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Everything posted by AusDog

  1. We have more options with dogs, that does not make the Brelands and Baileys a poor model for how to use positive reinforcement though. AusDog's argument that we can't use the training of bears, dolphins etc as a model because they are trained in sterile, controlled environments is invalid when you consider that they were also trained - to the satisfaction of the military - in open environments also. I agree in principle.. however I think you will find the conditioning commenced in controlled environments first..or the animal was actually born in captivity... please correct me if I am wrong
  2. I would hate to be living in a house where the dolphin decided it just wanted to swim flat out inside the house, because it was having one of those, "I'll do what I want moments". not sure holding a piece of fish is going to stop him Most training such as with these exotic animals is based on denying a resource whether it be food or freedom, and then controlling when the animal has access to it.... Maybe you can be 75% affective at training a dolphin in the wild by offering it an easy feed that it doesn't have to expend to much energy hunting for. But when it decides not to do what you expect of it.. It's not going to destroy your home
  3. To me "Balanced Dog Training" is about maintaining a well balanced dog, not the methods used. A dog that is not overly assertive, nor overly submissive. But a dog that lives in a well structured, consistent and well managed pack. A well balanced dog is one that knows exactly where it fits into it's pack, and doesn't become anxious, insecure or stressed by not understanding its position, or not being able to perdict the consequences of its (or its owners/trainers) actions within the pack due to owner/trainer inconsistencies It's not about balanced training methods per se. "What's a balanced training system?" Is like asking "how long is a piece of string?"
  4. Hmmm.. I agree.. If your dog training causes a dog to "shut down" no mater what methods you are using, you are using them incorrectly. Dolphins, bears, tigers, etc are all trained in cages and sterile environments, they don't live in a family home..not a very good argument on why a particular method should work on dogs in my opnion.
  5. Whatever works for you Never get caught up with the argument that one training method is better than another... All have their place. Whatever works for you and your dog. Bubby you get down right now Mister! <- All depends on your body language, voice inflection and projected energy... But my guess, you gave him a positive to come down, not a negative for climbing up
  6. Hi Erny.. I snuck back in Thanks for all your kind words as well.. I actually have a lady here contact me for my services from a recommendation from you... Thanks heaps! Hope all is well with you too Mark
  7. Hi Staranais Thanks for your kind words.... Yes I have also read your posts in my forum for specialist working dogs. I enjoy reading your posts there immensely. Cheers Mark
  8. I agree dog sport obedience is an excellent way to carry out your dogs formal obedience training However I do not necessarily agree that it is 'always' suited for the average companion/pet dog owner. Most training for dog sport is carried out in high drive that may not be condusive to a home environment situation for the average pet dog owner, depending on what he/she is trying to achieve. Sometimes it's the over stimulation of the dogs drives that creates many behavioural problems in the home environment. Yes a dog should have his/her natural drives satisfied of course. But not necessarily for short burst obedience training, and hoping that this will create a well behaved pet dog in the home. I have as yet to read all of this thread to know why it was recommended. I will do so tonight and contact you by PM SecretKei. I have recommended a few of my clients to the Adelaide Sport Dog Club, as I am receiving excellent feedback about them. Mark
  9. Diablo - This is Mark Singer. I would VERY much like to know what issues you have with me, if any? I have also PM'd you and have contacted Michael at the Adelaide Dog Sport Club to find out who you are. If you do have an issue with me, I would appreciate if you would contact me and discuss this matter. I have a very good reputation in Adelaide, and I don't need someone making ambiguous comments that can be taken negatively. If anybody has issues with my services, training methods, or professional attitude, I am quite willing to talk with them. You are the only one on here that appears to have an issue with me. Feel free to contact me direct to discuss this. Or when I find out who you are, I will contact you and see if this matter can be resolved amicably. Thank you Mark
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