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Everything posted by rebelsquest

  1. Shared on Facebook. Did the council impose any conditions, such as they had to letter box drop the local area to let people know? I would be very annoyed if I lived nearby and wasn't advised beforehand, 10 to 12 minutes is a long time.
  2. Do you mean no liability? Why would OP want to put up a sign accepting liability? Not sure if a sign stating OP accepts no liability would stand up legally if anything happened anyway.
  3. OP has already said the dog is in the backyard, child is walking up the driveway and sticking hand through fence. OP has also said they are planning on blocking the fence, and in the meantime the dog is only allowed outside supervised. I think they are taking action, but still wanting to query liability, probably more out of curiosity than "planning their attitude". That's how I have interpreted OP's posts anyway. ETA I posted at the same time as sujo :D
  4. Really? I would of thought seeing the child is sticking his hand through the fence, and therefore onto the OP's property, OP wouldn't be liable. But that's just based on my opinion, not on any legal knowledge . OP, can you report the dog for being off lead and for wandering the streets?
  5. Whirlaway Classic By Design Inter in Group 4 Go the greyhounds
  6. Minor in Group 4 - Brantarby Winter Warrior, in Warrior's first show in Minor! Big congratulations to Rebanne and Warrior!!! Edited for spelling
  7. Brantarby Winter Warrior Minor of Breed (Greyhound) Ch Xilone Eyeofthe Tiger BOB (Greyhound)
  8. Oh that's what happened? I suggest you read back over this thread, because that is certainly not what I read.
  9. This got me googling - found this interesting snippet - Reference here On the ANKC website, they spell it with a double n. http://www.ankc.org.au/Breeds.aspx
  10. I'm starting to think I should add a disclaimer to all my posts saying I'm one of those crazy sight hound people, so clearly I have no idea what I'm talking about :rolleyes:.
  11. I don't appreciate whatever implied criticism you are attempting to make of people with sighthounds as their avatars.
  12. Don't know what its like in that area, but in Melbourne most boarding kennels are well and truly booked out and have been for weeks if not months, due to the holiday period . But maybe one has had a cancellation or something?
  13. Yup, what a saga that was, it put me completely off the rescue group, which was one I had previously supported. Jules, I don't think that is offensive at all, as you are not saying a shelter/rescue dog is the only way to go. The current one I have seen doing the rounds on FB is "don't buy while shelter dogs die" and the comments following are stating that getting a dog from a breeder is in fact "killing" a shelter dog. That kind of comment is unfair, untrue and unwarranted.
  14. I would be wary about fostering him, as it may upset your neighbours, they may think you are being interfering etc. Just something to think about.
  15. I'm sorry but I can say I have never seen a dog piss on someone? Sure you have a puppy at home have an accident on someone but a dog actually go up and piss on someone in public I don't think many people have dogs that do this. +1. And whatever the "back story" is, I don't think that makes it acceptable in any way. I can't think of any context where peeing on someone would be ok.
  16. Yep ..cat castrations are the quickest and easiest of things ! I can't tell over the internet but are you being sarcastic? I don't know why else you would repeat it like that... I don't know, maybe if a dog/cat has to be anesthetized to have it's nails cut that might be a quicker and easier procedure? That's really all I can think of. I've seen the procedure performed in person - and if you're curious, go on youtube - there's heaps of videos there. I've also seen piglets castrated with no anesthetic - they were from an organic, free range farm and without growth hormones they longer to develop so need to be castrated (with hormones they're killed before puberty). It was literally a 30 second procedure, and then piggy was back with his litter mates. They don't even need stitches. If I'm wrong, it would be helpful for you to inform me (and anyone else reading this thread) of why - I'm not sure who benefits from sarcasm? Sensitive much? I can't say I read ANY sarcasm in persephone's post
  17. How bloody rude. Oh and yes, people have nothing better to do with their time than decide to team up on you :rolleyes: People don't like your idea, and have provided numerous reasons why, but it must be because 1. they all own the same breed and 2. they are friends and are ganging up on you. Get over yourself.
  18. Thanks for the results mandimoore. Just wondering which show this was?
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