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Everything posted by rebelsquest

  1. What a great result I'm another one who likes seeing all the show results in one thread
  2. I've used All Breeds at Lyndhurst previously for my greyhound boy and two cats. http://www.allbreeds.com.au/ The staff were very friendly and caring, and I didn't have any issues at all with the care and service I and my pets received.
  3. There's also a petition at http://www.savelennox.co.uk/ which already has over 85,000 signatures. Hopefully on the 23rd the right decision will finally be made and this boy can go home to his family.
  4. That is so good to hear, glad it all went smoothly and Rover is happy.
  5. What about glow in the dark? And can I trade it in for a newer model down the track?
  6. You mean choosing not to care for the dog anymore. Every post you write just shows a lack of understanding of your actions, and lack of caring and empathy for your dog.
  7. Either do some training with this poor dog and provide her with more mental stimulation so she is not bored, or return her to the breeder. It's not you CAN'T keep her, from the sounds of this you can't be bothered putting the effort in.
  8. Congratulations Asalei and Abby
  9. Could pay the initial vet fees on a credit card (if you had one), and then get reimbursed from the insurance company.
  10. Flocked, posted on FB and Twitter. Have everything crossed the poor girls are found soon
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