Hi Riayn
I am interested in your post that Stilboestrol can have some really nasty side-effects. As you are a vet nurse, you must have evidence to substantiate this statement. I would appreciate your elaboration on this issue and I will discuss the information you provide with my vet. Fortunately he is not ego driven nor $$$$'s driven like some vets, and he will be happy to discuss this matter with me. He has been my vet for more than 20 years so I am surprised with your statement though am certainly not discrediting your statement as I am not a vet nurse. However the majority of the dogs I have owned throughout my life, both purebred and crossbreed have had very special health requirements and they have all lived longer than the average life expectancy of a healthy dog of their breed or crossbreed due to the expertise and caring of my vet and because of my love for them obviously. Take Jessie, for instance, my English Setter who is 14 years old. She has serious hip displaysia, serious arthritis, a proliferation of lipomas and yet she is still going strong. My vet would not knowlingly prescribe a treatment for me which would have really nasty side-effects as he knows how much my dogs (and my horses and my birds) mean to me. He also keeps up to date with the latest trends in veterinary medicine