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Everything posted by slinkyjinky

  1. today he was so quiet! except when we were playing! but yay! its working
  2. when he sits and stays infront of me i have the treat in my hand. fist closed i edge it closer saying stay so i have his attention. when it is a few inches infront of him i say gentle and open my hand. he is so quick but i manage to keep the treat and i say no as he tries to get it
  3. thats what ive been doing, closed fist and he sniffs and licks then when he stops that i open my palm but then he snaps it
  4. when training a dog with treats how do you teach a dog the command gentle when taking the treat instead of snatching?
  5. well today he has been pretty good still barking a bit but its no where near what it was hopefully the collar is working and its not just a good day! i brought some lamb cutoffs and cut them into small pieces and did some training with him. he went well maybe it was just because he got food?! fingers crossed he continues
  6. i thought the same thing why disapline him when he comes. if im staning up straight he will stand about 2 metres away until i squat and put my hand down lower then he will come over. he is slowly getting better with the word "come" and sit he is good stay takes a little i think he loses his patience he doesnt like to sit still for long unless i hug him if you havent guessed he is the biggest sook. when training a dog is it good to have treat rewards? will he expect these everytime he does something good?
  7. he wont play fetch he doesnt like balls wont play with them no matter how much i try. our other dog fetches and Will just chases his and comes back when Cougar does.
  8. he is outside because suprise suprise he runs a muck in the house. there is a dog park i used to take him too but i moved from there and i have no idea where anymore close are. he gets alot of attention and is very spoilt loves hugs. he is the exact shape/height/size of a kelpie and has a white with blue spotted chest and front left foot. his fur is chocolate in colour and he has a bushy tail with a thin coat all over except his neck collar and longer mane from the neck to tail quite cute i think
  9. i exercise him as much as i can, with walking he is a bit of a pain with the lead but getting better but he gets alot of attention in the backyard with his toys being thrown and teaching him to stay and drop it would be easier if i could walk both dogs at the same time, is it better to get him used to the lead and walking properly and then take both dogs? our other dog is a saint.
  10. hi all im having a big problem with my kelpie x coolie he is 1 year old and not desexed. he barks all day at the neighbours, noises, birds, planes and anything! as soon as it gets dark he is off to bed and its all over until another day. he used to jump and bark nonstop at the back fence so we blocked it off now he barks at the side fence. when he barks i go outside and call him over. it takes a while to come over he knows he is in trouble. when he comes i hold his collar and say no barking loud and forcefully. i make him sit and stay meanwhile i have to hold his collar so he stays the whole time. i really dont like to smack him. he now has an ultrasonic collar he has only had it one day but he seems to be barking more. he has another dog (my partners dog) in the yard a shepherd x border collie and he isnt too bad he only barks when he needs to mind you he is about 3 years old had training and is desexed, they always have water available and get fed everyday let alone the mass amount of toys in the backyard.. i really dont know what to do from here on so please any suggestions...
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