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Everything posted by bullyfan

  1. I was wondering if you'd considered kids clothes? Possibly a "spicer" raincoat thingy, from the op shop would do the trick. Or would he be too big for kids stuff? (maybe mens clothes with a bit of a trim on the sleeves...... Our Bulldog fits the kids clothes, their old footy jumpers look a treat on him!
  2. I'm afraid the dogs like to pull anything off each other, I never have collars on them as they take it in turns to eat them off each other. Snoods wouldn't last a minute on the buggers.
  3. Ohh I feel your pain, my three found a dead animal in a plastic bag buried in the back yard. We've been here for a bit over 4 years and I believe it's the previous owners cat. I had to ring my husband and get him to remove the remains as I was gagging going down the yard with the putrid dogs. I've just washed them twice and shall now go and purchase some tomato juice. i hope it works, I'm still dry retching at their lovely odour.
  4. We are having the same trouble with flies and mosquitoes and we are in Geelong. The poor dogs ears are always covered in flies and I haven't found a solution yet, I've used a pinkish coloured soap(??) that smells like citronella, but it doesn't work that well. I am looking for something that won't stain or grease up as two of the dogs are light coloured and are currently being shown, any ideas? Also noticed that what ever gets put on, will be promptly licked off by the other dog. it seems to be a bit of a cycle, I put it on, the next dog gets done and the previous is having their ears cleaned by the next dog they don't seem to like the taste, and start to foam up a bit. I'll try anything BUT I don't really want to poison them either.
  5. The bulldogs are on Wednesday the 7th. Should be a lovely lineup with quite a few entered. :D
  6. Just thinking out loud, has your girl been desexed? I have a couple of bully girls that are fantastic, until they become hormonal... Then it's as if the sky is going to come crashing down. Bulldogs are a very sensitive breed and pick up on your emotions (as with all dogs). I hope you get it sorted, quickly. Also does she have any "stable" canine companionship she can learn off?
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