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Posts posted by Rexxy

  1. No one has noted that 51 of 69 people who were attacked were hospitalised. Doesn't sound like they're talking about trivial attacks.

    I like Rottis -- I rent to a rotti breeder and have a few Rottis as regulars in my kennels. But there is no question that the breed makes a good guard dog or shutzhound. And there's no question that a Rotti who is managed or trained in a way that brings out the protective instincts of the dog can be a danger. Also no question that people -- and security firms and police squads -- who want a big, frightening guard dog are likely to choose a Rotti. People who prefer the macho image are likely to look for a tough Rotti to put over their tough bitch, and there are some dubious animals out there who carry the dominant black and tan from Rotti in their bloodlines.

    There isn't an easy answer to this problem. I applaud the Rotti breeders who are aware of the problem and are careful with pup placement and emphatic on the need for training. . . . and careful not to allow their boys to be used by irresponsible BYBs. I hope they can uphold their breed's reputation well enough to avoid BSL. But it will take work.

    On the other hand, I had a Rotti break control from its owner, cross the street, and attack my dog (female Labrador) and impart some bad punctures. This happened in Germany, the dog was a slim but muscular farm dog and the woman walking it was a bit frail (weight ratios can be pretty meaningless). I think the public should be protected against such dogs, and understand why some politicians use breed as a handle for legislation. The best answer is not to give them the excuse.

    Denying the problem because your Rotti is a sook -- and most of them are -- is not going to make the problem go away.

    As for Staffies . . . if you look at the stats, it looks like they are en route to replacing Labradors as the most common pedigree dog in Australia. I seriously doubt that they are in great danger. There are some serious ratbags in the SBT population, and everyone knows this; but I think the average Ozzie is more amused than intimidated by staffies, and I'd say they're pretty well protected from BSL. I would guess that quite a few SBT owners favor BSL because there are so many ugly rumors around of dog fighters stealing staffies and ring bait and they think taking the APBT out of the equation will make it safer for their dogs.

    German Shepherd's and Dobermann's are other breeds previously high on the hit list of dangerous dogs like the Rotti is now, but careful breeding practices with the German Shepherd in time has produced a much softer more socially acceptable safer dog than the original breed temperament. However, German Shepherd's with working dog bloodlines generally indentified with extremely dark/black facial characteristics are far different in hardness and aggression/defence drives than the average GSD pet. In other words, the German Shepherd's that most people are familiar with the behavior in the average pet today, are not the bloodlines used for police work and security/guarding purposes, which are an entirely different dog.

    High drive working line GSD's which are protective, aggressive and dangerous in the wrong hands, are generally expensive and difficult for the average person to purchase and are not common place in the community which due to responsible breeding practices of the German Shepherd producing softer pet dogs, has cleaverly removed much of the spotlight away from the breed as being dangerous as they used to be. Perhaps the breeders of Rotti's need more attention in this area as happened with the GSD.

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