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Everything posted by nickojoy

  1. Yep, I do. Not full ones, but cut up into little pieces. I use it with my 3 yo as a high reward treat. And he works well with them.
  2. nickojoy


    Run free little man, you will always be in our hearts. 14 Feb 09 - 1 Nov 09.
  3. Ptolomy is there somewhere in Australia that sells the vaccinations singly? When my girl failed the Distemper titre I was told that there wasn't anywhere in Australia that you could get the vaccinations singly so she would have to have C3 as a minimum. You can buy parvo singly, which i have brought. I ordered mine through vet products direct. I think parvo is the only one that you can by this way, as it isnt a live vaccine You can buy PARVAC but I think a single dose is not enough. My puppy was given PARVAC at about 9.5 weeks and still had no immunity. You still need to give either 2 or 3 doses (I cant think off hand, but it is on the site and packaging) of the Parvac to be effective. A one off needle in the beginning wont be effective. Link http://www.vetproductsdirect.com.au/itemdesc.asp?ic=830
  4. Think about all the good times you had with your dog, you will get upset and cry. Anyone who doesn't cry over a dogs death, i see is not normal.
  5. His spine collapsed in 3 places around 2 months after the initial parvo - his spinal column then had the parvo virus infection in it. He was on antibiotics for 2 months for that. His vertebrae fused because of where the joints collapsed. Lucky they were ones not important for him walking etc. I do have to be careful not to push him to hard at agility and things like that. Hes also got ongoing digestive issues and has to have medication twice daily to prevent him throwing up. Unmedicated he would throw up 2-3 times a day. I didn't realise it was that bad.
  6. I think my OH has red those books back to front several times. He and his replacement of the Chief dog trainer should be going.
  7. A strong disinfectant. Virkon S is the only product known in Australia to kill the virus in the dirt. F10 is great for the hard surfaces. But you can use Virkon S on everything. Put it in your mop bucket, in the carpet cleaner, spray the lounge up the walls, the dog beds etc. (but i would personally throw all bedding and dog toys out.) Our bleech in Oz isn't strong enough to kill it. Forgot to mention Trigene smells like bubble gum - used it once on hard surface, not sure how it works and if it works in the dirt. Virkon S is used by ASIQ to spray various used dog products coming back into Oz. Its safe to use and isn't the strong smell like bleech that could effect the dogs eyes. Parvac is a dead vacine, you can buy it yourself from the net and it will work out cheaper for you to adminster than the vet. I never new about the bigger breeds its more common in, I heard the rumors of the the black breeds, like rottis and GSD's. Parvo loves the heat, it will lay dormant for years in the ground (approx 7 years) and then spurt back up if left untreated. Parvo doesn't usually effect dogs in the winter because its still dormant in the ground, but once the sun comes out its strives.
  8. Depends on how long the use by date is. If its over 12 months yes, but under no because its not worth it. Ignore my last - Parvaid has a 4 year shelf life.
  9. It comes down the the vet. 1 vet I used had nearly 100% sucess rate, the other was only 25%.
  10. I was overseas working with the United Nations for 6 months. But I too lost a lot of puppies from parvo and I know how hard it would have been for you to just ring and warn the new pups owners. I was the one that was ringing people that had just placed deposits on our rescue pups. The pups that were born in my yard or the ones with their mothers that I bought home from the pounds were fine as the mothers received a parvac prior to giving birth. We were looking at importing parvaid into Australia for rescue, but quarenteen wouldn't allow it at that stage. At least you got it through even if it was just a slight delay. Parvo can be carried on the dogs fur, poo, birds, shoes, car tires, clothes, hands and your dogs feet. The list goes on. The thing is your pups were clean pups, its not like you bought a pound pup home that was carrying the virus and let your guys run together, you were not to know that you were going to get the virus, so don't blame yourself for letting them run together. And plus the C4 isn't a contributing factor to this, it should have kicked in and helped the pups survive. What Cavalier said about the bitches vacs may be a contributor.
  11. Get yourself some Virkon S and spray your yard and fingers crossed for the litter of pups born not long ago. To be extra careful, you can give your babies a parvac shot at 2 weeks, 4 weeks and then a C3 at 6 weeks. People in high risk areas have done this and it worked. Sorry for your loss, hope all works out with the rest of your babies.
  12. For a 10 week old puppy, 500g of mince for one meal is alot. Can I ask why you are soaking his food? You can just give him the kibble alone and not soak it it will be good for his teething which is going to start happening soon. Did the breeder recommend this diet? Because he is going to start teething soon, throw a bone in his evening meal or even just for lunch if you are at home. I would cut down on the amount of mince you give him in the morning.
  13. I go to Sutherland on a Sunday Morning and Wednesday nights.
  14. Maybe the bathroom or under your bed How many of these dogs are still in urgent need of help? Is there any Labs that are ball crazy? We could try them with the Army for bomb dogs? I have contacts here at the training school in Moorebank. Just a suggestion, and if they don't work out, they do get sacked, but they find them homes.
  15. That is the way the company designed the product.
  16. F10 doesn't kill parvo that is in the dirt.
  17. I know it works because I used it. Alot of rescue people have also used it. If its just for the concrete, strong clorine bleech will kill it.
  18. This should be in the Animal Welfare codes of practice. As we all know, the pup was in the vet on day 4, the breeder has admited that it came from their yard, so they should offer a refund of the pup so you can pay the vet bills.
  19. Google puppy pack.... Check some other peoples websites, its good to know what other breeders are saying: http://www.kanjelese.com/index_files/Page1357.htm http://www.ingleburnvet.com.au/puppypack.htm http://www.mastinoau.com/CLUB%20puppy%20pack.pdf http://freebiesoz.com/2008/08/free-puppy-o...-pack-from.html http://www.choccaspotdalmatians.com.au/page5.html
  20. Dilute it with water. Depending on the surfice you are spraying depends on the dilution. Concrete and glass are different to wood and grass. It is all discribed on the container or packet you buy. Google Virkon S - I think Vet n Pet Direct have it, takes a couple of days, Horse supply direct sell it. Virkon is also used by ASIQ.
  21. Virkon S is a proven product you can buy that will kill the virus in the grass. You can also place this into a carpet cleaner with water and clean the carpets, and wash your hard floors in the house with a mop and bucket with the same product. It may be expensive, but it will save another dogs life.
  22. Just wondering what ages you have entered your dog in trials of any sort... i know the start age is 6 months and I know how hard it is to train a pup to get to that standard at that age. What other things did you have problems with because of the age you started? And how did you score?
  23. Instead of canned, probably the rolls. I used to feed them with kibble to my rescue dogs.
  24. I just had mine training vest made in Belgium by Costume Freddy. We also have a Euro Joe one... Its awesome and I haven't seen anything come close to the quality of the Euro Joe ones yet. Its true you get what you pay for.
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