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Everything posted by melzawelza
If you choose to adopt a dog rather than purchase from a breeder I recommend going through a rescue group that has had the dog in question in foster care for a bare minimum of two weeks, rather than a pound. Reason being is that you'll have a much clearer picture of the dog you are purchasing. Dogs in the stressful situation of a pound can behave very differently (either much better or much worse) so there's a huge unknown there. An adult from a rescue that has been in care for some time is actually not much of an unknown at all - you'll know the temperament you're taking on fairly accurately. No less accurately than a puppy from a breeder. Neither option is wrong or right, good luck!
Breed Identification Survey
melzawelza replied to Aphra's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
Yes for a few I said 'either cross bred or badly bred pure' because they looked a lot like a pure bred dog but slightly off. -
Omg He Is So Handsome
melzawelza replied to Greylvr's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
BlackJaq I have sent you a PM about this dog :thumbsup: BlackJaq is right that it's so hard to find carers and groups willing to take on the bullies so any assistance you may have to give is so appreciated Lilli. -
Today if a cat comes into your yard and your dog kills it, it's bad luck and the owner can do nothing as cats are not allowed to wander just like dogs. I also would say nothing, how do you know what the neighbour might do to your dog as payback. This is incorrect in NSW. Cats are legally allowed to wander and there is no offense for them entering your yard. However the OP's situation would not be considered an attack in NSW as the legislation specifically states that there is no offense committed if the incident occurs as the result of a person or animal entering the property without permission. Where in the Companion Animals Act 1998 does it say cats are legally allowed to wander - it doesn't. You might want to read section 31 Nuisance cats as this is exactly the problem the OP has. As I said if a cat enters your property and your dog kills it, it's just bad luck. Also cats are required by law to wear a collar with an Identification tag at all times, but how many cat owners do this. I've read the NSW Companion Animals Act many times - I enforce it. There is no section requiring cats to be contained on their own property. There is no offence associated with a cat 'escaping' its property or entering someone elses property. If you believe this is the case please point me to the section that requires that cat owners contain their cats. There are particular places cats are prohibited (wildlife zones, food prep areas etc) but if the cat is not within one of those areas it (or I should say it's owner) has not committed an offence. I suggest YOU re-read section 31. Here it is for you. Please tell me where it says a cat is a nuisance if it enters someone's property or leaves its own property? And I suggest YOU re-read Section 31 Nuisance cats, you might not think cats that wee, poo and kill birds and small animals on other peoples property a Nuisance but I and many others do. It also doesn't say that if a cat enters your property and your dog kills it it's bad luck, but it's a fact. I also have a copy of the Companion Animals Act and I can't see where it says the people can get cat traps from the council and catch the cats,and take them to the pound but that also is a fact. Um, you're changing your perspective now. INDIVIDUAL cats killing animals and "repeatedly damaging property outside which it is ordinarily kept' can be declared a nuisance. But that isn't what you said. You said that 'cats aren't allowed to roam just like dogs' which is completely incorrect. Cats ARE allowed to roam, but if individual cats are killing wildlife, persistently making noise or repeatedly damaging your property and you can prove it then that individual cat can be declared a nuisance. A cat is not breaking any laws by simply entering your yard or leaving it's yard. If a cat came and sat in your yard in the sun all day every day but never made any noise or damaged anything or killed any wildlife there is no offence committed. And plenty of cats do just that. No a dog would not be at fault if it killed a cat in it's own yard. I've already said that and quoted the wording that covers it. Like I said, I enforce this legislation. This is why it's so important to not just take people's word when it comes to your rights or responsibilities as a pet owner. People misinterpret the legislation and then pass that on to others and you can get yourself in trouble. I'm not saying I agree with the legislation. I've got two indoor cats myself and don't understand how people can let theirs wander. But that doesn't negate the fact that you're passing on incorrect information.
Today if a cat comes into your yard and your dog kills it, it's bad luck and the owner can do nothing as cats are not allowed to wander just like dogs. I also would say nothing, how do you know what the neighbour might do to your dog as payback. This is incorrect in NSW. Cats are legally allowed to wander and there is no offense for them entering your yard. However the OP's situation would not be considered an attack in NSW as the legislation specifically states that there is no offense committed if the incident occurs as the result of a person or animal entering the property without permission. Where in the Companion Animals Act 1998 does it say cats are legally allowed to wander - it doesn't. You might want to read section 31 Nuisance cats as this is exactly the problem the OP has. As I said if a cat enters your property and your dog kills it, it's just bad luck. Also cats are required by law to wear a collar with an Identification tag at all times, but how many cat owners do this. I've read the NSW Companion Animals Act many times - I enforce it. There is no section requiring cats to be contained on their own property. There is no offence associated with a cat 'escaping' its property or entering someone elses property. If you believe this is the case please point me to the section that requires that cat owners contain their cats. There are particular places cats are prohibited (wildlife zones, food prep areas etc) but if the cat is not within one of those areas it (or I should say it's owner) has not committed an offence. I suggest YOU re-read section 31. Here it is for you. Please tell me where it says a cat is a nuisance if it enters someone's property or leaves its own property?
Today if a cat comes into your yard and your dog kills it, it's bad luck and the owner can do nothing as cats are not allowed to wander just like dogs. I also would say nothing, how do you know what the neighbour might do to your dog as payback. This is incorrect in NSW. Cats are legally allowed to wander and there is no offense for them entering your yard. However the OP's situation would not be considered an attack in NSW as the legislation specifically states that there is no offense committed if the incident occurs as the result of a person or animal entering the property without permission.
Omg He Is So Handsome
melzawelza replied to Greylvr's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
I've been thinking about this a bit and wondering why people find it necessary to find fault because someone thinks differently from them. It reminds me of the question that has been asked many time over the years on this forum and that is: why do some rescuers rescue old dogs. Surely the young are more worthy. And also reminds me of the question that I am sure every rescuer has been asked at some stage in their life as a rescuer: why do you help animals, surely children are more worthy. We are all different, we all focus on the things that we think we can do and the areas in which we feel we can help or have some sort of expertise. Thoughts at random . . . . . . Random but good thoughts, I think. Yep agree completely! -
Omg He Is So Handsome
melzawelza replied to Greylvr's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
Oh come on Minimax, don't be ridiculous. Mob mentality at play. He's absolutely gorgeous. God I hope he makes it. -
Yes it was her and her mate who used to reclaim pit-type dogs they didn't own from the pound so they could get them undesexed and breed them. Her mate bred my girl (was listed as owner on the chip) and I'm assuming she came from that sort of thing. She knew she was in the pound and due to be euthed and didn't bother to turn up. Her and Wrangler then had a falling out and turned on each other much like it seems Wrangler and this Kim person are. You can't trust a word Wrangler says but the fact that she's attacking her makes me think they were likely working together at one point.
Breeds We Saw Today - 23 Different Pure Breeds!
melzawelza replied to Simply Grand's topic in General Dog Discussion
Viszlas are so an Eastern Suburbs thing!! Never see them anywhere else, but CONSTANTLY see them in the Eastern Suburbs! Very fashionable I think ;) -
Wrangler Maree has committed terrible cruelty against both horses AND dogs. She gets in cahoots with people and then when they fall out she attacks them to take the heat off herself. One of her other arch enemies (that she used to work together with before they fell out) bred my dog and left her in the pound for dead.
Hi Greylvr, You'll remember I didn't string you up previously, so I'm not digging here at all but I can't warn you away from Pound Rounds strongly enough. I understand that you have just taken a dog from them but I really strongly recommend you cut all ties and have nothing to do with them in the future. It will end badly and reflect very badly on your new rescue too. Best of luck.
Australian Institute Of Animal Management Panel Discussion Re: Bsl
melzawelza replied to melzawelza's topic in In The News
Yep that's right NC! It was already in place just for a year later, but when Ayen Chol was killed it was quickly brought forward. Glad you enjoyed it! -
Australian Institute Of Animal Management Panel Discussion Re: Bsl
melzawelza replied to melzawelza's topic in In The News
Ha!!! Oh so true. Hope a few others watch it, It's a big commitment of time but it's so worth it. -
Australian Institute Of Animal Management Panel Discussion Re: Bsl
melzawelza replied to melzawelza's topic in In The News
I was lucky enough to be there on the day and amongst the people on the ground there is a mix of opinions. A lot know it doesn't work and we get very frustrated with the time and resources being spent on it. Others seem to be so obsessed by it BECAUSE it doesn't work - they are constantly complaining about dogs 'getting away' and loopholes. Pressuring for things to be tightened up even more. It's like they focus even harder on BSL rather than just admitting it's useless. Most people at the conference would disagree with it though, because the kind of AMO's that actually attend the conferences are generally passionate and know dogs. -
Only two have gone to the supreme court and both have won so far. I flew down to sit in on the hearing and it was very interesting. The magistrate also ruled that must meet the standard significantly or to a high level to be considered a pit bull.
The AIAM have just released the footage of the expert panel discussion re: BSL and dealing with dangerous dogs at their annual conference in October. From the newsletter: "The Institute decided this year that it was high time something illuminating and persuasive was done to stimulate a shift in official policy, away from BSL, towards adopting a more constructive and rational approach to the resolution of this important social problem. We were fortunate in being able to secure the services of Ellen Fanning, award-winning current affairs journalist and MC as moderator for a conference panel session on this theme on the Friday morning of the conference, with a view to constructively sorting through all the complexity. The result was that we did get right to the bottom of this business... and AIAM believes we have indeed flagged better ways to proceed from here on." Click here to watch. It's long but really worth it.
I have found it hard when fostering for other groups sometimes when I don't 100% agree with their rehoming policies (very hard to see foster cats and kittens you've raised and fallen in love with go to an outdoor home and imagining them being squished). Doesn't mean that the group is bad, or even wrong... just different to how you feel and when you fall in love with that animal it's hard when that decision is out of your control, so I understand where you're coming from totally in wanting to start your own.
I have not looked at the foster papers on GSN I will do that but here is what I found on GAPs site. Now if this is how they run their rescue fine but doesnt mean I have to agree or accept it unless I foster a dog then maybe I would have to accept it. No I understand this and that policy was years back I came up with it 15 years ago. I did what I thought was best for the dogs and breed. Right or wrong I felt good about it. It's clear you were a very responsible rescuer and very passionate about bull breeds. I only meant to highlight that the same concerns are there for Greys and possibly even more so, but if you are on to that then all good. :)
Hi Greylvr, I'm sorry about some of the responses you're getting. I do understand where people are coming from being wary but if you have strong policies and procedures in place and are as stringent as you say you will be I really don't see an issue with a new rescue starting. I understand that you wish to have your own policies rather than adhere to others, and I can understand that maybe you want to be able to screen and choose adoptive homes yourself, rather than leave it up to someone else. I do have to make comment on something you said but please don't think I'm attacking you, I'm not, I just feel I have to mention: I agree with the bolded statements. I have already answered the question a bit back. I would never say anything to reflect badly on any rescue group. So the dogs that are dying while waiting for a spot in the larger groups arent a good reason to help them? I know that there are dog being PTS simply because they are out of time at the kennel and other rescues have no room for them and the wait can be 6 months or more. We will be getting all the laws and regulations we need to stick by this week. We have no intention of breaking any laws or placing dogs in homes that would be a danger to them or the breed. Here I thought victoria was different but I guess its not, I guess some still see rescues as a competition which is sad because its not rescues should never feel they need to compete doesnt do much for the big picture. How do you see us as competing against other groups? These are dogs that they couldnt take any way so wouldnt that be helping in stead of competing. If there are dogs dying because they cant get into a rescue isnt that a need? What if there was a group that could just save 2 or 3 dogs a month thats more dogs saved and not put to death just because there was no room at the rescues. lack of foster carers is what hold up the works - for all rescues. will you have the same restrictions on the greyhounds as you did the amstaff's - owned home, no neighbours with other pets? What will you do with your rescue dog if it turns out not suitable with your kids or cat? Sometimes their true personality takes a while to shine through. What's your back up plan? And I'm not a rescue, no competition to me, but I am very aware of how hard groups like GAP and GSN have had to fight for the greyhound and I am very cautious when someone new comes on the scene promising all sorts of stuff. Greyhounds have a lot to lose. No I wont have the same restrictions on the greyhounds as we did on the Am Staffs. Many greyhounds can and do get along with cats and small animals. If they dont test well with my cat they simply will be re homed with a family with no cats or plan to get cats. With the children there are to many variables to put a blanket decision on all the dogs. My kids were raised around rescue so they know the ins and outs, they love it and do understand that sometimes we can get a dog that is too far gone to be helped. I am not promising all sorts of stuff I am not trying to sell someone a bridge, I am dedicated to helping a wonderful breed through education and adoption. I am sorry that some of you guys dont feel we will do a good job but you dont know myself or my dedication to rescue and rescue dogs. You are free to knock me back but I just hope that you understand not everyone is a cowboy type rescue and really do want to do the right thing and know how to go about it. I have to point out that Greyhounds are just as likely (if not more likely) to kill small animals as an Amstaff. There are many Amstaff and Pit types that live with cats happily (mine being one of them) with supervision from their owners, and dogs from most breeds would kill an intruding cat into their yard. Amstaffs are long removed from their 'fighting' heritage, much more removed than most individual Greys are from racing. Most are bred for very high prey drive. I don't necessarily mean that you should go to the same lengths with the Greys as you did with the Amstaffs (I think it was a bit over the top personally for dogs that tested ok with other animals), but just that you shouldn't kid yourself that a Grey will be any less of a worry around small animals than an AmStaff would be. That said it's clear you're passionate about the bull breeds and have done a lot for them, and that gets a big thumbs up in my book
Training The "out" - Advice Appreciated.
melzawelza replied to Wobbly's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
I missed seeing this happen on the day somehow! That's awesome, Glenn really is a winner - so glad you got the opportunity to speak to him about it! :D -
I love this.
Pet Dogs More Friendly Than Frightening When Put To The Test
melzawelza replied to Leema's topic in General Dog Discussion
LOL at the Staffy! Typical bull breed. I am not deluded at all about my pit bull type dog. There is absolutely no way she'd defend the house or me and would behave just as this Staffy did. When people knock on the door she just goes up to it and wags her tail, no bark at all. Yesterday morning I could hear someone outside fiddling and banging around with the house and she just ran around looking scared - not even a bark!!! (it ended up being the meter reader). Useless guard dog she is. -
I saw it too, so sad. I was so, so horrified by the pet shops in Japan when I was there. I think I started a thread here about it. Ours are like paradise in comparison.
Awesome dog! How frightening for the family!! SO TRUE! The media would scream "pit bull" if this was a negative story, but there is NO mention of breed because its a positive story. Pathetic. Yes I noticed the breed identity missing, but at least they had the pic, so there aren't many people who wouldn't know what kind of dog it is. I think the kind of people who buy into the media hype about dog breeds are the kind of people who wouldn't actually recognise that this dog is of a type that they hear about on the news.