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Everything posted by rebelsquest

  1. When I had my cat microchipped, I was given a tag with the microchip number, only problem was CAR didn't enter her details into their system, which I didn't find out until I tried to update her details after we moved. So the tag may be a good idea, provided the correct details are actually attached to the microchip .
  2. It's the law, they cannot be offlead (including off lead dog parks) unless on private property. I'm on my phone now, but will find a link to post tomorrow if I remember, and if someone doesn't beat me to it :D. I believe that law is the same in all states as well.
  3. :D great photos Juice. OP, what about greyhounds scares you?
  4. Just to give you an idea of the kind of people who may prefer an onlead beach. I have a greyhound, and they are not allowed off lead except on private property (this is in Vic). So I would take him to an onlead beach, to minimise any issues with being the only dog on lead, off lead dogs approaching him etc etc. Of course, I do realise this situation is not all that common in the grand scheme of things . ETA I'm not saying the beach SHOULD be on leash only, just sharing a situation as to why some people may want on lead beaches.
  5. I don't follow, you took him out to a cafe, but wouldn't take him into a shop because he hadn't had his vaccination?
  6. Also, head over the the show ring section, http://www.dolforums.com.au/forum/7-the-show-ring/, and there is a pinned topic with FAQ's and various other topics which may be interesting to you. I second (third? fourth?) speaking with the breeder as well if you can, or another breeder of your breed, a mentor would be a great help.
  7. The school system should be teaching kids to be more dog accepting? I think there are many things our education system needs to improve on before pet ownership education will be considered.
  8. I don't believe that 99% of dog owners are responsible, unfortunately.
  9. I would prefer not to dislose that for privacy reasons. Not really reasonable to expect other people to disclose pound names if you are not willing to do so
  10. You do realise he cannot be shown on limited register papers?
  11. I would still be giving them the benefit of the doubt at this stage, something may have happened which has taken priority for them at the moment. How quickly did they normally respond to emails/phone messages? You say you paid the deposit a week ago, when did you call and leave the phone message? They may just not have had time to return your call yet.
  12. Again, how long since you last heard from them? A few days, a week, a few weeks?
  13. How long has it been since you had contact with the breeder?
  14. I think you are making the correct and responsible decision.
  15. :rolleyes: Great judgement to make after 3 replies to your OP. I second Greytmate's post, great advice in there. Also, the breeder you are getting your bitch from should be able to provide you with a wealth of information.
  16. Well I hope she "vented her anger" at the groomer as well, though if she did, I would of thought she would have included what the groomer said in response in the original post.
  17. LEGS. This means to me that BOTH the back legs were matted, not just the one that had the bandage on it. The OP hasn't been back to clarify anything asked in the thread, and we're not going to hear the groomer's side, so it is hard to pass judgement either way.
  18. I hope all the people who complain about grooming problems (not just in this thread, but in general) complain to the groomer when picking up their dog, rather than just coming onto DOL to vent.
  19. The search function on DOL is really good wantsapuppy, and should be able to answer a lot of your questions .
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