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Crazy Daisy

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Everything posted by Crazy Daisy

  1. Hi everyone, Yesterday at a dog show a friend noticed Freddy, my 9 month old Golden, had a grey front tooth. She said he could have damaged it and to keep an eye on it as the nerve might be dying and if it goes black then he needs to have it removed. Can anyone with experience tell me if I can treat it? I have some human tooth mouse which adds calcium and helps protect teeth but if it's the nerve I don't think that will do much. Thanks in advance.
  2. Well done again Erin I will definitely be at training on Thursday (weather permitting) I need all the help I can get
  3. There are two shows running tomorrow, a champ and open show. One starts at 8.30am and the other at 9am. I don't know how they're running the two, last time the champ show went alphabetically and the open show was the opposite.
  4. Tell that to my old vet who breeds "Groodles". She's a vet for goodness sake and has signs posted around the surgery and out of the street that they have Groodles for sale. She lost my business
  5. Yay Erin Now you just have to do the same tomorrow
  6. I know all about white dogs and mud with all this rain we've been having. :cool: I'm glad she's settling in so well.
  7. I don't believe they should go to just anyone. If it was a choice between seeing a puppy in a cage all weekend to seeing them go to a loving home, I would choose the latter. The better option would be if they used the same people to look after them on the weekend that they know and trust. Better to not be there at all though.
  8. Good Luck at Oakey. Let's hope the rain holds out for our turn in the ring. I don't need any extra help falling over and making a fool of myself
  9. Erin you slacker, I went with a sinus infection It rained on and off and they split us into two groups as there were quite a few dogs this week. Sandra and Megs were in the littlies groups and Freddy and Georgia were in the big dog group. We did lots of running in circles. And I did lots of running to the car for tissues ;) What show are you going to on Saturday?
  10. I've had the same thing with my Shih Tzu Mita. People are constantly asking me what she is and I say "Shih Tzu" and then they ask "what is she crossed with?" Some people have never seen a purebred Shih Tzu. ;)
  11. I'm on the waiting list for my next pup from a breeder who is listed on DOL. The fact that she is registered on here didn't make my decision. Through recommendations of other breeders and meeting her and her dogs at a show is why I chose her. I think reading on DOL about the difference between good and bad breeders is what has helped me choose a good one (I hope ) I now know all the questions to ask about how the puppies will be raised and what health tests will be done.
  12. I too love the Bunnings compost bins for our dogs when we go camping. Also, Apple cider vinegar. Ruff and I thank you.
  13. I've emailed my brother-in-law who lives down that way. I hope you find him safe soon.
  14. Chasing chickens and birds can be any breed. I have a Shih Tzu who killed one of our chickens in about 15 secs when I left the coop open by accident but I have a friend who has a kelpie x border collie who lives with chickens running everywhere. I would be concerned that the puppy would have a companion come and go all the time. It may be confusing and distressing.
  15. Yes, I know. But the rep that cccq tells you to ring doesn't know much about it. I think they need to call the cccq and put a different contact down.
  16. Yes I got my numbers and have freaked out three times already thinking I'd lost them.
  17. Oh my goodness. That poor little puppy I really feel for the family too what a horrible thing to have to go through with such a young pup. Good on you for offering an insurance policy to cover those first couple of weeks That is an excellent idea and I wish more breeders did it. I'm sure there are many times a new puppy comes home and when exploring their new surroundings get's themselves into trouble. I hope for a speedy recovery for the little puppy.
  18. That person you called has never even been to Durack when the training is on.
  19. I'll have the naughty golden Kitkat I'm pretty easy to spot, short, brown and gold mowhawk, black pants, red top and I will look scared sh#*less.
  20. And you don't get much help when you call the ccc
  21. Yes, I'm going on Thursday night as long as it's not raining. It starts at 6.30pm officially. I got my numbers today Newby question.....where do I go on Sunday to pick up my catalogue?
  22. Everyone has a different opinion. I believe larger breeds should be done when they have matured a little more as the hormones really help with their growing stages. I have always waited till 12-18 months to have my dogs done. Having said that all my large breeds have been male and I didn't have to go through a heat.
  23. I don't think it's much different to dogs being put in a dog run when owners are out. I am on 1.5 acres but when we are out my dogs go in their run which is a little bigger than your backyard (mine is 20 x 3m). I am at home most of the time but with all this rain we've been having my dogs have been in the run all week, except for two long walks a day and just coming inside and siting on a mat and they have been fine. I think with lots of activity when you are at home your dog will be fine.
  24. I love spaniels too. We had a gold cocker spaniel growing up and she was great. She was happy outside when we were out, gave a great bark when someone came over, was very social with other dogs, didn't shed and loved playing ball. Cocker's do have to be groomed every 6 weeks but if kept short they need very little upkeep during grooming sessions. Maybe go along to the next dog show that's closest to you and see what takes your fancy?
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