM me if there's anything that is concerning you, if I don't know what it is I can't act on it. Edit: actually I'm really confused, when people were asking about the two pages I posted saying we are both working towards the same goal and discussing with each other, and I have been discussing the rally with the creator of the page you're talking about today. There is no problem between the two?
It's Geri Haliwell/Ginger Spice From memory the freaky huge dude is her personal trainer. Pic's been around for a while, still as freaky as ever!
Dogs in the Community – a rally against BSL and for improved Companion Animal Practices in Australia. Recent media attention regarding canine aggression and dog bite incidents in the community has once again brought issues such as Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) and companion animal management practices to the forefront. A rally addressing these issues and the continuing failure of government to adequately address community safety and/or canine welfare is being held at Belmore Park (opposite Central Station), Sydney on October 22, 12- 3pm. Who is this rally for? Anyone, not just dog owners, who is interested in the issues regarding dogs in the community. In particular, matters of: • Community Safety - The current measures taken by government categorically fail to make the community safer, continuing to put the general public at risk, despite proven solutions being available. • Breed Specific Legislation - All available scientific literature proves BSL ineffective, and academics and Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) universally acknowledge that BSL does not make communities safer from dog bite incidents. • Animal Welfare - World class, science-driven animal management strategies are in use in many areas of the world. These areas enjoy not only extremely low incidences of dog bites, but animal destruction rates that are considered “No Kill” (>10%). • Social Progress – Policies such as BSL are 25 years behind other countries in terms of providing a solution that most advantages the community. • Responsible Guardianship - How do we encourage and ensure responsible dog guardianship? • Tax Payers - Citizens who want their taxes spent efficiently and effectively, in the best interests of their communities, ought to be alarmed at the current state of affairs. Proven self-funded models are available to make the public safer while simultaneously improving animal welfare. Our keynote speakers will address these topics in detail from various perspectives. Can I bring my dog to the rally? Dogs who serve the community, such as assistance dogs and police dogs, undergo extensive training in order to be behaviourally reliable in crowded situations. A rally is an unfamiliar, potentially challenging/stressful environment for many dogs, which could lead to unexpected behaviours. Therefore, whilst we all love our dogs and would like them to attend, ONLY dogs that have been invited by the organisers prior to the event are to attend. These dogs will act as representatives of all dogs in the community. Your support of, and compliance with, this decision is sincerely appreciated by all who will attend the rally. This is a Peaceful Rally! It is important that the majority of Australians are given the opportunity to identify with our messages as non-threatening and in the best interests of Australian society. This rally is based on peaceful protest and intelligent debate. It is an alcohol-free event and the organisers ask all participants to refrain from disruptive behaviour, including abusive language. We understand why some owners of particular breeds/types of dogs that are being targeted by the media feel frustration and anger, however, we also understand that the general public – who have been fed a diet of misinformation, media hysteria and political rhetoric – cannot be expected to join us in a call for change unless we engage with them in a positive and productive fashion. Banners and Signs are encouraged, however the language and phrases used must be chosen carefully (spelling is important!). Slogans such as “Ban Stupid People, Not Dogs” have the potential to create division rather than cooperation. Slogans along the lines of those in the list below are welcome: “Consult the Experts” “Deed Not Breed” “Breed Specific Legislation - Science Disagrees” “Breeds Don’t Make Bad Dogs, People Make Bad Dogs” “Education Not Discrimination” “Breed Specific Policy Fails the Public” “BSL = Epic Fail” “Honour Ayen’s Memory – Protection Through Good Policy” “Media Driven Policy = Failure” “Science + Education = Public Safety” “Scientists Agree: Abolish Poor Policy” “Our Kids Deserve Better” “End BSL, Save Human Lives” “Science + Research = No BSL” How can you get involved? As well as attending on the day, if you wish to donate time or resources to the rally, please email us briefly, outlining how you wish to contribute. Please include in the subject line of your email: your state, followed by ‘HELP AVAILABLE’ and your name, e.g. “NSW, HELP AVAILABLE John Jones” Please send email to: [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out our website: The Sydney facebook event page is here (please RSVP if you're on facebook): CONFIRMED SPEAKERS: Tim Vasudeva - CEO of Animal Welfare League NSW Glenn Cooke - Respected trainer and behaviourist, and educator for the NDTF Caroline Perrin - Veterinary Behaviourist with Sydney Animal Behaviourist Services Kaye Browne - Regular guest on the 2GB 'Pet Talk' program.
Damn, meant to post this in General. Although It's probably good to have it here as well seeing as most of the BSL discussions have been happening in here of late.
Easier to just place a link to the thread in General, seeing as this thread isn't really getting much action.
Yikes. Where did it happen?
Problem is in the meantime the dog attack investigations, barking complaints, defecation and paperwork would have to be ignored until the people allocating the money figure that out. An until they see the money try won't put more people on. Vicious cycle really. In essence I agree exactly with what you're saying but the problem is getting the councils to put two and two together.
Problem is as Ruth said, Councils may have one person who is responsible for absolutely everything to do with dogs and cats in the entire council area. Think attack investigations, barking complaints, defecation, microchipping/registration, all the paperwork, and on top of that try are also supposed to be everywhere at once catching every single person with their dog off the leash. Funding is the issue and more money needs to be put into having adequate resources so that these things CAN be policed, as at the end of the day if there is too much work placed on one person, you know exactly what will have to be reduced to get everything done - patrolling the area for off leash dogs.
My mum does them
DLG cannot over ride the CAA and neither can local councils. They may want to be able to automatically declare as restricted, if no papers are provided, but that would require a change in the current legislation. As it stands in NSW the councils/rangers are not the judge and jury. You're absolutely right, but what I'm saying that the very vocal majority of ACO's are wanting this to happen and pushing it up to the DLG who are listening and this can't bode well if the Fed Government are now pushing for nation wide laws.
I'm absolutely in and happy donate time, knowledge and money. I've got a very strong understanding of the NSW Dangerous Dog and Restricted Breed laws and how they are implemented by Councils.
Federal Government Agrees To National Ban On Dangerous Dogs
melzawelza replied to cybergenesis's topic in In The News
I'm perplexed Greytmate. Are you implying that there are no ethical breeders of APBT, and if they were they would be Amstaff breeders. That's a pretty silly stance to take and you know it. There are plenty of shitty Amstaff breeders and plenty of great APBT breeders (although those great APBT breeders have likely been stamped out in this country due to the ridiculous laws, just leaving the shitty ones behind). Ever heard of Dianne Jessup? Last I saw she had a quality breeding program and she wasn't breeding Amstaffs. -
Agree 100%. But before we can get the ads on TV we need to be able to convince them that It's worthwhile first!
Arielle they are more pushing for the Amstaff types to be automatically restricted, at that size your girl would probably not come under scrutiny. Essentially they want the Vic laws (and they were saying it long before any of this came in).
Thank you !