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Everything posted by melzawelza

  1. Yup I've been scrubbing the walls since Monday and now that it's Saturday I can get her to our rescue vet this morning. Fingers crossed they know a way!
  2. Thanks for all the ideas guys, I really appreciate it! What do you recommend for tape to keep it on? I haven't have time to go grab some implements so I bandaged it up with gauze and just paper tape and she got it off twice and my house is now covered in blood again!
  3. Hi all. My current foster dog who is a bull breed mix with a stupidly long whip like tail has a case of 'happy tail', I.e she's only a couple of days out of the pound and while in there she wagged so often and so furiously that she's beaten the end of it into a bloody pulp. After a couple of days of quiet home life it had scabbed over but I just got a call from some friends who went to visit her while I was at work that she was banging it all over the walls because she was so happy to see them, and now my house is covered in blood!! Lol. Is there anything I can put on it to help it settle and heal? And is there a technique for bandaging? Im happy to take her to the vet if need be but it'd have to be a local non-rescue vet that I'm sure will charge me an $80 consult for 5 minutes bandaging it.
  4. The audio of each speaker has now been uploaded. Rally Co-organiser Melanie Sweeney's opening speech here Kaye Browne, Pet Lifestyle Commentator and regular guest on 2GB's 'Pet Talk' Program's speaks here. Dr Caroline Perrin, Veterinary Behaviourist at Sydney Animal Behaviour Services speaks here. Mark Jeffrey, Executive Manager for Education and Training at RSPCA NSW speaks here. Tim Vasudeva, CEO of Animal Welfare League NSW speaks here. Vicki Etherington, dog trainer for over 50 years, board member of DogsNSW for 15 years (recently re-elected for another three) and accredited government temperament assessor speaks here. Glenn Cooke, dog trainer and behaviourist for over 20 years, senior lecturer and Life Member of the National Dog Trainers Federation and General Manager of Pet Resorts Australia MC'd the event and this was a short but very relevant point made by him in between speakers. Listen here Glenn's fantastic closing speech here.
  5. Some photos from the wonderful Ruthless here: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150343562184580.355703.178098599579&type=1 One of our speakers Kaye Browne has blogged about the event and her speech is available in audio on the page: http://kayebrowne.com.au/wordpress/rally-dogs-in-the-community-22-oct-11/
  6. The weather made the photos look fantastic - so powerful with everyone in their raincoats and all the signs. You all should be very proud of yourselves!!
  7. Sydney rally was a success with all our speakers providing inspiring, logical and passionate speeches and covering a huge amount of ground in regards to the issue. Unfortunately numbers were not as expected (about 100 people) however we can't thank enough the people who came along today. Some beautiful dog ambassadors and great signs. I'll post some photos when the pro shots are out, there are some candids that have been posted on the communityk9 facebook page too. We had a couple of issues with an alcoholic heckling and a woman who's dog had been attacked who caused a bit of a scene, but it all worked out well in the end. Thank you to all our speakers who have taken time to come today and shown their support of the issue: Glenn Cooke, Kaye Browne, Caroline Perrin, Mark Jeffrey, Tim Vasudeva and Vicki Etherington. It has been a pleasure working with each and every one of them.
  8. Thanks guys Getting ready and organised, little bit of butterflies starting now!! lol. Will update with how it goes. We should have plenty of photos and video footage too.
  9. My last bump before the day. Hoping to see you all there!
  10. Thanks for bumping Ronda!!! Come on guys - if you're coming lets hear it!
  11. You're a legend rep! I am so impressed that you are coming down!! Yup the numbers are steadily steadily increasing on FB - 148 confirmed and nearly 100 maybes, and that doesn't count all the flyers, vet staff, breed clubs, training clubs etc we've been calling. So we're pretty confident we'll get 200 but really hoping for more. Nows the time guys!!
  12. Thank you Sandgrubber, I was getting dejected bumping it myself as it seems very low on most people on the forums radars! Disappointing on a dog forum. Our numbers are steadily increasing on the facebook page and we have been endlessly contacting training groups, breed clubs and handing out flyers at vets and pet shops, so We can only hope for a really good turn out on the day!
  13. Thanks Erny God I'm exhausted but it's worth it. Also have now confirmed Vicki Etherington, dog trainer for over 40 years, Board member of DogsNSW for 15 years (and recently re-elected for another three), and government approved Temperament assessor for restricted breed crosses.
  14. BIG BUMP The rally is this Saturday, please help in getting the word out, what we need on this day is NUMBERS and we need everyone's help in getting them. The flyer is here http://communityk9.com.au/2011/10/lets-get-the-word-out/#more-116 Please assist us in distributing it around Sydney or even just posting it around facebook. Our confirmed speakers are: Tim Vasudeva - CEO of Animal Welfare League NSW, Glenn Cooke - Respected trainer and behaviourist, and educator for the NDTF, Caroline Perrin - Veterinary Behaviourist with Sydney Animal Behaviourist Services and Kaye Browne - Regular guest on the 2GB 'Pet Talk' program. Come on guys, we really need to see you there. This is not the time for apathy.
  15. Thanks Erny, we're really happy with it too. Dju who posts here on DOL created everything, we're just doing the content such as the news articles etc. I should have added too, one of the main reasons we've wanted the website was to direct any potential speakers and the media to it. That way they can see we are professional, balanced and not extreme in any way. The news articles also provides the media with the background to BSL and animal management (I was advised by my friend in media that this is a huge plus as they like their work done for them!). Please feel free to do the same and pass it on to speakers or media for Melbourne. At the moment from what I know the other states are postponed, and once our rallies are over we are going to try and provide the assistance so they also have the same tone and aims on their day.
  16. The flyer is so great guys, Brad sent it through to us so we're going to just mod it to be aimed at Sydney and we will also start distributing. Our website is now up and running and the Melbourne details are on there too. The amazing Dju created it for us and we can't thank her enough for her time and talents!! Check it out www.communityk9.com.au
  17. The amazing Dju has completed our website and its now up and running! We can't thank her enough for her time and talents. Check it out at www.communityk9.com.au
  18. The amazing Dju has completed our website and its now up and running! We can't thank her enough for her time and talents. Check it out at www.communityk9.com.au
  19. My god Tammy is just amazing!!! I was so privileged to meet her and you're right, she just has this aura around her doesn't she! Here's to many more years with the dear old chook :D
  20. Below is the letter I have just sent to the editor at [email protected] . If anyone would like to take what they can from this email while constructing their own they are more than welcome to. To the editor, I would like to express to you not only my absolute disappointment and disbelief, but also my absolute disgust in regards to the comments made by John Bryson and the cartoon signed by 'Rev' in your September 2011 issue. Mr Bryson's comments, specifically - "There are those out there in the community indiscriminately cross breeding large and dangerous dogs, then not looking after them,effectively unleashing them on the public. These people should feel the full weight of the law that have been devised to combat them.", clearly show that Mr Bryson is in support of Breed Specific Legislation and the recent laws passed by the Victorian Government, as long as it does not affect any purebred, pedigreed dogs. While I understand that the aim of your magazine is to promote pedigree dogs, an aim that I absolutely do not object to, I find the utter disregard for any dog that does not have the benefit of pedigree papers, and thus are likely to lose their lives quite frankly frightening from someone who is supposed to be a dog lover and supporter. Even more frightening is the fact that a dog dedicated newspaper would also publish these comments. The dogs that will be affected by these laws did not ask to be born and also did not ask to be killed based on their appearance. Many FAMILIES that will lose their loving pets did not support backyard breeders but instead rescued these dogs from death row. Do they deserve to have their dogs seized and killed based on their appearance, all because they do not have the benefits of a pedigree behind them? All available scientific literature proves BSL ineffective, and academics and Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) universally acknowledge that BSL does not make communities safer from dog bite incidents. There are World class, science-driven animal management strategies are in use in many areas of the world. These areas enjoy not only extremely low incidences of dog bites, but animal destruction rates that are considered ‘No Kill’ (<10%). To support BSL is to show your newspaper's complete lack of research into the subject, which is again extremely disappointing considering you are a newspaper dedicated to dogs. In regards to the cartoon signed by 'Rev' published in the same issue, which depicts an angry pit bull running away from someone's leg in comparison to a happy, loving Amstaff with it's ID tag - and to then title the cartoon as 'How to tell a Pit Bull from an Amstaff' is so offensive and disgusting I almost do not have the words to describe how much respect I have lost for your newspaper. May I remind you that in almost every other country that has implemented BSL, both the American Staffordshire Terrier and Staffordshire Bull Terrier - INCLUDING PAPERED DOGS - are included as 'pit bull types' and thus restricted or banned in the same way as the American Pit Bull Terrier. May I remind you of the saying 'United We Stand, Divided We Fall', and if you or your newspaper feel that offensive, inaccurate, sensationalised cartoons such as this will save any papered breeds from BSL you are gravely mistaken. You will regret printing what you have in September the day that the Amstaff is included on the list, and wish that you took a stand against BSL when you had the chance, rather than furthering the hysteria. I write to you as a lover of the American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier and, yes, the American Pit Bull Terrier. I am a strong supporter of ethical registered breeders, however I am no longer a supporter of your newspaper. Sincerely, XXXXXXXXXX
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