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Everything posted by melzawelza

  1. Wish I could have gone! I'm really disappointed that the Amstaff club wasn't there representing their dogs. What hope do we have? Sigh.
  2. Yes I didn't read about the three areas until after I'd done it! So that will probably help next time. That's great to know thanks so much for that!!
  3. Thanks for this info! Re: the advantix as I bought it and then was going to get rid of it as I have cats. So just to clarify, if I put the advantix on her in the morning before work then she is outside seperated from the cats all day while I'm gone (about 10 hours) then there should be no issues when she comes in contact with them again that night? They don't lick or play with her but they do sleep on the same surfaces etc. The reason I ask is when I put it on her it was still greasy on her back for about two days and I was stressing out about the cats. It didn't dry like I found other products have in the past?
  4. Yikes... not much bite inhibition there. The poor woman.
  5. I hope you're not posting that as an example of truth? The woman who writes that blog is well known to have no qualifications and has a personal vendetta against pit bulls. She also doesn't use stats correctly. She is also a nutcase.
  6. I hope you're not posting that as an example of truth? The woman who writes that blog is well known to have no qualifications and has a personal vendetta against pit bulls. She also doesn't use stats correctly. She is also a nutcase.
  7. Thank you so much carolee I'm so glad to hear that.
  8. Normally I'm very passionate about this and people immediately taking the dog to the pound, however when it comes to any bull breed in VIC I can kind of understand why people would hold onto them and try and find the owners themselves I probably would too as handing them in may have them labelled as a restricted breed and killed.
  9. Didn't mean to infer that you inferred! :laugh:
  10. In my humble opinion, the thread went a bit south NOT because some dared to expand on the original topic, but because some started ranting and carrying on because others dared to opine. And the comment about "Troy ending it now? Christ, spare me the dramatics. The thread doesnt need to be closed or deleted. The OP DOES have a bit to learn and some of the points about the PB's behaviour were very very concerning and I applaud those that highlighted it...even though there is a bit of grand standing going on now. Yes, my comment wasn't supporting either side, I think both have been over the top in this thread and caused it's demise.
  11. I'm really upset to hear this. I wish they were being represented by someone who could really help them
  12. Very very sad and I agree with the comments that Councils and lawmakers spend all their time focusing on pit bulls but that doesn't help the poor dogs and owners that are injured or killed by other breeds. I hope she can recover emotionally as well as physically.
  13. I'm so disappointed with how this thread has ended up
  14. I'm with everyone else - she was obviously hurt and you have a great dog who gives warnings and has great bite inhibition. She should be praised for warning him without touching him. No more son lying on doggy - your son sounds like a lovely young man too!
  15. ABC I *think* they will only not cover anything they'd consider pre-existing, and they're pretty broad with that. So if Bronson's ever had itchy skin noted on his file - they won't cover you for any skin conditions. Had an eye infection? No eye problems etc etc etc Petplan only pay 65% of the bill once they're over 7-8 years old too. So you'd have to weigh up if it's worth it cos the premium would probably be expensive too.
  16. I LOVE Badrap!!! they freaking rock!! What I would do to be able to go over and spend some time with them in their program!!! Me too :D That's one of my life goals - to go over there and work with them for an extended period of time!
  17. I think BADRAP's page on dog tolerance in the APBT is great: http://www.badrap.org/node/97 Yes they were bred for fighting in the past. But there are plenty of labs that can't retrieve, and plenty of pits who don't start fights. I think BADRAP have got it right when they state that most Pits fall in the 'dog tolerant' or 'dog selective' categories. Dogs that actively start fights and dogs that love every single dog they meet are less common, but both still exist in numbers of course.
  18. So if a dog isn't on a lead its fair game? I think you will have to take many of the comments here with a grain of salt. The person you are responding to is talking about a thread where they tried to justify their dog's aggressive behaviour. I hope the other dog owner doesn't take that attitude with you. Your dog was off lead, and that attracts a certain fine. The other dog attacked and that attracts a larger fine and a dangerous dog declaration. Nobody here can know exactly what view council will take, but they tend to look at the consequences of what each dog has done, rather than at why they might have done it. They do not have the skills or resources to investigate the dog's temperament or history. The priority is to be seen to be taking action on any safety concerns to prevent re-occurrence. Unless your dog is reported by somebody else as the instigator of the attack, it is likely that they will see it as an attack and not just a dog fight. I'm glad to hear your dog is recovering. It will take a lot of time and special care before she is fully healed, and she may always have scars and muscle damage. I hope she is on anti-inflammatories to reduce the pain and on a good diet to aid skin and coat recovery. While this is certainly the case for many Councils, many are now employing people with behavioural knowledge and understanding of dogs in AMO roles and as such they DO have the skills to look further into the situation. Many Councils will request the dog owner have the dog's behaviour/temperament assessed by an approved assessor before making decisions as to dangerous dog declarations.
  19. I'm glad you've had some great experiences and I hope you'll continue to tell the world! I truly believe the only way to turn this around is for people to meet the typical pit bull - friendly, loving and loyal .
  20. There are many factors that could be looked into a situation like this and not all Councils will simply say that your dog was injured and take action against the other dog. Some examples: Was the area leashed or unleashed? If your dog was off-leash you committed an offence and as a result of this your dog was injured. Yes the other owners leash broke but they did have the dog leashed and therefore were trying to do the right thing. Your dog was out of your sight and you had no voice control. Your dog barked at the other dog. This could be seen as provocation under the (NSW - not sure about QLD) act. You say it was a small bark but he could have rushed up straight into this dogs face and barked repeatedly, dancing around. Your dog was obviously badly injured which I'm very sorry to hear however Grey's skin breaks very easily and it wouldn't have necessarily been a sustained serious attack for those injuries to occur. You may find that in a case like this the Council will choose to just take no action against any party as there is no way to truly lay full blame on either side. Please refrain from calling the dog a Pit Bull as you have said yourself you are unsure of the breed. 'Bull breed mix' will suffice.
  21. This is true, I think possibly the free range animals are sent to the same slaughterhouses as the non free range I was thinking of that just after I posted actually. Although if I had to choose for the animal I've eaten to have lived a good live and then be killed inhumanely, or to be killed humanely but have been battery farmed I know which I'd choose. Still, I shouldn't have to bloody well choose. People should do their job properly and NOT BE INHUMANE TO ANIMALS. How hard is it!? Frustrates me.
  22. Good luck. I've tried and can't. I feel so empty and hungry unless I eat some sort of animal flesh and I'm afraid subsitutes like tofu etc. just don't cut it. That just the eating habits you have slipped into. If you put as much effort into buying and preparing quality vegetables and other ingredients as you do meat, you would find them satisfying. Instead you eat a big lump of meat , and then garnish it with a small amount of boiled-up frozen veges. (that's what you describe here) If you ate a good vege dish, like a well-made vege lasagne, you wouldn't miss the meat as much. If you ate more vegetables and better vegetables, you would get used to that way of eating and wouldn't have to rely on meat so much. I confess you've described me to a T. The thing is I crave meat (or is it the fat?). And chicken and fish. I really enjoy eating animal flesh. I don't find veges and all the protein substitutes for meat anywhere near as tasty or fulfilling and they're so much more work to prepare compared to (example) chucking a steak in the pan. I don't blame you. I bloody love meat too. I really miss lamb and beef, but I've yet to find somewhere that can guarantee me that the animals have lived their lives completely on pastures and not be finished off in a feed lot. I don't think there's anything wrong with you wanting to eat meat. But I think that anyone eating meat should be making the effort to source free range animals that have lived a semblance of a normal life.
  23. I think the point to make here is that the owner is sourcing a home for the dog so the dog can have a same or better lifestyle that it has always lived. I think we could happily condemn her if she had dumped the dog at the pound to possibly be killed. But she hasn't done that. She's finding a home for the dog and the dog will cope and be happy. I'm not sure why she should be lynched for that.
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