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Everything posted by rebelsquest

  1. Group 4: BIG: Saluki Minor: Wolfhound Neuter: Greyhound (Rebanne's)
  2. Aus bred in show was the St Bernard
  3. I'm waiting on Rebanne to call me back, I'll ask if she knows.
  4. Aus bred in Group: Ch. Brantarby Historys Paige owned by shanatiah. Rebanne (the breeder) is very happy!! Go the greyhounds! :cheer:
  5. Greyhound results: BOB: Ch. Brantarby Historys Paige (AI) RUBOB: Ch. Xilone Stop That Tiger (AI) Puppy: Brantarby Winter Warrior
  6. Thanks for the results BBJ. Were there no neuters in Group 4?
  7. And then we can have a few big signs up over the rings that tell you what exhibit number other groups are up to, saves your running back and forth. And all dogs would scanned as they walk into the ring, as would every exhibitor (so we know they are financial) upon leaving would be scanned in the winning order. OH and for those who are always late getting to a ring, they could rent a pager that would go off 10-20dogs before there number was to be called - like when you are waiting for your table to be ready when out to dinner. :laugh:
  8. This is a MASSIVE assumption. The person who surrendered the dog may have handed over the papers. This breeder could have died, had a serious health issue, moved away, changed contact details and not been contacted and advised that the dog was in a pound etc etc.
  9. Have shared on FB, have everything crossed.
  10. would be nice to know all the Neuter in Group winners :D
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