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Everything posted by newfsie

  1. Glad to hear she is OK so far....Sending positive healing thoughts and well wishes
  2. I have asked for the info to buy tickets......Amazing job you are doing to keep all of these people and pets together
  3. Annabelle will be three tomorrow.....we have nearly had her for two years. Her first year was very difficult. But she has taught me so much and sent me on a learning journey. Which has been positive and left me wanting to learn more. She is my precious girl, my velcro girl my gorgeous girl I have made a special smilebox to show off my Darling girl Annabelle......... http://secure.smilebox.com/ecom/openTheBox...3d0d0a&sb=1
  4. Our newfs always seem to quiet.......We do get early morning Zoomies, which I do not have on video. We have a 2 acre garden and they just love to run, just for the sake of it
  5. That was very interesting.....book marked now, Thank you
  6. Here are some of mine.........And there are some more under my name
  7. We had our previous rescue newf PTS, because he had his third stroke and it was time...................I just thought i should let newf rescue know as we have always kept contact They sent me this sad face and said she was unable to be placed, because she was unpredictable and people/dog aggressive We were not emotionally ready for another dog, but knowing her plight we went to Sydney and brought her home........the first six month were a struggle, but she sent me on a new path of searching for answers. And me and her just clicked from day one. She has always trusted me and never reacted aggressively to me. She has turned into my heart dog, a joy to own, a very special dog The faces of Annabelle
  8. I have owned newfs for thirty years and they are protective to person, not property. And they seem to know and be sensitive to peoples character. Mine are extremely social and great friends with most people. But there are certain people that are "not friends"........They tend to not be friendly to. I have had two incidences out of two seperate dogs where they have actually growled and stood in front of me to warn someone off. once was at an ATM, when some one else was being hassled for cash and i went to their aid ( I know stupid of me) And the other was, we live Rural, our dogs are usually quite good when people arrive, I just say "enough" and they are good. But one time, my big girl would not stop and stood at the gate growling, so I told the person, sorry I cannot let you use the phone. I have one rescue newf now, who is very sensitive to aggressive people, but they are easy to control when obedience trained. i just listen to my dogs. I would hate to see an out of control newf go at people. In my eyes they should be well trained as they are a work dog. Well socialized a newf is a wonderful dog. An out of control newf is a menace and scary. Which is what my last rescue was. It took a lot of re-training to get her where she is now. I walk my two at heel everywhere. They are a kid and people magnet and are very attracted to people, so useless as guard dogs for property But they are very sensitive to character of people and absolutely adore their owners/family I also have a friend with a newf, her three year old daughter was saved from the a dam by the newf........Newfs love to keep you out of water and rescue you
  9. I have three dogs that eat together, I am usually there. My Newfs are slow eaters and I have to watch our Golden cross does not try to eat our pups food. Both newfs would share their food with the other dog if I allowed it. She is a bit of a pig. Bones are eaten together too. I just give them to each dog and they often lie quite close to one another. We have always fed our dogs together for the past thirty or so years. Treats are given very close together, it is part of our training to sit nicely and wait in turn for the treats.
  10. I am really late into this,I have just trawled through this with interest. I have a dog, my rescue newf, and it was recommended by a positive trainer to have her PTS.............We have been to many workshops, Craig Murray, some of Cosmolo's and many others all over the country. I am sure that she should not be PTS. Thank God I found a good trainer, who was willing to try several methods to find the solution for her. It still angers me to see the person who told me to PTS her. And when they met her not long ago, they asked me if I had gotten a new dog. I just had to walk away, i could not trust myself. Acually Nekhbet you met my uncontrollable (not) newf in Geelong last year........
  11. I do the t-touch all the time. To me it is habit and do not realise it until someone noticed and pointed it out..........I am always fiddling with my dogs feet, mouth and ears and doing the soothing leopard touch or some of the other touches. I went to several TT work-shops with my horses eons ago. it never really did much for me and our horses, because they are quiet and relaxed. But i was impressed what it did to some of the other nervous horses. And she pointed out that when i stood beside my horse, I was doing a lot of stroking not that dis-similar to what they teach.......So it was just me anyway. I touch my animals a lot. my dogs sit next to me and i just touch/massage their feet, ears and anywhere i can reach.
  12. I have newfs and a wannabe newf.....We feed large bones, raw.....No way they can swallow them whole, but eventually they chew them to zero. We get vertebrae, long bones, pelvis, brisket and flaps from beef or lamb. We also do whole fish. I suppose if you start with bigger bones, he gets used to chomping. I always get rid of old bones after a few days, because they dry out and become like cooked bones. Our dogs get daily bones, so they are not exited about them and just expect them. my dogs seem to be slow at chomping bones. i am not sure if that is because they have been getting bones since little pups. Our newfie breeder starts them at 4 weeks with beef brisket bones. Now my vet tells me that all my dogs have the most beautiful healthy teeth.....Clean and no cleaning by me. Our working kelpies even had all good teeth at 14 and 15
  13. When i first got my rescue newf bitch, she tried to kill our other bitch....People said they would never be able to live in the same household again ( a behaviorist vet included) But i went to a dog trainer who changed our way of being with dogs and we have a great pack now. Three bitches all friends. And if any little grumbles happen, we go into dog training mode, side by side, and all works well again. We now have three girls......Two newfs and one Golden X Border. Life is happy hear, though we do a lot of dog training every week and we have rules in the house
  14. I have always held/cradled my dogs.......I would never send my dog in alone. with our last newf Zacky, both hubby and i held him in the back of our Jeeep as he hated going to the vet, whilst he went to sleep knowing we were there with him. Our previous have been the same. we have had a couple of dogs die in their sleep, what a blessing, with old age. Only one newfie girl was put to sleep in Surgery, without us. It is twenty years on and I still feel terrible about that. But when they opened her up in exploratory surgery she was riddled with Ovarian cancer. It would have been selfish to wake her just to say goodbye. I still miss all my dogs, you learn to cope, but we will always miss them. We also stay with our horses.....They are buried here too, five in all, one rescue. i would never send a horse away
  15. Are you anywhere near Sydney or the Hunter Valley??? sorry...i just spotted your location, so back to square one!! Sorry we are too far away, we had a workshop a while ago, must see if we can get another one. Such fun a real blast
  16. CAn you get the puzzles anywhere in Australia?...Katy had a lot of fun with some at a trick workshop
  17. Well I read it that a dog type split into wolf and domestic dog.... " The dog and the wolf are related to each other in the same way you are related to your sixth cousin, and in the same way we are all related to some other types of primates (monkeys and apes). We share an ancestor, that’s all. But the dog most definitely didn’t descend from the grey wolf, any more than you descended from your cousin".But it lost me when it is supposed to be scientific and then mentions relationship comparison to cousins and then to apes see quote. The apes makes sense the sixth cousin bit does not, because that would still be same species with in the family, so that would make wolves related to our dogs. Anyway interesting read. the other bits as about aggression in another part also made interesting reading
  18. We have all the cards laminated and stands made now..........And we are going to make some time for Rally o at our Club.....I love it my dogs love it and yes it makes for better dogs at obedience trials........
  19. I will email you this one if you are interested? This is my newf Annabelle, I can always e-mail the raw
  20. This is an amazing story/video of a great dog http://www.policeone.com/bizarre/articles/...oopers-to-fire/
  21. I took on my people/dog aggressive newf rescue......We never yelled...........Every time she went for a dog/person or growled at one, I would just say "leave it" in a firm tone, no yelling. I would turn around and start some active obedience. Not too far from the "enemy". Every time she sat/dropped on cue, I would reward with praise and treats. And we would pass the "enemy" again, constantly training praising. She is now so easy and friendly around people and dogs. I call it lead aggression and it only gets worse if you are aggressive too. It took us about six month in total to get over it and about a year to totally trust her. But she is now one of the most friendly and social dogs at our training. If I do feel that she is uncomfortable with a new dog, I still use "leave it" and now often only ask for a sit on a loose lead, with lots of praise. I still think we pass a lot of our emotions on to a dog. If I thought I could not handle a dog, I would go to a good trainer and ask for help........I personally have never been to keen on the grabbing of a dogs muzzle by just anyone> I think there might be a place at times. But the timing would have to be good and the person who does it would have to know the when and exact how. I think if done incorrectly it could lead to someone being bitten
  22. No that is puppy floof...........It will go eventually, kinda sad really
  23. Maybe if we do it together I love this pic of Kate Annabelle has spotted one Team work might work Back to the Jeep They snored all the way home and are still snoring now , tired girls
  24. We went to the Ovens River.................there were lots of trout. the dogs really tried hard to catch one. It is not trout season:) They missed :lol: Annabelle checks the water Tessa has spotted a trout Where did it go there it is Annabelle watching Katy has a try
  25. You don't tend to notice black hair as much as my friends yellow lab...........And they only really have a major blowout twice a year
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